Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "mirna".
Did you mean:
2011 Oct 10
Superposing mean line to xyplot
...me for my inexperience. I'm facing quite a simple
problem but I'm having troubles on how to solve it, I've read tons of
old mails in the archives and looked at some slides from?Deepayan
Sarkar but still can not get the point.
This is the context. I've got data on 9 microRNAs, each miRNA has been
measured on three different arrays and on each array I have 4
replicates for each miRNA, which sums up to a total of 108
measurements. I've the suspect that measurement on the first array are
systematically lower than the others so I wanted to draw some line
plot where each panel corre...
2010 Jun 10
selecting and excluding files through a pattern
I have the following files list:
> list.files()
[1] "Prostate-Cancer_cvs_Dir"
[2] "Prostate_Cancer-miRNAs&Genes.Pathway.xml"
[3] "Prostate_Cancer_Pathways-miRNAs-GeneTargets-Dir"
[4] "Prostate_Cancer_Pathways-miRNAs-GeneTargets-Dir.zip"
[5] "Prostate-miRNAs.OrganTargets.txt"
[6] "Prostate_Organ-miRNAs-GenesTargets-Dir&qu...
2009 Apr 28
problems understanding error term in aov()
Hi all,
I'm having some trouble in understanding how to ste the Error() term in
the aov() function when fitting a hierarchical ANOVA.
I have data concerning the expression of 2 miRNAs in 3 different cell
lines, with 2 different extraction methods. The data is organized as
follows :
Line Extraction Target Expression
1 BC54 miRNA RNU48 22.48
2 BC54 miRNA RNU48 22.36
3 BC54 miRNA 221 26.49
4 BC54 miRNA 221 26.42
5 B...
2011 Jun 27
create a new data frame after comparing two columns of the previous data frame
Hi everyone,
I am trying to find a way to filter a table; If I am given for example the
following table:
> head(intra)
chr miRNA start end strand ACC hsa_ID
region region_start region_end gene_id transcrip_id
1 chr1 miRNA 1102484 1102578 + ACC="MI0000342"; ID="hsa-mir-200b";
exon 1102484 1102578 NR_029639 NR_029639
2 chr1 miRNA 1103243 1103332 + ACC=&q...
2018 Mar 21
Package 'pd.mirna.1.0.2xgain' was not found in the BioConductor repository
Hi all!
While I am trying to read .cel files with oligo package:
I get an error:
Package 'pd.mirna.1.0.2xgain' was not found in the BioConductor repository
How can I overcome this?
Thank you in advance
2011 May 31
correlatation matrix
Hi there,
I wonder if there is a way of efficiently generating a correlation matrix of two expression matrices. I want to correlate miRNA and mRNA expression and used the following code:
##dat.mi miRNA expression matrix, dat.m mRNA expression matrix
nc <- nrow(dat.mi)
cor.mat <- data.frame(rep(NA,nrow(dat.m)))
pval.mat <- data.frame(rep(NA,nrow(dat.m)))
for(i in 1:nc)
cr <- vector()
pv <- vector()
2011 Jul 28
filterMicroRna function: Sample replicates in preprocessing Agilent miRNA dataset
I have a question about filterMicroRna in AgiMicroRna package function for filtering probes in Agilent microRNA dataset.
>ddPROC = filterMicroRna(ddNORM.micro, dd, control = TRUE, IsGeneDetected = TRUE, wellaboveNEG = FALSE, limIsGeneDetected = 75, limNEG = 25, makePLOT = TRUE, target.micro, verbose = TRUE)
If in a dataset there are two or more sample replicates and in the step of
2009 Jun 16
R and miRecords
I wonder whether R provides an interface to access miRecords data.
Particularly, I am looking for extracting humans miRNA and target genes sequences.
All such information is stored in there in a set of structured web site pages (http://mirecords.umn.edu/miRecords)
I would greatly appreciate any suggestion even about other data bases from where it is possible to get the same sort of data.
I had a look at the database...
2009 Jun 23
question about package biomaRt
Can biomaRt connect to data base "http://mirecords.umn.edu" or a branch of it ... for instance the validated miRNAs list ..?
Thank you very much.
tutti i telefonini TIM!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Feb 02
finding files whose name does NOT contain a given character
Unluckily I dela with miRNA files whose name may contain the character "*".
Because of the special meaning of "*" I have to remove it.
I found out how to make list.files() extract only those file names which contain a "*"
# list.files(pattern="\\*")
Now I have to process all f...
2010 May 25
how can I read a non-standard XLS file
..., I cannot open it with OpenOffife spreadsheet program and Excel itself
cannot separate the columns as it does when a true XLS file is loaded.
I tried to read the attached downloaded file through R function "read.xls"
and got the following message
> read.xls("Prostatic_Neoplasm-miRNAs.Disease-GenesTargets.xls")
Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, :
Unable to read translated csv file '/tmp/RtmpPIe3vo/file15d9580e.csv'.
Error in file.exists(tfn) : invalid 'file' argument
I have tried reading the file through "read.t...
2012 Jun 30
Scheduled_task + ad user
When a want to use scheduled_task for create a windows task and when i
give a AD user, i have this message :
err: /Stage[main]/Mirnas/Scheduled_task[test]/ensure: change from absent
to present failed: Invalid user: DOMAIN\oper
My user domain and the password are correct.
I have the same error if i change DOMAIN\oper by oper@domain.com
or DOMAIN/oper
With a local user, is working, but i need a AD user for my batch to work.
2009 Sep 29
How can I avoid a for-loop through sapply or lapply ?
Through converting a miRNAs file from FASTA to character format I get a vector which looks like the following:
> nml
[1] "hsa-let-7a MIMAT0000062 Homo sapiens let-7a"
[2] "hsa-let-7b MIMAT0000063 Homo sapiens let-7b"
[3] "hsa-let-7c MIMAT0000064 Homo sapiens let-7c&...
2006 Nov 06
about R install
Dear Sir:
> I am a chinese researcher who interested in miRNA, and I want to use
R to analysis my data.I have download R-2.4.0-win32.exe and install it
smoothly on my
> computer,but when I want to use this software, error occurs,it shows" R
> windows GUI front-end meet some problems" and the interface closese
> automatically, I...
2009 Jul 16
how to use writeFASTA in modality "append"
It looks like Biostrings function "writeFASTA" overwrites the output file at each run.
It seems it does not support the "append" parameter.
I have to generate one big file gathering a miRNA identifier and relative sequence followd by a variable number of dara records pertaining such a miRNA target genes transcription.
Each record is made up of a 3'utr identifier <hgnc_id>.<ensembl_id>.<transript_id>
followed by the relative 3'UTR sequence.
I hoped I cou...
2009 Jul 17
How to prpare the input data to writeFASTA ? Examples of CharacterToFASTArecords ...
...For CharacterToFASTArecords, the (possibly named) character vector to be converted to a list of FASTA records as one returned by readFASTA"
Since I have description and sequnce in separate variables ... I do not know how to use it.
zz <- file (filname,"w")
write(miRNA.rec, zz, append = FALSE)
write(miRNA.seq,zz, append = TRUE)
geneDesc <- paste (">",gene.id, "|", gene.map[i,"ensembl_transcript_id"], sep="")
geneSeq <- gene.seq[i,"3utr"]
gene.string <- list(desc...
2010 Feb 25
taking the median across similar data
Dear All,
I am analyzing the miRNA data set in which I have 817 unique probes for each
they have 20 features each . I have to group the similar features and take
the median across them so that I have a data with no repeats to perform
invariant analysis .
My data looks something similar format
probename sample1 sample2 sample3
2010 May 25
Follow-up: how can I read a non-standard XLS file
...on) or the 2
files compressed in a
zip archive.
Thank you so much,
Benvenuto in Alice Giga Mail!
mauede@alice.it tramite il servizio Giga Mail ha messo a tua
disposizione i seguenti allegati:
* Prostatic_Neoplasm-miRNAs.DiseaseTargets.xls ( 22773 bytes )
* Prostate-miRNAs.OrganTargets.xls ( 49711 bytes )
per scaricarli, fai click sul seguente link che ti portera' su una
pagina dove troverai i comandi per visualizzare o scaricare gli allegati
sul tuo PC:
2008 Oct 14
A question about Heatmap for data with just 2 columns
Hi, I have a question about heatmap. I have a data with row as microRNA and
two columns are two cell expression values for these microRNA. So, like:
cell1 cell2
miRNA1 1.5 3.4
miRNA2 1.3 2.4
miRNA50 5 2.1
miRNA51 7.3 0.5
I want to see some miRNA are high in cell1 and low in cell2 but others are
low in cell1 and high in cell2. I use heatmap.2(dataset, col=redgreen(50),
But I can only see t...
2010 Dec 17
help with function
? ? listMetric <- as.data.frame(sapply(listMetric,sum)) #returns a dataframe
? ? colnames(listMetric) <- c('cumulMetric')
? ? #return whole list
? ? return(listMetric)
deMirPresGenes looks like this:
Gene.ID? ? Gene.Symbol? ? Species.ID? ? miRNA? ? Site.type? ? UTR_start? ? UTR_end? ? X3pairing_contr? ? local_AU_contr? ? position_contr? ? context_score? ? context_percentile
22848? ? AAK1? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-183? ? 2? ? 1546? ? 1552? ? -0.026? ? -0.047? ? 0.099? ? -0.135? ? 47
19? ? ABCA1? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-183? ? 2? ? 1366? ? 1372? ? -0.011...