Displaying 20 results from an estimated 39 matches for "interspers".
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2023 Mar 06
legend: interplay between title and y.intersp
I think you are right, legend cannot do it. I have now created my own
legend function where I changed only one line and now it works the way I
want it to. But I'm not sure if that might not have other side effects.
I have the impression that the legend and the title start at the same
y-position (try y.intersp=0). Only if y.intersp is big enough, then it
leads to a non-overlap of
2023 Mar 06
legend: interplay between title and y.intersp
What about
plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n")
legend("top", legend=c("", "a", ""), col=c("blue", "red", "green"),
title="test", y.intersp=c(1,-0.4), lwd=1)
(in recent versions of R)
On 06.03.2023 11:34, Sigbert Klinke wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you are right, legend cannot do
2023 Mar 04
legend: interplay between title and y.intersp
Set the legend position explicitly with x and y values and add xpd = TRUE
to the legend call to clip the plot to the figure region and not the plot
region (the default). Something like this (you may have to fool around with
y.intersp, etc. to allow enough space between the legend lines):
plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n")
legend(x = .4, y = 1.25, legend=c("", "",
2023 Mar 04
legend: interplay between title and y.intersp
my MWE is not working as expected:
plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n")
legend("top", legend=c("", "", "a"), col=c("blue", "red", "green"),
title="test", y.intersp=0.2, lwd=1)
The lines are not below the title. I want (nearby) lines as in the plot,
but below the title. Is there a way to achieve this?
1999 Sep 11
legend(): adjust space between symbol and tex
I'd like to ask, how to adjust the space between symbol/line and text in a
legend. My legend() is build like that
legend(xmax-netzdiff/11, # shouldn't matter here
ifelse(ydiff>=0, #
ymin-6.5*(netzdiff/11), #
ymax-netzdiff/11), #
c("stehender Stamm","Windwurf",
2003 Dec 12
legend() graphics output bug (PR#5725)
Full_Name: Daniel Gasser
Version: 1.8.1
OS: Win XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
The legend()-Function shows a different behaviour than it did in Version 1.6.1.
It plots a black box left of the legend lines on each legend row. In 1.6.1 there
was just the line in appropriate color for each row in the legend (i was using
exactly the same legend statement and same plot function).
My legend
2004 Aug 20
legend lwd - feature request (PR#7023)
Lfo@psykiatri.aaa.dk wrote:
> (R1.9.1 Windows)
> In legend( ) lwd have no effect on points - contrary to the behaviour
> in e.g. plot( ) and points( ). It would be nice to have an option pt.lwd
> affecting the line width of legend points (like pt.cex changes the
> magnification).
> An example (note the difference in line width between points in the
> plot
2010 Jan 12
Multiple symbols per single line in a legend
Hello everybody,
Is it possible to coax legend() into displaying more than one simbol per
line in legend? I have a graph like the one attached to this mail; I would
like to reorganize the legend in such a way that the duplicate text would be
omitted, i.e., the first line would read <square> <triangledown> "increasing
frequency" and the second one would read <circle>
2000 May 31
legend with multiple columns
I have made a minor hack to "legend" (in R 1.0.0, but I didn't notice
any changes to legend in the 1.0.1 NEWS) to allow the legend to be
formatted in multiple columns, or horizontally (number of columns <-
number of legend items). (I find this helpful when I have lots of legend
items and not a lot of vertical space to squeeze the legend into.)
(Another hack I've considered
2009 Nov 30
Continuous legend colors
Dear List,
I am trying to get a basic plot to show a continuous range of fill colors. It is probably easiest to demonstrate. I would like a legend like in the following example:
Satellite.Palette <-colorRampPalette(c("blue3","cyan","aquamarine","yellow","orange","red"))
image.plot(volcano, col = Satellite.Palette
2001 Aug 27
colorbar legend for image()
are there any plans to add a colorbar legend to image()?
Or such a possibility already implemented which I just haven't
discovered yet. Anyway, I will be willing to spent some time on the
implementation if there isn't anyone working on that already.
r-devel mailing list -- Read
2009 Jan 14
How to get legend outside of plot?
I am creating a CDF plot function more user-friendly than any default r
function. Depending upon the bimodality of the data (it is often bimodal),
or any other strange data trends, the points can end up gathering in just
about any corner of the plot. So, when I add a legend, whether I choose to
add it in the bottom right, top left, or wherever, it will sometimes end up
putting the legend right
2009 Mar 24
Legend containing maths symbol and values of variables
I need to have the maths symbol for >= in the legend, and to
substitute threshold variable with its value. Somehow, various
attempts weren't successful. Please help.
threshold <- 0.5
plot(NA, xlab="", ylab="", main="", axes=F, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
legend(x=0, y=1, fill=c("orange", "white",
2012 Feb 10
how to plot a nice legend?
i'd like to plot a legend in my diagram. The diagram will be included
in a TikZ LaTeX document later.
I tried the legend() function, but
- it can not find a good place it self where the legend fits
and playing around with coordinates and scaling consumes a lot time
- standard settings for the text need adjustment
(linespacing is quite large and so on)
Is there an alternative to
2012 Jul 30
barplot question
Dear r-help members.
I would like to:
a) control the margin around my legend box. Unfortunately I did not find an appropriate command under "?legend". The margin around the actual legend is way too wide. There is a lot of unnecessary "empty space" on the right side.
b) increase the width of the individual barplots. I saw that this can be obtained with the command
2005 Jul 24
Question about 'text'
Another tweak !
If you want the 'legend' to look pretty you can resize it by adding,say,
'cex=0.6' into the legend code; try---
legend("topleft", #inset=-1,
legend = do.call("expression", L),
ncol = 2,
x.intersp = 0.4,
2010 Feb 02
mysterious extra spaces appearing in expression paste
i'm trying to put a legend on some figures and they're coming out a
bit wonky. here's an example:
a <- c(1:10)
leg <- c(expression(paste("data1 (",rho,"=1)")),
expression(paste("data2 (",rho,"=0.0)")))
2010 Feb 16
Legend Text Font Size
I have a plot containing a large number of lines. I have placed a
legend in the plot, but with so many lines, the legend takes up a lot
of space. I have tried to reduce the spacing between the lines using
the legend parameter x.intersp=0.7, but this does not compress the
legend enough. Is there some way to make the text font size smaller
in "legend"?
1998 Sep 25
I've been having some trouble with legend not printing line types and I see
there is some difference with Splus. In Splus the only required arguments are
x,y, and legend.
Also, I always thought required arguments had to proceed optional argument. What
should happen here if I omit fill and col but specify lty=something?
function (x, y, legend, fill, col = "black", lty,
1998 Dec 15
I am trying to put a legend below some plots as follows:
par(mfcol = c(2, 1), mar = c(5.1, 6.1, 4.1, 2.1))
matplot(matrix(1:30,15,2), type="l", lty=1:2)
par(mfg = c(2, 1, 2, 1))
legend((par()$usr)[1:2], (par()$usr)[3:4], c("a","b"), lty = 1:2, col=1:2, bty
= "y")
The letters "a" and "b" print but not the lines. If I omit