Displaying 20 results from an estimated 39 matches for "invesco".
2011 Apr 21
R CMD Sweave versus Sweave() on Windows
...LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics datasets grDevices utils methods base
other attached packages:
[1] fortunes_1.4-1
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Asset Allocation
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
An der Welle 5
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 (0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49 (0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Karl Georg Bayer, Bernhard Langer, Dr. Jens Langewand, Alexander Lehmann, Christian...
2009 Jan 30
Methods not loaded in R-Devel vs 2.8.1
...Classes(Goestml, GoGARCH, Goinit, Orthom)
## Methods
exportMethods(angles, cvar, ccor, ccov, coef, converged, goest, logLik, M, print, show, t, residuals)
## Functions
export(gogarch, goinit, gollh, gotheta, Rd2, UprodR, unvech, validOrthomObject, validGoinitObject)
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Invesco Quantitative Strategies International
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 (0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49 (0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Karl Georg Bayer, Bernhard Lange...
2009 Apr 24
memory.limit(): Typo in Windows NEWS and function returns a "disregarded" error
...month 12
day 22
svn rev 47281
language R
version.string R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Quantitative Equity
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 (0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49 (0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Karl Georg Bayer, Bernhard Langer, Dr. Jens Langewand, Alexander Lehmann, Chris...
2009 Nov 11
Sweave() within a function: objects not found
...TARY=German_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics datasets utils grDevices methods base
other attached packages:
[1] fortunes_1.3-6
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Quantitative Equity
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
An der Welle 5
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 (0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49 (0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Karl Georg Bayer, Bernhard Langer, Dr. Jens Langewand, Alexander Lehmann, Christian...
2006 Apr 25
R 2.3.0: Use of NULL as an environment is deprecated
...e such that the warning does not appear any longer. I am
adressing this question to R-devel, because this might also be of
interest for other package mainatiners.
Many thanks in advance for any hints and pointers.
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Structured Products Group
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49(0)69 298 07230
Fax: +49(0)69 298 07178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this mess.....
2006 Apr 25
R 2.3.0: Use of NULL as an environment is deprecated
...e such that the warning does not appear any longer. I am
adressing this question to R-devel, because this might also be of
interest for other package mainatiners.
Many thanks in advance for any hints and pointers.
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Structured Products Group
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49(0)69 298 07230
Fax: +49(0)69 298 07178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this mess.....
2006 Aug 24
Omegahat-site down?
...ion. In case somebody
has the latest binary zip-file for Windows, would she/he mind to send it
directly to my emaim adress stated in the signature?
Many thanks, and sorry for bothering/misusing R-help in this instance.
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Structured Products Group
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49(0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49(0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this mess.....
2012 Mar 01
Simulate values from VAR
What is the best way to simulate values from a fitted "VAR {vars}" model.
Also I have tried to use SVAR for a cointegration fit of y~x (just two univariate time-series) but I can't figure out how to set up the "A" matrix so that x_t can be used as a contemporaneous predictor of y_t.
Thanks much for your time,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 May 28
The weak exogeneity test in R for the Error Correction Model?
Hello all,
I would like to carry out a single-equation approach of the Error Correction Model such as
Delta_y(t) = a + b*y(t-1) + c*x1(t-1) + d*x2(t-1) + e*delta_x1(t) + f*delta_x2(t) + epsilon(t)
Where, a, b, c, d, e, f are coefficients to be estimated, y is the dependent variable, and x1, x2 are independent variables.
For the single equation approach of ECM, there is a requirement of the
2006 Jun 29
Cointegration Test in R
I'm using the blrtest() function in the urca package
to test cointegration relationships.
Unfortunately, the hypothesis (restrictions on beta)
specifies the same restriction on all cointegration vectors.
Is there any possibility to specify different restrictions on
the cointegration vectors?
Are there any other packages in R using cointegration tests?
Thanks and best regards.
2006 Aug 09
CRAN package: update of 'vars' submitted
...d be noted, that this package is still in its infancy, and more
features and functionalities are in the pipeline. Hence, I would
appreciate your feedback -- off list, adressed to the email adress in
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Structured Products Group
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49(0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49(0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this mess.....
2006 Nov 22
Undocumented S4 methods: generic 'show'
...t (unstable)
major 2
minor 5.0
year 2006
month 10
day 10
svn rev 39600
language R
version.string R version 2.5.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-10-10
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Structured Products Group
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49(0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49(0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this mess.....
2005 Nov 19
cointegration rank
Dear R - helpers,
I am using the urca package to estimate cointegration relations, and I
would be really grateful if somebody could help me with this questions:
After estimating the unrestriced VAR with "ca.jo" I would like to impose
the rank restriction (for example rank = 1) and then obtain the
restricted estimate of PI to be utilized to estimate the VECM model.
Is it possible?
2017 Jul 13
Question on Simultaneous Equations & Forecasting
> On 13 Jul 2017, at 12:55, Pfaff, Bernhard Dr. <Bernhard_Pfaff at fra.invesco.com> wrote:
> Who was speaking about non-linear models in the first place???
> The Klein-Model(s) and pretty much all simultaneous equation models encountered in macro-econometrics are linear
That's really not true. Klein model is linear but Oseibonsu did not say that explicitly...
2005 Oct 17
COM objects with early bindings in R
...ges RDCOMClient and SWinTypeLibs and try to import a COM
object (created in Delphi) in R that is of type 'early binding' instead of
late 'late binding'. Is there a possibility to do this in R?
Currently, the following returns an error message:
l1 = LoadTypeLib("c:\\Programme\\INVESCO\\QaCalendar\\Calendar.dll")
IQaCalPeriodicInit QaCalPeriodic IQaSeriesInit
"dispatch" "coclass" "dispatch"
QaSeries _QaSerLib...
2007 Apr 27
Problem with formatted xtable in R 2.5.0
...month 04
day 23
svn rev 41293
language R
version.string R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)
Dr. Bernhard Pfaff
Global Structured Products Group
Senior Analyst
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Bleichstrasse 60-62
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49(0)69 29807 230
Fax: +49(0)69 29807 178
Email: bernhard_pfaff at fra.invesco.com
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Karl Georg Bayer, Bernhard Langer, Alexander Lehmann, Christian Puschmann
Handelsregister: Frankfurt am Main, H...
2006 Oct 27
all.names() and all.vars(): sorting order of functions' return vector
Dear list-subscriber,
in the process of writing a general code snippet to extract coefficients
in an expression (in the example below: 0.5 and -0.7), I stumbled over
the following peculiar (at least peculiar to me:-) ) sorting behaviour
of the function all.names():
> expr1 <- expression(x3 = 0.5 * x1 - 0.7 * x2)
> all.names(expr1)
[1] "-" "*" "x1"
2017 Jul 13
Question on Simultaneous Equations & Forecasting
...itten as
y[..] <- lefthandside - (righthandside)
You can then include identities naturally.
You would have to make the model dynamic but that shouldn't be too difficult using vector indexing.
Berend Hasselman
> On 13 Jul 2017, at 10:06, Pfaff, Bernhard Dr. <Bernhard_Pfaff at fra.invesco.com> wrote:
> Hi Frances,
> I have not touched the system.fit package for quite some time, but to solve your problem the following two pointers might be helpful:
> 1) Recast your model in the revised form, i.e., include your identity directly into your reaction functio...
2017 Jul 13
Question on Simultaneous Equations & Forecasting
...itten as
y[..] <- lefthandside - (righthandside)
You can then include identities naturally.
You would have to make the model dynamic but that shouldn't be too difficult using vector indexing.
Berend Hasselman
> On 13 Jul 2017, at 10:06, Pfaff, Bernhard Dr. <Bernhard_Pfaff at fra.invesco.com> wrote:
> Hi Frances,
> I have not touched the system.fit package for quite some time, but to solve your problem the following two pointers might be helpful:
> 1) Recast your model in the revised form, i.e., include your identity directly into your reaction functio...
2018 Jan 31
Best practices in developing package: From a single file
Dear All:
stepping in late, but @Joris, if you would like to take 'from a single file' literally,
have a look at:
(lp4rp: literate programming for R packages);
ps: incidentally, within the noweb-file roxygen is employed.
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: R-devel [mailto:r-devel-bounces at r-project.org] Im Auftrag von Joris