Displaying 20 results from an estimated 51 matches for "iswr".
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2007 Apr 09
ISwR library
I am learning to use R using a book that uses examples from the ISwR library
so I need to have that library. When I type library (ISwR), R says: Error
in library(ISwR) : there is no package called 'ISwR'
Do I need to install ISwR separately? How do I do this?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ISwR-library-tf3548959.html#a9907...
2017 Sep 20
Install the Package "ISwR"
...nstall.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type
= type) :*
* 'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.4.1/library"' is not writable*
*Error in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type =
type) : *
* unable to install packages*
When I select the ISwR package from the list I got I message saying "*Question?
Would you like to use a personal library instead?*" I answered by No. Then
it gives me the above message.
Thank you for your time.
with thanks
AbouEl-Makarim Aboueissa, PhD
Professor of Statistics
2008 Feb 21
problem on pg32 of ISwR
> hist.with.normal<-function(x,xlab=deparse(substitute(x)),...)+ (+ h<-hist(x, plot=F, ...)+ s<-sd(x)Error: unexpected symbol in:"h<-hist(x, plot=F, ...)s">
I am using ISwR to teach myself R. Above is what happens when I try to duplicate the example on page 32. What went wrong? Note: I am using shift-enter to advance to the next line.
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2006 Sep 05
ISwR (PR#9204)
I wanted to install the ISwR package onto my Linux system and used the
install.packages command but it returns the message that the package
was not found at the repositories.
So I tried to install locally adding the argument repos=NULL but it gave
a non-zero exit status report and the package is not present on the system....
2017 Sep 20
Install the Package "ISwR"
...dependencies = NA, type
> = type) :*
> * 'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.4.1/library"' is not writable*
> *Error in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type =
> type) : *
> * unable to install packages*
> *>*
> When I select the ISwR package from the list I got I message saying
> "*Question?
> Would you like to use a personal library instead?*" I answered by No. Then
> it gives me the above message.
> Thank you for your time.
> with thanks
> abou
> ______________________
> A...
2010 Aug 08
Problem with installing a package in R!
Dear friends,
I am having problem with installing some packages in R in Ubuntu like
"ISwR". Bellow is the outcome. Anybody can help me to solve this problem.
Thanks a lot and sorry if it is very simple question.
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/ISwR_2.0-5.tar.gz'
Content type 'app...
2006 Feb 19
changing names of vectors in list or data.frame
When I combine separate vectors into one list, there are new names
created. I'd like to change them to something more meaningful.
Here are two examples using data(zelazo) from library(ISwR):
> library(ISwR)
> data(zelazo)
> attach(zelazo)
> zelazo
[1] 9.00 9.50 9.75 10.00 13.00 9.50
[1] 11.00 10.00 10.00 11.75 10.50 15.00
[1] 11.50 12.00 9.00 11.50 13.25 13.00
[1] 13.25 11.50 12.00 13.50 11.50
> walk <- stack(list("a...
2009 Jan 23
Stat textbook recommendations?
...last year and
would like to further my education. Being as that was the highest
(and only) stats class the local community college offers, it looks
like I'm on my own from here. I've been working through some of the
online 'stats with R' tutorials as well as Dalgaard's ISWR. Where
I'm running into problems is the transition from Bluman's 'A Brief
Introduction to Elementary Statistics' (covers up through paired t-
tests, chi-squared/goodness-of-fit, simple linear regression &
correlation, and just barely mentions ANOVA) with a TI-83+, to eve...
2004 Oct 19
Matrix/Table col headings R 2.0.0
I have been looking at some 'table' examples in Peter Dalgaard's ISwR book, and I am confused by how to get right justification of my table headings when I use the tables() command. Compare the following:
# Produces right justfified column names
2012 Jan 12
Template for building .deb packages for missing libraries?
Greeting R debianites -
There are a number of R libraries I need debianized (for Ubuntu Maverick
systems, if it matters) -- ISwR, Hmisc, mosaic, mosaicManip, HSAUR2 --
which I couldn't find debian packages for.
The structure of R libraries is so regular that I'm guessing surely
there must be a template for creating debian packages for them, or maybe
a set of instructions?
Does anyone have such a thing?
2009 Jun 26
Installing Packages in R - slight bump in the road
...re) and use
it to learn Bayesian analysis and some similar stuff. Actually I
bought Peter Dalgaard's "Introductory Statistics with R? yesterday
figuring the refresh - and R practice - would be good before starting
Jim Albert's book. So all I really need now is to install the
packages ISwR and LearnBayes (actually would like to throw in LearnEDA
Now I have downloaded all three packages. But R doesn't recognize
then and won't install them. I have approximately 30 other packages
(some standard of course) that are downloaded and installed. Maybe
the following informat...
2004 Sep 29
displaying sample size in boxplots
I was wondering if there is a ready made function or parameter
for indicating the sample size in boxplots?
Here's what I came up with so far:
sample.size <- tapply(expend, stature, length)
sample.size <- paste("N=", sample.size, sep="")
mtext(sample.size, at=1:length(unique(stature)), line=2, side=1)
"What happens if a big asteroid hits...
2010 Sep 10
pairwise.t.test vs t.test
Dear all, I am perplexed when trying to get the same results using pairwise.t.test and t.test.
I'm using examples in the ISwR library,
I can get the same result for pairwise.t.test and t.test when I set the variances to be non-equal, but not when they are assumed to be equal. Can anyone explain the differences, or what I'm doing wrong?
Here's an example where I compare the first two ve...
2005 Dec 29
use of predict() with confidence/prediction bands
predict(object,sd.fit=T,type="conf/pred") and calling the result a
confidence/prediction band. Since there is no specific probability
statement that can be attached to these connected confidence/prediction
intervals, this does not seem reasonable to me. This is done, for
example, in ISWR pg. 105, UsingR for Introductory Statistics pg 296, and
Linear Models with R pg. 39 (Although in this instance the intervals are
called 95% "pointwise" confidence bands versus simply 95% confidence
bands.) To make a confidence/prediction band, one should construct
simultaneous confidenc...
2006 Nov 21
NEWBIE: Help explaining use of lm()?
Kevin Zembower
Internet Services Group manager
Center for Communication Programs
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins University
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
> library("ISwR")
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: splines
Attaching package: 'ISwR'
The following object(s) are masked from package:survival :
> data(zelazo)
> head(zelazo)
[1] 9.00 9.50 9.75 10.00 13.00 9.50
[1] 11.0...
2011 Apr 05
simple save question
When I run the survfit function, I want to get the restricted mean
value and the standard error also. I found out using the "print"
function to do so, as shown below,
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(diff, status) ~ 1, type = "kaplan-meier")
records n.max n.start events *rmean *se(rmean) median
2024 Nov 23
dplyr summarize by groups
# Get mean, min, max sigma and skew by group
options (digits = 3)
library (ISwR
data %>%
group_by(stature) %>%
Mean = mean(expend),
Min = min(expend),
Max = max(expend),
Sigma = sd(expend),
Skew = skew(expend))
# Output
stature Mean Min Max Sigma Skew
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl&g...
2007 Aug 02
Q: calling par() in .First()
.First <- function() {
But now R complains at startup:
Error in .First() : couldn't find function "par"
I have confirmed that once R has started, I can type "par(bg='white')"
and R no longer complains.
ISwR has a nice little section on "Using par", but there's no hint
that something like this can go wrong :-(
So what am I not understanding this time?
2007 Oct 29
lm.boot function gives error
When I run this calculation
fit <- lm(thuesen$short.velocity~thuesen$blood.glucose)
fit.sb <- lm.boot(fit,R=1000,rows=F)
I get the following error from the lm.boot routine:
newdata' had 100 rows but variable(s) found have 24 rows
I don...
2011 May 10
Cumulative dose in survival models
Dear List,
I want to fit a CPH survival model with a time-dependent cumulative exposure variable. More specifically, I have exposure measurements for all cohort members at discrete times (yearly measurements) during follow-up.
I suppose that when estimating the model parameters the most correct would be to have the cumulative exposure for everybody at risk at each death time, as I cannot