search for: intakes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 39 matches for "intakes".

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2012 Jul 11
unable to subtract dates in R
Hi, I wanted to calculate the age of people in my dataset by subtracting the individual's date of birth from their intake into a program. After several hours, searches of help archives, and the downloading of lubiridate, I have had no luck with this. Below is the code I used. > intakeDS$DOB <- as.character(intakeDS$DOB) > intakeDS$DOB <- as.Date(intakeDS$DOB,
2005 Dec 02
Time series influenced by half-time, intake and treatment...
Hi! First of all: I'm a newbie to both statistics and R, so please be patient with me... I do however, like R because I've been programming (pascal, IDL, perl, C etc) and designing models since -92, but never related to statistics. Ok, here we go: I've got a set of 15 people, all of them observed over 10 weeks (10 analysed blood samples) with - let us kall it the A-value - influenced
2006 Sep 20
multiple lines and plot
Hi. Please, how can I put together 2 or more lines at the same scatterplot ? Example: measures of protein intake (quantitative) of 4 children over 30 days, by day. How to plot all children at same graphic: Protein X Time ? Is there any command like "overlay" ? Thank you, Mauricio
2024 Sep 19
Inquiry About R Packages for Specific Research Areas
Dear R Support Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the specific R packages that would best suit our academic research project, which involves analyses in various fields. We are particularly interested in the following areas: Epidemiology Analysis: We are aware that packages like epiR, survival, and epitools exist for epidemiological analysis. Could you please
2024 Sep 20
EZstream XML that used to work
...ver> ? </servers> ? <streams> ??? <stream> ????? <mountpoint>/broadband</mountpoint> ????? <format>MP3</format> ????? <name>ShoutOut Radio with Andy Shilton? and Steffi Barnett</name> ??? </stream> ? </streams> ? <intakes> ??? <intake> <filename>/home/tgvpadmin/ezstream/shout.m3u</filename> ????? <stream_once>Yes</stream_once> ??? </intake> ? </intakes> </ezstream> The problem seems to be with the <name> XML directive. I thought that if it is added t...
2008 Jun 10
[Trivia question] What engine is it on DTrace T-shirt ?
Hi, This is not a DTrace technical question (so, please don''t flame me for it) :) This is regarding the DTrace (un)conference TShirt. I am curious to know what engine is it. Could not figure it out. Thanks and regards, Sanjeev. -- Solaris Revenue Products Engineering, India Engineering Center, Sun Microsystems India Pvt Ltd. Tel: x27521 +91 80 669 27521
2023 Dec 04
Wrong url's from ezstream/icecast
...t;/stream_url> <stream_genre>Rock</stream_genre> <stream_description>Recordings from our practice room</stream_description> <stream_quality>5</stream_quality> <public>1</public> </stream> </streams> <intakes> <intake> <type>program</type> <filename>/home/thomas/ezstream/</filename> <playlist_program>1</playlist_program> <stream_once>0</stream_once> </intake> </intakes> [...] </ezstream>
2016 Mar 31
Asterisk 13 - Call Bridge issue.
I have the following senerio. Call file calls 1st party. When connected give called party option to connect to second party. Issue Dial to second party. Caller answers and the two are bridged together. My issue is that 4 out of 5 calls fail to bridge the audio. Am I missing something or is there some kind of bug? Here is my test dialplan ;Dialer Base Code Files. ;Variables
2007 Dec 12
Adding data labels to Lattice plots
Hi, I am new to lattice graphics and have the following question. I have a dataframe d2: cat PointsInTime MeanScore 1 Parent Intake 26.25000 2 Youth Intake 9.75000 3 Worker Intake 20.63636 4 Parent Discharge 24.00000 5 Youth Discharge 15.60000 6 Worker Discharge 23.90909 and to produce a plot I am using the following code print(xyplot(MeanScore ~
2007 May 17
using lm() with variable formula
New to R; please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I tried to RTFM; didn't help. I want to do a series of regressions over the columns in a data.frame, systematically varying the response variable and the the terms; and not necessarily including all the non-response columns. In my case, the columns are time series. I don't know if that makes a difference; it does mean I have to call
2012 Sep 24
stop on rows where !$ti_all)
Dear R experts, I got help to build a loop but there is a bug inside it that causes one part of the mechanism to fail. It should grow once, but if keep growing on rows where $ti_all is not NA. Here is a wall of code that very crudely demonstrates the problem, there is a couple of dim() outputs at the end where you can see how it the second time around keeps adds (2) rows, but this does not
2011 Nov 18
What does :count actually mean in assert_select?
Hi guys, I tried reading up the RSPEC Book (Dec 2010) and googled a bit but I could not find anything. I''m using Rspec2. Example: spec/factories/categories.rb ====================== FactoryGirl.define do factory :category_intakes, :class => ''category'' do name ''intakes and filters'' description ''airfilters and etc.'' created_by 1 updated_by 1 end factory :category_audio, :class => ''category'' do name ''...
2012 Jan 30
Hi all :) Using lm_sensors, I can see few temperature indicator. M/B Temp: +39?C (low = +15?C, high = +40?C) sensor = thermistor CPU Temp: +33?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = thermistor Temp3: +53?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = diode What is that Temp3? It's the hottest. Which one is the best to use if I want to use lm_sensor as a general
2012 Jun 01
Violation of sample independence in Pearson's product-moment correlation
Hi all: There was a concern raised by reviewers of a manuscript of mine over the proper execution of a Pearson's correlation. In brief, this was undertaken in order to determine the relationship between the extent of wheel running (y axis) and ethanol intake (x axis) across three, separate 10 day periods in 7 animals. In the paper, the correlational plots for each 10 day-period had 70 data
2007 Jul 30
Extract random part of summary nlme
Dear helpers, I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is shown below: Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output: > summary(model)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value
2006 Feb 07
hardware and configuration for school's servers
Hi I am managing samba server in school. "Server" is on VIA 800MHz processor with 80GB IDE hard drive. there is no domain at the moment, just simple sharing, security share and smbpasswd file. I have 300 computers (each classroom has 20) with winxp sp2 auto logon limited local account, 300 users (6 intake groups). Passworded home directorys on Samba and Pupils have access to it by
2007 Jun 10
{nlme} Multilevel estimation heteroscedasticity
Dear All, I'm trying to model heteroscedasticity using a multilevel model. To do so, I make use of the nlme package and the weigths-parameter. Let's say that I hypothesize that the exam score of students (normexam) is influenced by their score on a standardized LR test (standLRT). Students are of course nested in "schools". These variables are contained in the
2007 Jul 31
Extracting random parameters from summary lme and lmer
LS, I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is shown below: Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output: > summary(model)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value
2006 May 20
Can lmer() fit a multilevel model embedded in a regression?
I would like to fit a hierarchical regression model from Witte et al. (1994; see reference below). It's a logistic regression of a health outcome on quntities of food intake; the linear predictor has the form, X*beta + W*gamma, where X is a matrix of consumption of 82 foods (i.e., the rows of X represent people in the study, the columns represent different foods, and X_ij is the amount of
2007 Feb 09
The High Performance Echo Canceller (HPEC)
I recently read about the following new technologies from Digium. Has anyone tried the new HPEC or knows when it will be available? TDM800P and HPEC The TDM800P is an 8-port analog telephony interface card, so it fills the gap between Digium's 4-port and 24-port cards. Analog phones and POTS lines are going to be with us for some time, and demand for support for them remains high. The