Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2415 matches for "lagging".
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2005 Mar 05
How to use "lag"?
Is it possible to fit a lagged regression, "y[t]=b0+b1*x[t-1]+e",
using the function "lag"? If so, how? If not, of what use is the
function "lag"? I get the same answer from y~x as y~lag(x), whether
using lm or arima. I found it using y~c(NA, x[-length(x)])). Consider
the following:
> set.seed(1)
> x <- rep(c(rep(0, 4), 9), len=9)
> y <-
2008 May 02
Extract lags from a formula
Hi folks!
How do I extract lags from a formula? An example:
> mod.eq
x ~ lag(x, -1) + lag(x, -2)
> mod.eq[1]
> mod.eq[2]
> mod.eq[3]
lag(x, -1) + lag(x, -2)()
I'm trying to extract the lags into a vector that would be simply [1,2].
How do I do this? I'm using the dyn package to do dynamic
2010 Jan 02
help with for loop
Dear useRs,
I want to write a function that generates all the possible combinations of diff().
If my vector has length 5, I need the diff() until lag=4 ->
c(diff(my.vec), diff(my.vec, lag=2), diff(my.vec, lag=3), diff(my.vec, lag=4))
If it has length 4, I need until lag=3 ->
c(diff(my.vec), diff(my.vec, lag=2), diff(my.vec, lag=3))
So, it must be until lag=(length(my.vec)-1).
2012 Mar 19
Lag based on Date objects with non-consecutive values
Hello all,
I need to figure out a way to lag a variable in by a number of days
without using the zoo package. I need to use a remote R connection
that doesn't have the zoo package installed and is unwilling to do so.
So that is, I want a function where I can specify the number of days
to lag a variable against a Date formatted column. That is relatively
easy to do. The problem arises when I
2012 Jan 10
Lag() and lag()
lag is a very confusing function
i try to plot lag(x,-h) and y , the results are the same figures for all the
h lags.
then i saw online people use lag(x,-h) as xreg in arima
that won't work in my eyes if lag function is consistent, isnce it returns
the same value for all the lags
i don't know in which occasion people will use this function
besides I suppose Lag(x,h) is the same as
2011 Oct 06
Coefficients for lagged plm model variables not calculated
So I am afraid I am having a recurring problem that I just can't figure out.
I am using the plm package to conduct a panel analysis - although I am not
sure if the problem is arising as a result of the plm package or something
more general.
I am trying to run a fixed effects model with effects over time and
individual. The model has various lags, and the problem is that these lags
2011 Aug 04
Efficient way of creating a shifted (lagged) variable?
I have a data set:
y<-data.frame(week=seq(as.Date("2010-01-03"), as.Date("2011-01-31"),by="week"))
# All I need is to create lagged variables for var1 and var2. I looked
around a bit and found several ways of doing it. They all seem quite
complicated - while in
2010 Jul 21
The opposite of "lag"
I have a data frame A (below) with a grouping factor (group). I take
my DV and create the new, lagged DV by applying the function lag.it
(below). It works fine.
A <- data.frame(year=rep(c(1980:1984),3), group=
factor(sort(rep(1:3,5))), DV=c(rnorm(15)))
lag.it <- function(x) {
DV <- ts(x$DV, start = x$year[1])
idx <- seq(length = length(DV))
DVs <- cbind(DV, lag(DV,
2010 Jul 31
Lags and Differences of zoo Objects
I'm struggling to understand the documentation.
x - a "zoo" object.
k, lag - the number of lags (in units of observations). Note the sign of k
behaves as in lag.
differences - an integer indicating the order of the difference.
What does the above line actually mean? I've tried a few settings on sample
data but can't figure out what it is doing.
x <-
2013 Mar 05
Issues when using interaction term with a lagged variable
Hi there!
Today I tried to estimate models using both plm and pgmm functions, with an
interaction between X1 and lag(X2, 1). And I notice two issues.
Let "Y=b_1 * X_1 + b_2 * X_2 + b_3 * X_1 * x_2 + e" be our model.
1) When using plm, I got different results when I coded the interaction
term with I(X1 * lag(X2, 1)) and when I just saved this multiplication X1 *
lag(X2, 1) in a
2006 Jun 13
Multiple lag.plots per page
I'm trying to plot several lag.plots on a page, however the second plot
replaces the first one (although it only takes up the upper half as it
What's the trick to this?
I'm using R 2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812) on Ubuntu Linux.
Gad Abraham
Department of Mathematics and
2011 Aug 01
ivreg and structural change
I am looking for some help with this question: how could I test structural
breaks in a instrumental variablesĀ“s model?
For example, I was trying to do something with my model with three time
tax_ivreg <- ivreg(l_y ~ l_x2 + l_x1+ dl_y | lag(l_x2, -1)+lag(l_x2, -2)+
lag(l_x1, -1)+lag(l_x1, -2)+lag(l_y, -1)+lag(l_y, -2), data=tax1)
## after estimating it,
2005 Aug 18
How do I make a Sweave + latex table out of this ?
Dear list,
I have a table that I would like to convert to latex for inclusion
into a Sweave file.
> round(ftable(prop.table(xtabs(~agemF + votcat + Type , data=work),margin=2))*100,1)
Type Voiced Voiceless unaspirated Voiceless aspirated
agemF votcat
18 - 24 Prevoiced 2.6 8.7
2008 Jan 31
Feature request: about lag(), which.min() and cat().
I'm only user of R and have many little knowledge in programming but I
permit to send you some whishes/suggestions for R.
like which(), which.min() should also include an argument arr.ind. Note
that one can have it with which(a==min(a), arr.ind=TRUE) but if there is
a reason to build a special function which.min, why not add also this
nice argument?
If one wants to
2006 Feb 15
question about the results given by the Box.test?
Hello, I am using the Ljung Box test in R to compute
if the resiudals of my fitted model is random or not.
I am not sure though what the results mean, I have
looked at various sources on the internet and have
come up with contrasting explanations (mainly because
these info deal with different program languages, like
SAS, SPSS, etc).
I know that my residuals should appropriate white
noise( is
2011 Sep 20
ARIMA - Skipping intermediate lags
I am a new R user. I am trying to use the arima command, but I have a
question on intermediate lags. I want to run in R the equivalent Stata
command of ARIMA d.yyy, AR(5) MA(5 7). This would tell the program I am
interested in AR lag 5, MA lag 5, and MA lag 7, all while skipping the
intermediate lags of AR 1-4, and MA 1-4, 6. Is there any way to do this in
R? Thank you.
View this
2008 Apr 04
Problems with Unit Root testing using ur.df function
Hi All,
I'm new to R and am trying to run a unit root test on the vector "y" (a time
series of inflation (i.e. changes in the Consumer Price Index quarter on
I've run the Augmented-Dickey-Fuller Test below (R's URCA package). It gives
me an error that it cannot find the function ur.df unless I comment out the
third last line of code (see below).
I try to call
2012 Dec 03
How to rename the columns of as.table
Hello guys .. I would like to have some help about as.table .
I made a table with the autocorrelations of the returns whit 10 lags and i
get this :
autocorrelazione2 <- as.table(c((cor(r2[-1151,],lag(r2))),(cor(r2[-
c(1151,1150),],lag(r2, k=2))),(cor(r2[- c(1151,1150,1149),],lag(r2,
k=3))),(cor(r2[- c(1151,1150,1149,1148),],lag(r2, k=4))),(cor(r2[-
2012 Nov 01
Subsetting year range
I have a panel data set that I am trying to subset. I am trying to keep
values for years >=1960.
The full set is from 1940 to 2000.
I tried a few things, but none worked. Here are a couple that I am trying to
TableAPS1 <- subset(TableAP, year => 1959)
TableAPS1 <- TableAP[ which(year > 1959),]
It would be really nice if someone can point out what I am doing wrong
2007 Jul 12
is there any function in R that shifts elements of a vector to the
opposite direction of what Lag() of the Hmisc package does? (something
like, Lag(x, shift = -1) )
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