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Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "jrssystem".

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2004 Jul 15
Rsync not preserving owner/group
For some reason when using -owner -group my files end up being nobody:nobody on the destination..? This is Solaris 9. Jeremy S. Loukinas
2004 Apr 22
Rsync Error..
Hello all, I am having a problem with rsync. I want to backup data from one machine to another remote machine. I have Freebsd4.7 on source and FreeBSD4.9 on destination machines. rsync is installed on both the machines. I gave the following command at the source machine. rsync -avvznrbe rsh /sourcepath ( is the destination ip address) Below is the
2004 May 14
rsync hanging on Cygwin
I'm trying to use rsync under Cygwin on 2 machines running Windows 2000 Server There's a 2MB link between them and I'm using SSH setup for a passwordless connection rsync hangs part way through transfers and when run again hangs at the same place in the same files with no explanation no matter what verbosity level I set it to. Each time it hangs it leaves an rsync process running on
2004 Jan 21
[Fwd: Re: how about auth users without a password?]
(accidentally sent directly to Larry the first time - cross-posted to list after-the-fact in case someone else finds it useful) > I hope to manage rsync access the same way. Clients would be > forced to come in via SSH (because no other ports are open), and > once in, the configuration of rsync will determine what they can > do, precisely. This is just a hope at the moment
2004 May 09
[offtopic] / down?
Has anybody else noticed and being down? The machine that answers to those addresses (and is refusing HTTP connections, and has been for at least 48 hours now. Anybody here know anything about it? I haven't been able to find out diddly-squat about it on the web... -J
2004 May 11
--backup-dir and daemon mode
Is it possible to use --backup-dir= with a daemon mode target? I have been attempting to use --backup and --backup-dir= with a daemon mode server I use as target for an rsync command that "pushes" from the server needing backing up, and have met with no luck - I keep getting broken pipe errors, and attempts to create directories like "user@" on
2004 Jul 09
discrepancy in file count
Rsync counts directories as files when it's creating the file list, but does not count them as files in the "files transferred" statistic. Example output from my backup logs, when initializing a new backup volume (rsyncing a set of data to a completely empty filesystem): [2004-07-09 03:03:37] - Number of files: 75007 [2004-07-09 03:03:37] - Number of files transferred:
2004 Jul 12
verbiage suggestion
It occurs to me that it would probably avoid a LOT of newbie confusion if instead of "bytes written" and "bytes read", the stats said "bytes sent" and "bytes received". Anybody who doesn't know better intutively tends to grasp "bytes written" as what got written *to the hard drive* rather than what got sent over the pipe. Jim Salter JRS
2004 Jan 21
Win2K manipulation of directory permissions
Hello Samba list - I have been using Samba for about a year now, on FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x servers. It works flawlessly, except for one thing - the manipulation of directory permissions via the Win2K native interface. I can manipulate permissions on FILES just fine from the Win2K interface, and if I am using FreeBSD 5.x with ACL support, can even create and manipulate true ACLs using the Win2K
2003 Sep 26
ongoing progress
A couple of ideas about things that would be nice to see in rsync: 1. a "0.5v" option - something that would just show a progress either by file or by megabyte, ie "processing file 1,048 of 9,032" or "processing: 832 of 3,459 MB". The standard "verbose" is good for troubleshooting, but it's not very useful for gauging how much has been done and how
2003 Sep 08
continuing broken pipe problems
Hello all - I am running rsync 2.5.6 on two FreeBSD 5.0 machines. I have experimented with running rsync using ssh, with command lines like the following: rsync -rv --progress jimbo@ /usr/home/jimbo And also with running rsync as a daemon on the master server, and syncing to it from the other machine like so: rsync -rv --progress
2004 Apr 07
--suffix problem - possibly bug?
I'm having an issue with the --suffix and -b flags - I've tried the following commands: rsync -avbr --backup-dir=/rsyncbackup rsynctest rsync -avbr --backup-dir=/rsyncbackup --suffix="" rsynctest and either way, I wind up with a tilde as a suffix on all the files moved into the backup directory at time of synchronization.
2003 Nov 20
rsync / cygwin hanging problem
Has any progress ever been made towards fixing the problem causing rsync processes to hang in the cygwin environment? I've tried just using Unison in the windows environment, since it has a native port, but, um. Unison is probably great for what it IS intended for, but it absolutely sucks nuts as a backup solution (has a tendency to choke and cancel the ENTIRE PROCESS without synching
2004 May 05
rsync and Perl programming
Hi everybody - I'm trying to write a Perl wrapper for some rsync tasks that need doing. Problem is, there's some sort of odd interaction going on between Perl and the daemon mode communication for the rsync client, and I'm at my wit's end in trying to figure it out. Here's the Perl script: #####################################################