Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "levant".
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2003 Sep 19
GSM player or plugin for XMMS
I can't find a gsm plugin for XMMS.
How do Unix, Linux, BSD users listen to gsm samples ?
While you don't greatly need the outside world, it's still very
reassuring to know that it's still there.
2007 Jul 10
Question 2 Providers
...2 enlaces de internet, en un router linux, necesito saber como se
puede hacer que si se cae un enlace, automaticamente con ip route configure
el Gateway y la ip del otro enlace para que los usuarios salgan a internet.
En si es hacer una contingencia de los dos proveedores cosa que si cae un
enlace levante el otro y que despues cuando suba el enlace caido vuelva a
como lo debo hacer?
Google Traductor
I am new in this and please I need its aid…. I have 2 I connect of
Internet, in router linux, need to know like is possible to be done that if
a connection falls, automatically with IP...
2009 Jun 26
changing default arguments of a function and return the modified function as a result
...1 Dudley Road, New Brusnkwick,
New Jersey 08901, USA
email: mbernal at marine.rutgers.edu
phone: +1 732 932 3692
Fax: +1 732 932 8578
Permanent address:
Instituto Espa?ol de Oceanograf?a
Centro Oceanogr?fico de C?diz
Puerto Pesquero, Muelle de Levante, s/n
Apdo. 2609, 11006 C?diz, Spain
email: miguel.bernal at cd.ieo.es
phone: +34 956 294189
Fax: +34 956 294232
2007 Aug 20
Common routines for custom functions
I want to share some common subroutines between my custom functions.
Given the way Puppet loads the .rb files in
$plugindest/puppet/parser/functions, does anyone know how should I lay
this out?
I tried creating a
module myutilities
def self.blah()
(NOT within the newfunction() call) in one of the (top-level) functions''
.rb file.
However, calling
2013 Aug 06
Once I make up my mind I'm full of indecision.Levant(C) http://studiafasadov.ru/gatherit.php Le titre le plus respectable de la noblesse francaise c-est de descendre immediatement de quelques-uns de ces trente mille hommes casques cuirasses brassardes cuissardes qui sur de grands chevaux bardes de fer foulaient aux pieds huit ou neuf millions d-homme...
2007 Apr 28
pelementserver/XML-RPC interface question
One particular use of Puppet would be to serve as a machine fact/configuration
retrieval tool. So in order to produce a list of packages with version-release
info installed on each machine something along the lines of the following code
could be run:
require ''puppet''
Puppet::Type.type(:package).defaultprovider.list.each do |package|
2007 Dec 31
Builtin Nagios types
...my Naginator[1] library.
Can anyone think of anything I should specifically do better or
1 - http://reductivelabs.com/trac/naginator
The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that
the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too. -- Oscar Levant
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com
2006 Dec 14
Puppet and Cfengine Differences
I''ve recently begun looking at Puppet as an alternative to Cfengine and I
have a couple of questions.
1) Besides the information posted on the Puppet website, are there any
critical differences between Puppet and Cfengine?
2) Does Puppet allow for client-specific file text manipulation. For
instance, in Cfengine I can add a line of text to a file if the line doesn''t
2007 Feb 08
Mass "require"s
Hi there,
I want to manage some files with puppet that control the installation of
packages in Gentoo (/etc/make.conf, /etc/portage/*). These files must be
downloaded to the client before any package resource is processed, so they
are installed correctly. Is there any way to do this? Possible solutions:
1. Include in *every* package require => [ list of files ] inside a case
statement, so
2007 Nov 21
purging exported resources
So I have the following:
define nagios::service (
$nagios_template = ''service-template'',
$host_name = $fqdn,
$service_groups = '''',
$contact_groups = $default_contact_group,
$max_check_attempts = 3,
$dependency = false,
$dependent_host = $fqdn,
$dependent_service = '''',
$check_command = ''''
) {