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2013 Apr 21
lsoda question from deSolve package
Dear List,
Wonder if you have some thoughts on the following question using lsoda in desolve:
I have the following data and function:
times <- c(0:24)
tin <- 0.5
D <- 400
V <- 26.3
k <-0.056
k12 <- 0.197118
k21 <- 0.022665
yini <- c(dy1 = 0,dy2 = 0)
events <- data.frame(var = "dy1",time = c(10,15),value = c(200,100),method = "add")
pkmod <- function(t, y, p) {
if (t < tin) R <- (D/tin) else R <- 0
dy1 <- R - (p["k12"]+p["k"])* y[1] + p[...
2004 Jan 22
Fitting compartmental model with nls and lsoda?
...hopefully to provide a starting point in "R" for people who
# have a pharmacokinetic modelling background.
# This text can be "cut and pasted" into R, or read in as a "source" file
# There are two differential equations in the system:
# V*dC/dt = Doserate - C*Cl + k21*A2 - k12*V*C
# dA2/dt = k12*V*C - k21*A2
# C is a dependent variable (Concentration in the central compartment)
# A is a dependent variable (Amount in the second compartment)
# t is the independent variable (time)
# V is the volume of the central compartment
# Cl is the clearance from the central...
2004 Jun 14
olesolve: stepsize
...9.81, 85.57, 81.32, 81.32, 81.32)
abs <- approxfun(absx, absy, method = "linear")
s <- approxfun(sx, sy, method = "linear")
Rtb <- 81.32
ib <- ((1-p["f"])*Rtb*p["kg"]*(p["hgo0"]/p["vg"])/(p["k21"] + p["k01"]
+ p["kl"] - p["k21"]*p["k12"]/(p["k12"] + p["k02"]))/(p["ki"]*p["vi"]))
# G1(t)-y(1); G2(t)-y(2);I(t)-y(3); X(t)-y(4)
yd1 <- (abs(t) + p["hgo0"] - (p["kl"] + p["...
2002 Jun 27
Building from a source-code library under windows
...e_two_comp_zero_CI_lag (long int *norow, double *maxoorder, double
long int *ndrow, double *maxdorder, double *DMAT,
long int *logparam, long int *logresp, double *Resp)
long int i, j, No = *norow, Nd = *ndrow, LogParam = *logparam, LogResp =
double Tdiff, a, b, k21, origReset, counterDose, id, T1, constReseti,
MaxOORDER = *maxoorder, MaxDORDER = *maxdorder,
*OTime, *ITIME, *CL, *CLD, *V1, *VSS, *Tlag, *OID, *OORDER,
*DTime, *DDose, *DID, *DORDER, *DEVID,
*OrigDTime, *OrigDDose, *OrigDID, *OrigDORDER, *OrigDEVID,
*tempDTime, *tempDD...
2003 Oct 19
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