Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "mpich2".
2014 Oct 29
Upgrade to CentOS6.6: mpich dep error
...39;s what it says:
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kernel.x86_64 0:2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.centos.plus will be erased
---> Package kernel-devel.x86_64 0:2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.centos.plus will be erased
---> Package mpich2.x86_64 0:1.2.1-2.3.el6 will be obsoleted
--> Processing Dependency: libmpich.so.1.2()(64bit) for package: hdf5-mpich2-1.8.5.patch1-7.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libmpichf90.so.1.2()(64bit) for package: hdf5-mpich2-1.8.5.patch1-7.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: mpich2 for pa...
2012 Nov 21
installing Rmpi on centos 6 with mpich
Hello everyone
im trying to install Rmpi library on centos 6. I have already installed
mpich2 1.4
[root@localhost ~]# R --version
> R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows"
> Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
[root@localhost ~]# mpich2version
> MPICH2 Ver...
2005 Dec 20
Install Rmpi on Fedora with mpich2 installed.
Hi, everyone,
I want to install Rmpi on a cluster with Fedora linux. It already installed mpich2, but not lam-mpi. I installed R-2.2.0 on it already.
And I got error as below:
* Installing *source* package 'Rmpi' ...
Try to find mpi.h ...
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we...
2013 Sep 16
CEBA-2013:1187 CentOS 6 boost FASTTRACK Update
733adb4fe55eda57f4d1bee57c78b5705d3d5341c7fe729005c615cb626df2cb boost-filesystem-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
aee63071a28d0ecd5432bd041ca2711dc8e2185785eb47cebec69907212d9801 boost-graph-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
f115d575b4b0f0bb5e75aee5fa87feef975c59ee13e645bc3d1c05363da440eb boost-graph-mpich2-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
a2289f4ef3d7af0dd747fbfa8b34b4cd06854b4c3acf9349c8eb2098aeb3e792 boost-graph-openmpi-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
bf912b0ec04ce5b9a7a2c478d43163c812c69962aec063d5a6b31425dd2ecaa8 boost-iostreams-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
2009 Oct 30
Using Xen Virtualization Environment for Development and Testing of Supercomputing and High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster MPICH2 MPI-2 Applications
Dear All,
I have created a virtual high performance computing (HPC) cluster of 6
compute nodes with MPICH2 using Xen-based Fedora 11 Linux 64-bit
paravirtualized (PV) domU guests. Dom0 is Fedora 11 Linux 64-bit. My Intel
Desktop Board DQ45CB has a single onboard Gigabit LAN network adapter.
I am able to bring up the ring of mpd on the set of 6 compute nodes.
However, I am consistently encountering the...
2009 Oct 30
Using Xen Virtualization Environment for Development and Testing of Supercomputing and High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster MPICH2 MPI-2 Applications
Dear All,
I have created a virtual high performance computing (HPC) cluster of 6
compute nodes with MPICH2 using Xen-based Fedora 11 Linux 64-bit
paravirtualized (PV) domU guests. Dom0 is Fedora 11 Linux 64-bit. My Intel
Desktop Board DQ45CB has a single onboard Gigabit LAN network adapter.
I am able to bring up the ring of mpd on the set of 6 compute nodes.
However, I am consistently encountering the...
2013 Sep 16
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 103, Issue 9
733adb4fe55eda57f4d1bee57c78b5705d3d5341c7fe729005c615cb626df2cb boost-filesystem-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
aee63071a28d0ecd5432bd041ca2711dc8e2185785eb47cebec69907212d9801 boost-graph-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
f115d575b4b0f0bb5e75aee5fa87feef975c59ee13e645bc3d1c05363da440eb boost-graph-mpich2-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
a2289f4ef3d7af0dd747fbfa8b34b4cd06854b4c3acf9349c8eb2098aeb3e792 boost-graph-openmpi-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
bf912b0ec04ce5b9a7a2c478d43163c812c69962aec063d5a6b31425dd2ecaa8 boost-iostreams-1.41.0-18.el6.i686.rpm
2006 Dec 07
Exec as another user
I''m running puppetd as root and I''m trying to execute tar as the
"puppetd" user
59 define untar ( $source, $dest, $creates, $user = "puppetd" ) {
60 exec { "tar -xzf $source" :
61 cwd => $dest,
62 path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
63 user => $user,
64 creates => $creates,
2013 Mar 22
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 97, Issue 12
b920ba04e5ade12575ba655357a0d0b720347a594b991da83dbe331af3fc45ce boost-filesystem-1.41.0-15.el6_4.i686.rpm
52fb005e147b8056fb73433415ec6c81f00ca844615d0cf40f1134f312920334 boost-graph-1.41.0-15.el6_4.i686.rpm
9c849eef5a079e66a1793d2e0f4eabc499d883298a72055339aa32e989cdbf77 boost-graph-mpich2-1.41.0-15.el6_4.i686.rpm
a581db0b2a482490e6f97662d5f0f9aae349db7ca4e1c6a77e84bb18b1bf3289 boost-graph-openmpi-1.41.0-15.el6_4.i686.rpm
97ed66a4780a9d3a5dd79d8df3bde341f9affbf2eac25e568cf7b28e5e1c9e8b boost-iostreams-1.41.0-15.el6_4.i686.rpm
2007 Dec 20
Multicore computation in Windows network: How to set up Rmpi
...h two laptops.
I thought that the package snow would come handy in this situation, but
to use snow, I would probably need to install package Rmpi first. I
might also like to use Rmpi directly.
In order to use Rmpi in windows, I need to install MPI middle-ware, for
which I have found two options:
MPICH2: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/
DeinoMPI: http://mpi.deino.net/
First I tried MPICH2 1.06 + R-2.6.0 + Rmpi 0.5-5. (I downloaded windows
binaries of Rmpi from Rmpi website
With MPICH2 I managed to connect my computers so that I was able...
2013 Nov 06
MPICH2 Rmpi and doSNOW
I have managed to install MPICH2 and Rmpi on my Windows 7 machine. I can
also run the following code
> library(Rmpi)
> mpi.spawn.Rslaves()
4 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed.
master (rank 0, comm 1) of size 5 is running on: MyMaster
slave1 (rank 1, comm 1) of size 5 is running on: MyMaster
2013 Nov 06
MPICH2 Rmpi and doSNOW
I have managed to install MPICH2 and Rmpi on my Windows 7 machine. I can
also run the following code
> library(Rmpi)
> mpi.spawn.Rslaves()
4 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed.
master (rank 0, comm 1) of size 5 is running on: MyMaster
slave1 (rank 1, comm 1) of size 5 is running on: MyMaster
slave2 (rank 2,...
2011 Jun 22
Queries regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark
I have a query regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark.I
am running mdtest benhmark with following options :-
/home/meshram/mpich2-new/mpich2-1.4/mpich2-install/bin/mpirun -np 256
-hostfile ./hostfile ./mdtest -z 3 -b 10 -I 5 -v -d /tmp/l66
where ,
mdtest - is the standard benchmark to test metadata operations. [
https://computing.llnl.gov/?set=code&page=sio_downloads ]
/tmp/l66 is my Lustre mount.
I am using 1Gige Netwo...
2011 Jun 22
Queries regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark
I have a query regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark.I
am running mdtest benhmark with following options :-
/home/meshram/mpich2-new/mpich2-1.4/mpich2-install/bin/mpirun -np 256
-hostfile ./hostfile ./mdtest -z 3 -b 10 -I 5 -v -d /tmp/l66
where ,
mdtest - is the standard benchmark to test metadata operations. [
https://computing.llnl.gov/?set=code&page=sio_downloads ]
/tmp/l66 is my Lustre mount.
I am using 1Gige Netwo...
2013 Apr 03
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 98, Issue 1
700eef24e99b84d1fcd43101bc45e5aa2c7c2addce1c0eb399fd28e533c6c61e boost-filesystem-1.41.0-17.el6_4.i686.rpm
f2cc7bf10407da92c2f990ae939099b9abcdcca29816b176e8eca375a2c85fd5 boost-graph-1.41.0-17.el6_4.i686.rpm
b5ca862fdfdc3ac1c8da7e9cce4fc804796ead79db1d7e85463ee197321817c3 boost-graph-mpich2-1.41.0-17.el6_4.i686.rpm
658ed676f6feba3fe362d3f6808fc4ecc0e404647392c53b2fd92c946e6e63c9 boost-graph-openmpi-1.41.0-17.el6_4.i686.rpm
2e907650c17616a22be5524ac6aa771b6a4b308a6227928dc82574fa1cfa6eb3 boost-iostreams-1.41.0-17.el6_4.i686.rpm
2012 Apr 04
npRmpi trouble - mpi.comm.spawn causes segfault
...;). Of course, they are much quicker with "normal-reference".
To speed things up, I tried to use the "npRmpi" package. I had a lot of
trouble installing it - but after appealing to google and finding the
following page:
npRmpi was finally installed (basically I just added the flags "-lmpl
-lopa" to the definition of PKG_LIBS in the configure script, and in the
R CMD INSTALL call, I passed the configure.args as the correct paths to
my MPICH2 installation).
However, when I call the &q...
2007 May 25
trouble with snow and Rmpi
Dear R People:
I am having some trouble with the snow package.
It requires MPICH2 and Rmpi.
Rmpi is fine. However, I downloaded the MPICH2 package, and installed.
There is no mpicc, mpirun, etc.
Does anyone have any suggestions, please?
Thanks in advance!
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Do...
2009 Apr 26
Rmpi failing to install with all latest MPI packages and config arguments
On FC10 with openmpi and mpich2 installed, the command "R CMD INSTALL
Rmpi_0.5-7.tar.gz --configure-args=--with-mpi=/usr/lib64/openmpi" (or
/usr/lib64/mpich2) fails with the error ''cannot find mpi.h". Doing a
(s)locate indicates no header file labeled as such. Would appreciate
any trailheads.
2012 Jan 23
Rmpi loading error
...package 'Rmpi' does not have a NAMESPACE and should be re-installed
I have attempted to re-install Rmpi several times without success (both Rmpi
0.5-9 and 0.6-0 from local ZIP files). As suggested on the developer
website for Rmpi (http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/yu/Rmpi/) I am using
MPICH2 as my MPI implementation and I have followed the 'Rmpi for Windows'
installation instructions detailed there, and MPICH2 appears to be running
Does anyone have an insight into the nature/cause of the namespace issue and
how I can resolve it? I will be most grateful!
2011 May 27
Help with Rmpi install
error: shared object '/auto/usc/R/2.13.0/lib64/R/library/Rmpi/libs/Rmpi.so' was not loaded
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed
* removing ?/auto/usc/R/2.13.0/lib64/R/library/Rmpi?
I've tried google, but didn't get very far. The only information I found was relative to mpich2... Is it that I need to move towards mpich2? All of the testing done by my predecessor indicated that mpich2 was much slower then mpich1, so we never put much time into installing it.
If I knew more about R, I might know how to keep that Rmpi.so file around so that I could see if it is linked to a...