search for: model's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 44974 matches for "model's".

2020 Sep 14
Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Testing ovirt 4.4.1 Nested KVM on Skylake-client (core i5) does not work
...didyah Bar David <> wrote: > > On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 12:28 AM wodel youchi <> wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > Thanks for the help, I think I found the solution using this link : > > > > When executing : virsh dumpxml on my ovirt hypervisor I saw that the mpx flag was disabled, so I edited the XML file of the hypervisor VM and I did this : add the already enabled features and enable mpx with them. I stopped/started my hye...
2006 Mar 31
Model and Controller relationship
My question is about where certain kinds of logic sit in the Model and Controller objects or more specifically the relationship between Model and Controllers. Does an Model class contain a Controller class, the otherway round, or are they two seperate classes that talk? 1. Should the Models be treated as the primary objects within a program and the matching...
2007 Nov 07
Trouble in creating a list
I want to create a list based on the information from a data.frame, Model. So I tried the following: MyList <- list(colnames(Model)[2] = levels(Model$(colnames(Model)[2]))) but it failed with an error: Error: unexpected '=' in "list(colnames(Model)[2] =" I have the following problems with this command line: (1) I wanted to use colnames(Model)[2]...
2012 Jul 06
How to compute hazard function using coxph.object
My question is, how to compute hazard function(H(t)) after building the coxph model. I even aware of the terminology that differs from hazard function(H(t)) and the hazard rate(h(t)). Here onward I wish to calculate both. Here what I have done in two different methods; ########################################################################################## ##################...
2015 Aug 05
Fwd: How to use CostModel?
Sorry if double posted... might have sent this to old mailing list address... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Stephen Thomas <stephen.warner.thomas at> Date: Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 10:39 AM Subject: How to use CostModel? To: LLVM Dev <llvmdev at> Hi, I'm trying to use the built-in CostModel class to estimate the number of machine instructions for each IR Instruction. To get a feel for what kind of output the CostModel pass gives, I ran it on the command line like so: $ cat test.c int main...
2013 Aug 28
named lmer.models in,models)
Hi, For some reason on anova fails if the models are named lmer objects. Consider the following example: library(lme4) models <- list( lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1| Subject), sleepstudy), lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)) # # models is an unnamed list, works (although with warning):, models) # #...
2010 Apr 13
Generating model formulas for all k-way terms
For the vcdExtra package, I'm exploring methods to generate and fit collections of glm models, and handling lists of such model objects, of class "glmlist". The simplest example is fitting all k-way models, from k=0 (null model) to the model with the highest-order interaction. I'm having trouble writing a function, Kway (below) to do what is done in the example below &...
2013 Aug 17
model.frame(), model.matrix(), and derived predictor variables
Dear r-developers: I am struggling with some fundamental aspects of model.frame(). Conceptually, I think of a flow from data -> model.frame() -> model.matrix; the data contain _input variables_, while model.matrix contains _predictor variables_: data have been transformed, splines and polynomials have been expanded into their corresponding multi-dimensional base...
2008 Apr 26
Calling a stored model within the predict() function
Hi all, First of all, I'm a novice R user (less that a week), so perhaps my code isn't very efficient. Using the MBoost package I created a model using the following command and saved it to a file for later use: model <- gamboost(fpfm,data=SampleClusterData,baselearner="bbs") # Creating a model save(model,file="model.RData") # Saving a model After this, during a new R session, I want to deploy this model: setwd(&qu...
2010 Sep 14
Model averaging with (and without) interaction terms
I?ve used logistic regression to create models to assess the effect of 3 variables on the presence or absence of a species, including the interaction terms between variables and model averaging using MuMI: model.avg The top models (delta<4) include several models with interaction terms and some models without; model weights are quite low f...
2013 Mar 18
How many samples ACTUALLY used in regression?
Dear All, is there a simple way that covers all regression models to extract the number of samples from a data frame/matrix actually used in a regression model? For instance I might have a data of 100 rows and 4 colums (1 response + 3 explanatory variables). If 3 samples have one or more NAs in the explanatory variable columns these samples will be dropped in...
2007 May 22
Please, remind a function name
Sorry, I'm stuck. :) I am writing a function, which would fit either one linear model or another one, depending on its argument model.type. And I don't want to use several if's, because R allows doing it with much more beauty. That is I am looking for prettier alternative to the following AB2C<-function(a,b,model.type="S") { # or HK, and return NULL if this ar...
2016 Oct 03
suggested addition to model.matrix
Hello, All: What's the simplest way to convert a data.frame into a model.matrix? One way is given by the following example, modified from the examples in help(model.matrix): dd <- data.frame(a = gl(3,4), b = gl(4,1,12)) ab <- model.matrix(~ a + b, dd) ab0 <- model.matrix(~., dd) all.equal(ab, ab0) What do you think about replacing "mod...
2003 Oct 23
OOP like handling of lists?
Hello, I am writing a package with a collection of several models. In order to allow users to play interactively with the models (in contrast to hacking lengthy scripts), I want to put all what is needed to run a particular model into a single list object for each model. Then there will be a collection of functions to run the model or to modify parameters,...
2002 Nov 02
problem with expand.model.frame
Dear R list members, I'm encountering a problem with expand.model.frame(): Suppose that I define the following simple function (meant just to illustrate the problem): > fun <- function(model){ + expand.model.frame(model, all.vars(formula(model))) + } > and I have the following model, created with an explicit data argument:...
2007 Dec 12
lm/model.matrix confusion (? bug)
Dear List-members, Hopefully someone will help through my confusion: In order to get the same coefficients as we get from the following ## require (MASS) summary ( lm(Gas ~ Insul/Temp - 1, data = whiteside) ) ...................... we need to do the following (if we use model.matrix to specify the model) ## summary ( lm(Gas ~ model.matrix(~ Insul/Temp - 1) - 1, data = whiteside) ) ...................... That is, we need to take out "two intercepts." Is this "correct"? Shouldn't lm check to see if an intercept has been requested as part of th...
2010 May 17
Query on linear mixed model
...for some analysis with longitudanal data.. I am presenting my R script below that I have tried to make to automate data analysis for longitudanal data by employing functions from library(nlme) and library(multcomp).. I would be thankful for receiving inputs on this script and let me know if I have modeled the lme formula correctly.. If the formula i have used is not the correct one i would appreciate receiving inputs on what is the correct formula for lme that I should use given the context of this example study shown in the data.. Just to give an introduction.. the data is about studying efficac...
2011 Sep 22
comparing mixed binomial model against the same model without random effect
Hi everybody, If I am correct, you can compare a model with random effect with the same model without the random effect by using the nlme function, like this: no.random.model <- gls(Richness ~ NAP * fExp, method = "REML", data = RIKZ) random.model <- lme(Richness ~NAP * fExp, data = RIKZ, random = ~1 | fBeach, m...
2012 Jan 17
MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
The subject says it all really. Question 1. Here is some code created to illustrate my problem, can anyone spot where I'm going wrong? Question 2. The reason I'm following a manual specification of models relates to the fact that in reality I am using mgcv::gam, and I'm not aware that dredge is able to separate individual smooth terms out of say s(a,b). Hence an additional request, if anyone has example code for using gam in a multimodel inference framework, especially with bivariate smooths, I...
2010 Aug 04
Question regarding significance of a covariate in a coxme survival model
Hi, I am running a Cox Mixed Effects Hazard model using the library coxme. I am trying to model time to onset (age_sym1) of thought problems (e.g. hearing voices) (sym1). As I have siblings in my dataset, I have decided to account for this by including a random effect for family (famid). My covariate of interest is Mother's diagnosis whe...