Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "klaas_debeuf".
2006 Jun 14
page caching with custom routes
hi ,
I''m having problems with expire_page with custom routes
i''ll show some code
def clear_cache_rss_artikels
expire_page url_for(:controller => "xml",:action => "rss_artikels")
this is called when a new article is posted or edited or destroyed
class XmlController <
2006 Mar 01
break in a each function
i have a method , and i only want the first 10 feeds to be put in the
database , why doesn''t this control structure works , when the counter
is 10 it has to jump out the iteration
greetz Klaas
def get_feed2(rssfile)
# Open the RSS file
rssfeed = open(rssfile.url)
# Use the built-in REXML module
# Read the entire RSS file into memory
rssdoc =
2006 Mar 04
count("<p>") in a string
i want to count the number of paragraphs in my message of an article ,
but it gives the wrong number
example of paragraph :
<p><div class=''paragraaf''><p><h4>Dick Advocaat verdient veel geld bij
Zuid-Korea</h4><div class=''bericht''>De Zuid-Koreaanse voetbalbond legt
de Nederlandse bondscoach Dick Avocaat rijkelijk in de
2006 Feb 28
make a method in a controller do something by console script
is there a possibility to automate a method in a controller by a ruby
script ,
i have written a method which is taking rssfeeds from other sites and
puts it to my database , but i want to have this method called each 15
minutes , can you do it by a console script or do i have build a
stand-alone program?
can somebody put me on the correct track?or give me some hints
2006 Jun 08
No rhtml, rxml, or delegate template found
hi ,
i''m having a problem with rendering a partial , the partial is in the
apps/view/polls folder with the name : _antwoorden_user.rhtml
in the view i''m rendering it with
<% if @user %>
<%= render :partial => ''polls/antwoorden_user'', :locals => {:poll =>
@poll, :user => @user} %>
<% else %>
gives me the error =>