Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "infomatrix".
2008 Mar 05
matrix inversion using solve() and matrices containing large/small values
> dfdbtrans = aperm(dfdb)
> sigerr=sqrt(coeff*dosis^macht)
> sigmadosis = c(1:7)
> for(i in 1:7){
> omega = diag(sigmadosis)
> infomatrix = dfdbtrans%*%omega%*%dfdb
I need the inverse of this information matrix, and
> infomatrix_inv = solve(infomatrix, tol = 10^(-43))
does not deliver adequate results (matrixproduct of infomatrix_inv and
infomatrix is not 1). Regular use of solve() delivers the error '...
2002 May 24
Do machine accounts have to be group 100
The adduser script is working and I can join machines to the domain 'on the
My question is; what are the implications of changing the group id of the
workstation machine accounts to a value other than 100?
Ben Tullis
IT Manager
Infomatrix Ltd.
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2004 Sep 20
asypow.noncent: how does it work?
I am trying to do power calculations for the proportional odds model using the asypow library.
The code
Error in max(..., na.rm = na.rm) : invalid "mode" of argument.
the various arguments I've used are:
[1,] -1.7357568
[2,] -0.1928619
specifying the theta.ha array as a row not a column makes no difference
> infomatrixa90...
2002 Feb 20
How do I remove printer drivers from print$
I have done a foolish thing and I would like help undoing it!
I have managed to add drivers for all of the printers on my Samba server,
using the "Add printer driver wizard."
They are in print$ (/usr/local/samba/printers/W32X86)
The ones for my Win95 and 98 clients are in /usr/local/samba/printers/WIN40
but they are Wrong!
I cannot use the "Server Properties" tab in the
2006 Mar 31
__Very__ Low Bandwidth
I am using the script below to simulate a very low bandwidth connection.
I found that I could turn the bandwidth knob down to about 4kbit, but
below that I didn''t get any traffic through. I''ve had a look at this
generally, but couldn''t find an answer. It doesn''t even seem like the
first reply packet gets through. I have tried it with much bigger