Displaying 20 results from an estimated 223 matches for "insectes".
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2006 Jul 02
Calculation of lags
If I have the follow situation:
A dependent variable (i.e. number of insects) that is affected by an
independent variable (i.e. rain). The problem is that the measure of rain
affect the population in other moment. So there exit a lag between the rain
and the number of insects. Exist in R any tool to find what is this lag?
Explain better.
Suppose that I have a linear relationship
2006 Aug 09
Improvement: SiteMapper - working ideas as a possible RoR''s routing replacement
I''ve done potencial replacement for RoR''s routing mechanism.
It just works as an independent class so you can try bundled examples
withou installing anything else. I didn''t integrated it into Rails (as
a plugin?) because I don''t know if anyone would appreciate it etc.
SiteMapper features:
1. uses regexp mask to get variables from
2008 Nov 18
matrix for diversity functions?
I have a small simple data frame (attached) - to compare diversity of
insects encountered in disturbed and unditurbed site. What i have is
the count of insects - the total number of times they were encountered
over 30 monitoring slots.
Can someone please check for me to make sure how the 'community data
matrix' for the diversity function needs to be oriented so that i'm
2008 Aug 15
ylab with an exponent
plot(1,2, ylab= paste("insects", expression(m^2), sep=" "))
I get insects m^2
I would like m to the 2
what is the problem?
Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are
so little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and
make us feel like gods. We are mammals, and have not exhausted the
annoying little problems of being
2002 May 02
Surface Graphic
Hello list!
I have a problem with the function 'persp'. I have a data set with the
X -> The X coordenate of the insect
Y -> The Y coordenate of the insect
deep-> how deep the insect buried into the soil.
I would like to have a plot with a surface simulating the way the insect
buried. Is it possible? If I type
R gives me this error message
Error in
2007 Oct 09
coxph models for insects
You have an interesting problem, and a serious (reliable) consultation would
take more time than I have to give at the moment. Which is to say that you
should take these comments with a grain of salt.
First, I don't think that you have censored data. You have 2 subdistribution
functions F1(t) and F2(t), F1(t) + F2(t) = F(t) = the "time to endpoint"
2011 Jan 14
Fwd: helps in data analysis
Dear List,
I posted this in R-mixed and did not receive any feedback. I might post it
in the wrong place. I re-post in R-help and hope to receive any suggestions
and\or thoughts regarding data analysis.
The objective of the study is to investigate effects of soil properties on
insect outbreaks. There are four study fields (or sites). Data were
collected from 1996 through 2009. Below is
2006 Sep 13
unexpected result in glm (family=poisson) for data with an only zero response in one factor
...e GLM works properly:
g=glm(response~traitment, data=mydata, family=poisson)
##################################################################################### END ##
Antonin Ferry (PhD)
"Laboratoire d'Ecobiologie des Insectes Parasitoides"
Universit? de Renes1, FRANCE
2009 Jul 08
Randomizing a dataframe
Hi R-helpers,
I have a dataframe (called data) with trees in rows (n=100) and insect
species (n=10) in columns. My tree IDs are in a column called TREE and each
species has a column labeled SPEC1, SPEC2, SPEC3, etc...
I wish to randomize the values in my dataframe such that row and column
totals are held constant, i.e. in my randomized data each tree will have the
same number of individual
2010 Oct 18
boxplot ranked x labels
Dear R users,
x-values (EI) = Adw, EG1, LA1, Ad1, LA2, LA3...(14 levels, insect
y-valus = antpop
within the boxplot function x-values are ordered alphabetically
Idea: x-values ranked by list order (insect stage: Egg stage 1 is
followed by Larvae 1 and not by Egg stage 2 as it would be in an
alphabetically order)
Problems with the order(tapply()) function: variable lengths
2004 Aug 15
analysis of life tables
Dear all,
How can I analyze a life table (e.g. for a cohort of insects) in R?
I have 20 insects in 200 cages with two different treatments, whose
survival is followed over time, such that, e.g., in one treatment, the
number of animals surviving is c(20,18,16,12,10,8,4,0), while in the
other treatment the survival is c(20,20,18,18,16,15,15,14) at 8
subsequent time intervals.
I would very
2009 Feb 11
problem with 'which' and strings
I have written a function that goes through a database and calculates various
metric scores and allocates them to a data set. For 400 of the 500 sites
that I calculate these metrics for works fine and allocates the scores into
the appropriate column. For some reason, some sites I run into the below
Here is what I am doing:
> names(orig.metric)
[1] "BenInsect"
2009 Mar 13
Mixed model help!
Hi everyone! I am a biologist from Argentina and have to solve this problem.
I have an insect population obtained from 10 different nests and need to
know its sex ratio. But as I cannot ensure insects independence I need to
run a model where I can include the variable “nest” as with a random effect.
The response variable has a binomial distribution (males or females).
I’ve been reading for a while
2003 Oct 27
Bioassays Yielding concentration-Mortality data
Dear all,
I'm trying reproduce an example of bioassays Yielding Concentration-Mortality Data particularly control - adjustment model from book Bioassay of Entomopathogenic Microbes and Nematodes chapter 7 with R.
I used glm with family=binomial and link=probit, but I do not know how to implement parameter gamma (control mortality - mortality of the untreated control insect in this exaple)
2016 Aug 22
Dial and start music on hold after timeout
Sorry, I forgot to write that the SIP peer must keep ringing while the
announcement is being played.
Le 22/08/2016 ? 17:42, John Kiniston a ?crit :
> This seems like the obvious answer but maybe I'm misunderstanding the
> question.
> exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/alice,20)
> same => n,Playback(myannouncement)
> same => n,NoOP(Whatever else you want to do goes
2009 May 12
adonis help - (non-parametric (permutational) manova)
I am trying to apply this technique (M.J Anderson 2001) to a dataset
of aquatic insect abundances. There is a sample in the unrestored and
restored segement of a stream for every time period. I would like to
compare the centroids of the distance matrices for the treatments up
(unrestored) and dn (restored) to see if there is a difference in
insect communities between the treatments. I will not
2007 Oct 08
coxph() command design and data setup
Hello all:
I'm attempting to run a Cox proportional hazards function on survival data
from insects and I have a few questions.
My current command that I'm using to call the model is as follows (using
coxph() from the survival library):
coxph(Surv(day, censor) ~ treatment + room + chamber %in% treatment, data =
Day indicates which day a particular observation occurred, and
2010 Jul 07
Appropriateness of survdiff {survival} for non-censored data
I read through Harrington and Fleming (1982) but it is beyond my
statistical comprehension. I have survival data for insects that have
a very finite expiration date. I'm trying to test for differences in
survival distributions between different groups. I understand that
the medical field is most often dealing with censored data and that
survival analysis, at least in the package survival,
2012 Mar 27
What error distribution should I use?
I'm trying to make a glmm to identify the relationship between insect
species richness with fragment size, isolation and time (different years).
I already tried to analyse it using poisson distribution error, but I
always face with the following warning:
*glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred *
This is probably hapenning because my dataset has a lot of zeros. So, what
2006 Mar 20
type in daisy
I'm a PhD student and I want to use the function 'daisy' from the
package 'cluster' to compute dissimilarities.
My variables are of mixed types so I use the argument 'stand' in daisy
to define the type of my variables.
I have the following error message :
Warning message:
binary variable(s) 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35,