search for: mapsourc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "mapsourc".

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2009 Feb 08
Need assistance connecting Garmin GPS via USB in Mapsource
I am new to Linux, Ubuntu, WIne etc but despite all that I am operating in Ubuntu 8.10, with MapSource 6.13.6 installed via Wine 1.0.1. I know there is an issue in getting MapSource to recognize the GPS while connected via USB but I am unable to understand the steps provided to solve this issue. I've been advised to enter "sudo modprobe garmin_gps" in terminal and to check the re...
2008 May 31
Mapsource upload problem
I have successfully installed Garmin Mapsource using WINE 0.9.59, running on Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Everything appears to work OK until I try to upload selected maps to my GPS unit. At this point, Mapsource shows a list of detected devices; this appears showing two instances of the Garmin GPS unit name, plus 'removable drives' D, E and...
2007 Mar 19
Problems installing MapSource
Hello! I am trying to install a software called Mapsource with wine. I'm starting up with entering "wine /media/cdrom/Setup.exe" The installation seems to start but then stops and I can read the following in the terminal window " fixme:msiexec:main /regserver not implemented yet, ignoring fixme:msiexec:main /unregserver not implemented...
2007 Feb 25
Serial port not working anymore on Garmin Mapsource
I have Garmin Mapsource v8 working 100% with Wine and Linux kernel 2.6.16. Transfer from/to the GPS connected to a USB Serial converter on /dev/ttyUSB0 works 100% also. But then, I try with kernel 2.6.18 and 2.6.19 and Mapsource doesn't find the GPS. It's not a Linux issue as I can access the GPS with minicom. De...
2008 Apr 10
Garmin MapSource updater
I managed to install MapSource 6.12.4 from the CD using Wine 0.9.59 under Ubuntu 8.04. I could configure the unlock code, see maps, etc and connect to my Zumo 550 to download data OK. The problem is running the update package, MapSource 6.13.7. It executes until the opening screen ("Welcome to MapSource Web Update")...
2010 May 30
Recent version of Garmin Mapsource doesn't work
Garmin's Mapsource versions prior to 6.16.1 worked almost flawlessly. Now with version 6.16.1 which I upgraded, the main map window doesn't draw the map anymore, just a gray tile. You can still zoom in and zoom out, and even pass your mouse to see that its over some road, but you can't see the map. If yo...
2006 May 12
Re: Can Garmin's (MapSource) USB map-card reader be used in Wine?
Hello, I tried to install Mapsource 6 in Wine (20050211.2) on MDK LE2005 but it didn't install... The same with GIDroute which installed but didn't want to be launched. I will give it a try on MDV 2006 but I don't expect a miracle. And the pseudo map applications for Linux are not really what we can consider as useful a...
2007 Oct 09
Two versions of Wine ?
From a complete Wine newbie: I use Wine to run apps related with GPS receivers. I have upgraded from 0.9.33 which came with Mandriva 2007.1 Spring to 0.9.46 from WineHQ. Net result, the Garmin Mapsource app now loads and runs perfectly, which it did not do before. But GPSMapEdit, which worked before, no longer does. Question: is it possible to have to versions of Wine installed, and use one or the other depending on which app I need to run ? Cheers, Ron. -- You can...
2006 Mar 12
Mappery breakthrough : Garmin topo, vista, rino, under linux & CXO
As most of you know, I've been trying to make GPSs and topo maps usable under Fedora Core 4 linux, using CrossoverOfficePro (CXO) 5.0.1. I've belabored nine or ten specialized lists for six or eight weeks, parcelling out pieces of the problem wherever I hoped they might arouse interest and knowledge. I've gotten invaluable help and encouragement from all of them, on the lists
2009 May 16
How to find a summit??
I'm running Garmin MapSource and TopoUS2008 under Wine on Fedora 10 Linux. I want to find the highest point on the highway from my house to my in-laws', a couple hundred miles away. The routing function insists on straight lines some times, and follows roads other times -- regardless how I edit my preferences. How do...
2010 Oct 26
What would it take?
...ssly in wine. (besides a miracle.) 1. iTunes (with USB support for updating the iPhone) 2. Older games such as Klingon Academy, Starfleet Command 1, etc 3. IPX support, since that's how all these older games talked to each other. 4. Garmin WebUpdater, for updating GPS firmware 5. Garmin Mapsource I realize there is Linux equivalent software for some of this, it's just for one reason or another I end up having to revisit them. So I was just wonder what resources it would take... or how much money sunk into the project, or what? Just curious.
2009 Jan 02
Copy data from XP to same app under Wine??
...op and one dual-bootable PC hard drive with XPProSP2 installed. (Everything else is Fedora 10.) I do so purely for one class of apps, proprietary map software. Wine can now install and run at least one, and the most important, of the four suites of such apps that I have. (That one is Garmin MapSource, including Topo US 2008. XP <gnash> also runs Delorme, Maptech and The one thing Wine can't do yet, afaict, is get the software to talk to my GPSs. XP of course does; I just hate running it. The Garmin mapware is useful under Wine for many things; but it would be a lot...
2015 Jul 06
Mappery inquiry
Last time I tried, a few years back, Wine was not yet up to handling Garmin's proprietary topo map software. It would install, and sometimes even work, so long as I didn't try to connect a GPS to it. (The ones I have are all also Garmins -- old ones wanting a serial port.) I made a huge effort, for most of a year, with a lot of help from high-powered Alpha Plus Technoids on several
2011 Jun 14
Need script to create new waypoint
...example WP 4, (WP4: 153-120=33 versus WP3: 120-73=47) could be copied as being the new location. I hope I explained my query so that it makes sense to you. I realize I am asking a 'big' question and apologize for this - the software programs I have thorough knowledge of (ArcGIS, excel, Mapsource), are all unable to solve this problem. I would be very grateful for any advice or suggestions. Best wishes, Louise [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 19
Comport Serial Port Card (8 Ports)
It is some time that I using AirMail3 with wine. I have the latest version of Wine but after I configure the Ports from ttyR0 to ttyR7 and running AirMail3 this application is not able to comunicate using the equivalent COM1 .... COM4 ports. I'm not sure if Wine is converting correctly ttyR0 to COM1 and so forth. The result is that for the Hurricane season I can NOT use E-Mail under
2001 Feb 26
For language 'english' several language ids were found:????????
Hi , I am new to Linux and to wine. Under Suse 7.1 I tried to use wine for the first time. I tried to install the Benelux map ("Garmin mapsource"). First error: For language 'english' several language ids were found: en_US - 0409; en_GB - 0809; en_AU - 0C09; en_CA - 1009; en_NZ - 1409; en_IE - 1809; en_ZA - 1C09; en_JM - 2009; en_ - 2409; en_BZ - 2809; en_TT - 2C09; Instead of using first in the list, suggest to define your...
2008 Sep 21
How to make Garmin see Garmin?
I have Garmin's topo map software for the USA, 2008 version, and also a very old MapSource MetroGuide (ca. 1998) installed under wine. All is well -- except the biggest thing. Neither program can detect the etrex vista nor the rino 120, using Garmin's cables. The topo couldn't before I added the road maps,so that's not the trouble. Both, on the other (<shudder>...
2006 Mar 09
VDQ : Have I made a wine's nest?
...fice Pro 5.0.1 (CXO) using Fedora Core 4, trying to get a couple of suites of proprietary map software to communicate with a GPS -- most recently on grc.techtalk.linux from, since that's where the interest seems to be at the present stage. I've made it as far as getting Garmin MapSource Topo 3.0 and Maptech Terrain Navigator 4.02 to do all their things EXCEPT interface with my GPS -- and that's a sine qua non, since I use the whole combination for hunting and hiking. Yesterday, I think it was, I discovered to my consternation that I had no .wine, anywhere, on the machine I...
2014 Jan 03
Wine release 1.7.10 for details. Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed in 1.7.10 (total 48): 3542 Dungeon Keeper Gold not starting 4633 Garmin MapSource 6.x crashes during attempt to communicate with GPS device 6833 AIM Pro fails to load 'apExtCmp.dll' (MSVCRT_ungetc write operation on read-only section/mapping) 8549 lsTasks tool fails due to ITaskScheduler::SetTargetComputer stub 10911 Jumpstart Mystery Club download manager do...
2014 Jan 17
Wine release 1.7.11
...ion for the complete list. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed in 1.7.11 (total 46): 12118 F1 button in WinAMP Milkdrop visualization shows garbage instead of the help info 13489 Frets on fire doesn't start(python issue) [dogfood] 15270 Garmin MapSource doesn't run anymore after upgrading to the latest version (6.14.1) 16034 Bombzone won't start 22544 POI Loader 2.5.x and 2.7.x fail to run 22636 Guitar Pro 5.2 demo file browser treeview has extraneous ":" item 23005 WinWULFF (VB6 app) fails on startup, reporting &quo...