Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "kyong".
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2007 Dec 27
A function for random test based on longest run (UNCLASSI FIED)
...from R is based on number of runs (up or down) not based on a longest length
of runs of same events. To be more specific, for example, from a series,
HHTHTTTTHHH, the number of runs are 5, and the longest length of runs of the
same events is 4. I'll check for the website you mentioned below.
-----Original Message-----
From: bogdan romocea [mailto:br44114@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:08 PM
To: kyong.ho.park@us.army.mil
Cc: r-help
Subject: RE: [R] A function for random test based on longest run
> require(tseries)
> ?runs.test
Also, take a lo...
2004 Jul 07
Importing an Excel file
...tried read.csv to import an excel file after
saving an excel file as csv. But it added alternating rows of fictitious NA
values after row number 16. When I applied read.delim, there were trailing
several commas at the end of each row after row number 16 instead of NA
values. Appreciate your help.
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2010 Jan 21
Retrieving an evaluated gradient value (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Dear R users,
How can I retrieve an evaluated gradient value from "deriv" function
provided below? I want to retrieve b0 value. Appreciate your help.
[1] 5.746647
attr(, "gradient"):
[1,] -0.409784
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Dec 06
Get an expected value for Order Statistics by applying double integrals
...ing “the integral is
probably divergent.”
+ sapply(y,function(y){
+ },-Inf,Inf)
I’m not sure whether the syntax is correct or not. Appreciate your help.
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2007 Dec 27
A function for random test based on longest run (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Hello, R users,
Has anybody written a function for random test based on the length of
longest run of same events. I really appreciate your help.
Kyong Park
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 17
Summary Regard with Lme does not work without a random effect (UN CLASSIFIED)
Sandra suggested using lm instead of lme for a model without a random
effect, and Simon suggested anova.lme instead of anova.lm for comparing two
models with and without a random effect. For the anova test, both anova.lme
and anova work.
Thanks again for their quick helpful responses.
-----Original Message-----
From: Park, Kyong H Mr ECBC
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 3:26 PM
To: 'r-help@r-project.org'
Subject: Lme does not work without a random effect (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Dear R users,
I'm interested in finding a random eff...
2008 Mar 14
Lme does not work without a random effect (UNCLASSIFIED)
...effect. I'm not sure how
to group the data without continuous value which is shown in the error
message at the bottom line. If I use 'aov' with Error(Block), is there a
test method comparing between with and without the Block random effect. I'm
using R 2.4.1.
Appreciate your help.
1 6.71 A N 1
2 6.97 A Y 1
3 6.77 B N 1
4 6.90 B Y 1
5 6.63 C N 1
6 6.94 C Y 1
7 6.79 D N 1
8 6.93 D Y 1
9 6.23 A N 2
10 6.83 A Y 2
11 6.61 B N 2
12 6.86 B Y...
2005 Jun 10
Abrupt shut down of R session
Dear R users,
I'm using R 2.1.0 with Windows 2000. In the middle of a R session, an error
message pops up saying Rgui.exe generated errors and shuts down the R
session. How can I correct this problem? Appreciate your help.
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2005 Jun 08
Robustness of Segmented Regression Contributed by Muggeo
Hello, R users,
I applied segmented regression method contributed by Muggeo and got
different slope estimates depending on the initial break points. The results
are listed below and I'd like to know what is a reasonable approach handling
this kinds of problem. I think applying various initial break points is
certainly not a efficient approach. Is there any other methods to deal with
2013 Jan 09
Need an advise for bayesian estimate
Hi R bayesians,
I need an advise how to resolve the two different estimates applying a
traditional glm (TG) and a bayes glm (BG), and different results depending
on the data formats of response data and the prior specs using bayesglm in
R. I'm not familiar with bayes estimate and my colleague asked me to look
into this because the EPA from France reported a quite different estimates
2004 Jul 08
Replies for Importing Excel File
...Ramasamy, Vito Ricci. I tried Marc's simple suggestion
which was to copy only the data area and paste to a new excel sheet, and
that solved my problem. I'll try other suggestions while I'm learning more
about R. Unedited answers are provided below followed by my question. Thanks
From Richard Müller:
I import my OpenOffice calc files as follows (OOo or Excel won't make any
difference, the csv-format is the same):
inp <- (scan(file, sep=";", dec=",", list(0,0), skip = 13, nl...
2005 Jun 10
Replies of the question about robustness of segmented regression
I appreciate to Roger Koenker, Achim Zeileis and Vito Muggeo for their
informative answers. Listed below is unedited replies I got followed by the
question I posted.
1. Roger Koenker:
You might try rqss() in the quantreg package. It gives piecewise
linear fits
for a nonparametric form of median regression using total variation
of the
derivative of the fitted function as a penalty term. A tuning parameter
(lambda) controls the number of distinct segments....