Displaying 20 results from an estimated 206 matches for "meth".
Did you mean:
2008 Jun 05
how to add a method without coding it directly into app?
i''m missing something here.
how would I code this outside the application to be shared with other
Camping apps?
module Blog::Controllers
module AuthenticationHelper
def self.included(base)
class << base
define_method :authenticate do |*a|
a.each do |...
2009 Nov 17
Lattice plot
I was trying to get a graph in lattice with the following data frame (7 rows, 5 cols):
chr start1 end1 meth positive
1 1 10 20 1.5 y
2 2 12 18 -0.7 n
3 3 22 34 2.0 y
4 1 35 70 3.0 y
5 1 120 140 -1.3 n
6 1 180 190 0.2 y
7 2 220 300 0.4 y
I wanted the panels to be organized by 'chr' - which is ok...
2007 Jan 02
How to extract the variance componets from lme
Here is a piece of code fitting a model to a (part) of a dataset, just
illustration. I can extract the random interaction and the residual
in group meth==1 using VarCorr, but how do I get the other residual
Is there any way to get the other variances in numerical form directly -
seems a litte contraintuitive to use "as.numeric" when extracting
estimates, it's
a bit like good old days writing SAS-programs that reads the...
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
Interrogating some (of my own) code in another package.
>norm.meth <- getMethod("normalize", "MatrixLike")
>message("show(norm.meth at .Data)")
>show(norm.meth at .Data)
Last show() displays this:
function (object, ...)
.local <- function (object, method...
2023 Feb 23
Compilation Error when DEBUG_approx Toggled on in RISC-V
codes, I think I have found a small bug. Can anyone please verify whether
it is a real bug?
The possible bug lies in the file `R-4.2.2/src/library/stats/src/approx.c`
in function `R_approxfun` around line 148:
#ifdef DEBUG_approx
REprintf("R_approxfun(x,y, nxy = %.0f, .., nout = %.0f, method = %d,
(double)nxy, (double)nout, Meth->kind);
However, there is no `Meth` defined in this function, causing a compilation
error when `DEBUG_approx` is toggled on. The real `Meth` is actually
defined in the `approx1` function, and the Meth seen here is probably a
2013 Aug 21
Bug in dovecot 2.2.5: segfault due to bad alignment
Take a look at the sources, hmac.h declares struct hmac_context:
struct hmac_context {
const struct hash_method *hash;
If compiled for a 32 bit virtual address space, this has an alignment
requirement of 4 due to the hash pointer.
In line 171 of auth-token.c, we have following declaration of ctx
as a local variable in auth_token_get():
struct hmac_context ctx;
This is put on an address with an...
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
I'm attempting to reflect the information for use with corresponding
fields in GUI (in a different package), to provide default values,
argname as key for UI label lookups, etc.
So I want something much more like the formals of the implementation:
"method": c("median", "vs", "tukey"),
"calc.medians": TRUE,
"sweep.cols": calc.medians,
2011 Apr 08
Package mice: Error in if (meth[j] != "") { : argument is of length zero
Dear R users,
I am using package mice and I am getting the error "
Error in if (meth[j] != "") { : argument is of length zero." I have tried using several different versions of R (even the one that will be coming out this month) to no avail. I am using RStudio as my interface with R. Also note that I had run this a couple of days ago and it was working fine; I can...
2010 Sep 20
Please help with this error - new to
I am getting the following error in my script. I am very very new to R and
have obtained this script from another person.
#read file in (dummy data)
starburst.plot<-function(affy.fold, affy.FDR)(ifelse( ((affy.fold) >=0),
-1*log10(affy.FDR), 1*log10(affy.FDR)))
starburst.plot<-function(meth.fold, meth.FDR)(ifelse( ((meth.fold) >=0),
-1*log10(meth.FDR), 1*log10(affy.FDR)))
At my next command, I get the following error:
> g.ex.affy <- starburst.plot(data(,"affy.FOLD"), data(,"affy.FDR"))
Error in log(c("", "affy.FDR"), 10) :
2017 Nov 16
[PATCH] [libshout] tls: compile with OpenSSL 1.1.0
The init functions are not longer required in OpenSSL 1.1 so I dropped
TLSv1_client_method() should not be used because it enables only the
TLSv1.0 protocol. Better is to use SSLv23_client_method() which enable
all the protocols including TLSv1.2. With this functions SSLv2 and SSLv3
is theoretically possible but as of today those protocols are usually
build-time disabled.
To avoid all...
2001 Nov 20
Formulating anova for partially nested model
I'm trying to analyse data from an incomplete design with four factor :
- fr : number of the batch
- op : ID of operator
- meth : method used
- mat : nature of the material used
and one variable
- mv : mesure
- trmv : transformed mesure
`data.frame': 120 obs. of 6 variables:
$ fr : Factor w/ 30 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
$ op : Facto...
2006 Sep 23
Connection to backgroundrb is lost when exiting action method
I have a very annoying problem, and was wondering what is wrong.
Suppose I have backgroundrb running, and then I have an action in some
controller. In the action I define a worker. When leaving the action,
suddenly the connection to backgroundrb is lost:
DRb URI: druby://localhost:22222
Pid: 3976
druby://localhost:42531 - #<Errno::EBADF: Bad file descriptor -
2012 Sep 04
[PATCH] Generalize HMAC implementation
Hello everyone and Timo in particular,
about a year ago I implemented a SHA-1 variant of the HMAC(-MD5) present
in Dovecot.
I had always disliked this a bit, because it replicates a lot of code.
This patch generalizes the HMAC function to take a hash_method struct as
parameter, and changes existing code which uses the "old" HMAC function
to use this new one.
I'm not really sure this is actually a good idea, but I still felt I
should provide the code in case you would want to merge it upstream.
Attached is the patch as a hg export bas...
2007 Jul 12
[1110] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/App.i: Remove director method from App#filter_event to fix meth routing error on Linux
...atch ins {background:#dfd;text-decoration:none;display:block;padding:0 10px;}
#patch del {background:#fdd;text-decoration:none;display:block;padding:0 10px;}
#patch .lines, .info {color:#888;background:#fff;}
<title>[1110] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/App.i: Remove director method from App#filter_event to fix meth routing error on Linux</title>
<div id="msg">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>1110</dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>brokentoy</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2007-...
2006 Feb 01
Custom view helpers
Hi all,
I would like to write some custom helpers like the ones available as
form helpers text_field, text_area and the like. My first try was this:
custom_helper(obj, meth)
''some_string'' + obj.send(meth) + ''some_other_string''
Object and method are being passed as symbols like this:
custom_helper(:person, :name)
and Ruby rightfully complains that the symbol person does not have a
method named name. Second try was this. @...
2006 Sep 11
ruby method names
Attached is a patch that adds aliases to the API for methods that look
like attribute accessors. So
a_frame.set_title(''The title'') # currently
a_frame.title = ''The title'' # now an alternative
textctrl.get_value # currently
textctrl.value # now an alternative
Also, C++ methods named ''IsXXX...
2006 Aug 03
Rails - forms
My question is can I create a style named "text_field", it didn''t seem
to work for me.
In other words what would be the best way to style the input boxes. I
guess it seems at this point text_field is a proprietary to rails ?
Or can I do something like this: ?
<label for="name">Name</label>
<input id="name" name="name"><br>
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
Would you please clarify your exact use case?
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Roebuck,Paul L <PLRoebuck at mdanderson.org>
> Interrogating some (of my own) code in another package.
> >norm.meth <- getMethod("normalize", "MatrixLike")
> >message("str(norm.meth)")
> >str(norm.meth)
> >message("show(norm.meth at .Data)")
> >show(norm.meth at .Data)
> Last show() displays this:
> function (object, ......
2004 May 13
Ruby-style attribute accessors
Hi (think this got lost in the post)
Bill Atkins wrote:
> Are there any plans to replace the setter/getter methods with Ruby
> attribute accessors?
> e.g. "tree.set_font font" becomes "tree.font = font"
I think I might prefer this style too. To see what this syntax looks
like, you can fake it in Ruby fairly easily. Try the following (not
extensively tested) just after you do &...
2015 Jan 29
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
At this point I would just due:
At some point we need to figure out what to do with this .local() confusion.
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Roebuck,Paul L <PLRoebuck at mdanderson.org>
> I'm attempting to reflect the information for use with corresponding
> fields in GUI (in a different p...