search for: is_virtu

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "is_virtu".

Did you mean: is_dirty
2011 Aug 17
facter-1.6.0 incorrectly identifies hardware node as virtual
...ed facter-1.6.0 and puppet-2.7.3 on a number of SLES 10 hardware nodes (HP DL580) running the Virtuozzo hosting software. Well, facter correctly identifies such a machine as a hardware node ("virtual => openvzhn") but somehow concludes that the hardware node is in fact virtual. ("is_virtual => true") This breaks some rather important logic. If anyone knows of a patch floating around out there for 1.6.0 I''d be obliged. Even better would be to get this officially fixed for facter-1.6.1. Joe -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou...
2012 Aug 06
Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) for one module, for other is ok
...} } The source file is downloaded ok Aug 6 20:49:55 virtualito puppet-agent[26967]: (/Stage[main]/Vim/File[/etc/vim/vimrc]/ensure) defined content as ''{md5}b98e8ce84974ad114ec0e12b8b97fa1f'' BUT I have a similar manifest for ntp: class ntp { if $is_virtual == ''false'' { package { ''ntp'': ensure => present, } service { ''ntp'': ensure => ''running'', enable => ''true...
2013 Sep 12
testing for truth, are the docs correct?
According to the documentation at, you can test for truth with syntax like this: if $is_virtual == ''true'' { AFAICT that''s not the case. The quotes around ''true'' make the comparison always fail. Here''s my test case class users { define u($managehome=true) { notice("The value is: ${managehome}...
2012 Oct 03
is_virtual selector
...o: Caching catalog for build Info: Applying configuration version ''1349227476'' /Stage[main]/Baseline::Ntpd/Package[ntp]/ensure: created Finished catalog run in 1.46 seconds [root@build ~]# [root@build ~]# rpm -q ntp package ntp is not installed [root@build ~]# When trying the $is_virtual facter...... class baseline-testing::ntpd { package { "ntp": ensure => $is_virtual ? { false => present, true => purged } } } On client: [root@build ~]# puppet agent -tv Info: Retrieving plugin Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remo...
2002 Oct 02
Directory Problemsw
...No debug information in ELF '//usr/lib/wine/wine/' (0x40a97000) Unknown type '&'info:Tt(2,17)=s8base:(2,18)=*(2,19)=xs__user_type_info:,0,32;offset:(2,15),32,29;is_virtual:(0,12),61,1;access: No debug information in ELF '//usr/lib/wine/wine/' (0x40994000) No debug information in ELF '//usr/lib/wine/wine/' (0x409fe000)...
2005 Aug 30
No subject
...failure on __ti13bad_exception:G(0,42)=ar(7,4);0;11;(0,11) at ;0;11;(0,11) Unknown type '&'info:Tt(2,18)=s8base:(2,19)=*(2,20)=xs__user_type_info:,0,32;offset:(2,16),32,29;is_virtual:(0,12),61,1;access: Nothing has been defined <;0;7;(0,11)> failure on __ti9exception:G(0,41)=ar(7,4);0;7;(0,11) at ;0;7;(0,11) No...
2009 Dec 09
facter 1.5.7 all lsb* items missing Sanitized facter output: architecture => i386 domain => facterversion => 1.5.7 fqdn => hardwareisa => i686 hardwaremodel => i686 hostname => broken id => root interfaces => eth0,sit0 ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => is_virtual => true kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 kernelrelease => 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 kernelversion => 2.6.18 macaddress => 00xxxx macaddress_eth0 => 00xxxx manufacturer => VMware, Inc. memoryfree => 811.50 MB memorysize => 1.98 GB netmask => netmask...
2011 Mar 03
lsbdistcodename and Debian Squeeze <%= lsbdistcodename %>/updates main Now the problem is that for squeeze, it does not work as lsbdistcodename gets n/a instead, is there any way to fix this? architecture => amd64 facterversion => 1.5.7 hardwareisa => unknown hardwaremodel => x86_64 id => root is_virtual => true kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 kernelrelease => 2.6.26-2-amd64 kernelversion => 2.6.26 lsbdistcodename => n/a lsbdistdescription => Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (n/a) lsbdistid => Debian lsbdistrelease => 6.0 lsbmajdistrelease => 6 Cheers, Steph -- You re...
2006 Mar 04
Using helpers from controllers ?
There is a solution to use helpers from controllers ? I have an error : |undefined method `content_tag''| class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def test return content_tag("a","test") end end
2013 Jul 10
puppetlabs-ntp template discussion
Hi guys, As I mentioned in a previous email I''ve refactored ntp and released a 1.0.0 release candidate. There''s one outstanding "flaw" remaining that''s bothering me and I wanted to solicit opinions on the list. We currently maintain a template per distribution that is close to the stock distribution provided ntp configuration. This leads to massive
2012 Dec 03
hiera default values for a variable
Hi everyone, I currently have a giant file with default variables I use in a lot of my modules and I override those at the node level if I need to. I thought I would give porting that data into a hiera setup. I worked out how to specify my data sources and started to make a go at moving some of my variables in the default data file. I thought heira would be smart and set a variable to undef if
2014 Jun 26
Facter doesnt resolve ipaddress or ipaddress_eth0
...th0 interface from a CentOS 6.5 VM (XenServer). Running the manifest gives empty values to all of the following vars: $ipaddress, $ipaddress_eth0, and its $::<name> version. $interfaces has "eth0,lo". Running facter from the VM I get: # facter -v 2.0.1 # facter | grep virtual is_virtual => true virtual => xenu # facter | grep eth interfaces => eth0,lo mtu_eth0 => 1500 # facter ipaddress_eth0 # facter ipaddress ifconfig output: # ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Endereço de HW 7E:81:CD:66:77:DF inet end.: Bcast:
2012 Oct 16
Tracing puppet processing for HP-UX user passwords
...PUX I wanted to try to hack out the fix myself but have hit a wall. Pertinent Details for the host on which I am finding these issues: architecture => ia64 facterversion => 1.6.12 fqdn => cadcpuppet hardwaremodel => ia64 hostname => cadcpuppet id => root interfaces => lan0,lo0 is_virtual => true kernel => HP-UX kernelmajversion => B.11 kernelrelease => B.11.31 kernelversion => B.11.31 operatingsystem => HP-UX operatingsystemrelease => B.11.31 osfamily => HP-UX path => /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/contrib/Q4/bin:/opt/perl/bin:/o...
2010 Aug 28
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.5.8
...d9f Fixed #3445 - Facter does not handle solaris branded zones properly b5a8de0 Fix for #3411 install.rb should not put "." first in the tmp_dirs 8ea33eb Fixed #3447 - OVS and OEL not matching in operatingsystemrelease aeee83c Fixed #3410 - Warnings in rake spec 8bf8cb5 Fixes #3397 - is_virtual fact does not detect Linux-VServer 62b6773 Add kvm support to virtual fact dca615c fixes #2573, #2085, #1291 - fixes domain and fqdn facts resolution 86447c8 Revert "use popen3 in Resolution.exec" 7750f03 Fix #2341 - stricter handling of dmidecode split f4269d9 Fix #2746 - add arch...
2013 Apr 18
Does anyone have any insight into this error message? err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: The fact named fact_stomp_server does not appear to be a valid hostname. The value of '''' does not match ''^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$''. A common cause of this problem is running puppet agent as a normal user instead of root, or the fact is