search for: infinitos

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50 matches for "infinitos".

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2016 Oct 15
ciclo for para gráficos
Estimados Tengo un problema que resumo en lo siguiente: Primero hago un bucle for, algo como puede ser este esquema For( i in datos) { Preparo para gráfico 1 <- ??.. Preparo para gráfico 2 <- ??.. Preparo para gráfico 3 <- ??.. Preparo para gráfico 4 <- ??.. } Hasta aquí no hay errores (R procesa) Parte dos, preparo un gráfico para un elemento de la lista, donde están los
2009 May 11
Users can't login on Samba+Ldap
Hi, I've migrated from an old samba installation (Samba as PDC) that used TDB backend for password. I've setup a box with ubuntu and samba 3 + ldap and I imported the old users. Old users works fine. I have problems with new users and machines. Old users works but they don't show up with smbldap-usershow command and I've problem in changing their passwords. If I check the ldap
2005 Mar 16
Time Series
see packages zoo and its on cran. > -----Original Message----- > From: consentino at [mailto:consentino at] > Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:17 PM > To: r-help at > Subject: [R] Time Series > > > Hello, > > I'm using a dataset with unequally spaced time series > and I'd want to know if there is in R some
2006 Aug 25
Wine sources compilation questions
Hi all, I've two simple questions about compiling Wine from sources. Usually I install the binary rpm packages made for Mandriva but I need to use Lotus Notes and so I must patch the wine 0.9.19 winex11drv dll source to get Notes icons to be correctly displayed. Everything has gone ok and Notes works fine but I need a couple of answer about the compilation process. 1) Why compiling wine
2006 Apr 27
Autodial feature doesn't return $DIALSTATUS values
Hello, I'm writing a small PHP application that generates calls automatically and tries to store call details on a Mysql Db, using manager API . When making an autodial call, I noticed that I couldn't read $DIALSTATUS values; since I can't evaluate dial status (BUSY, CONGESTION, NOANSWER), I can't understand when a receiver was busy or not. Nobody seems to have solved this
2005 May 03
slow access while crossmounting samba
Hi, I've got two linux machines with the same distribution and samba 3 that cross-mounts a share (i.e., machine a mounts a share of machine b and vice versa). I'm experiencing slow access from the machines to the opposite mounted share and I don't know what this slow performance can be due to. I'm not running with oplocks cause the share is accessed only by the other linux
2012 May 04
France Model
Hi, I need fit the France model : y = A{1 - exp[-b(t-T) - c(sqrt(t) - sqrt(T))]} parameters: A, b, T, c variable: t (time) resp: y I tried: time = 1:48 resp = rnorm(48, 200, 10) dados = data.frame(resp, time) attach(dados) f = function(x, A, b, T, c) A*(1-exp(-b*(x-T) - c*(sqrt(x) - sqrt(T)))) (mod1 = nls(resp~f(time, A, b, c, T), data=dados, start=c(A=500, b=152, c=100,
2018 Apr 09
Warning en modelo ZINB
¿Quieres decir que para un nivel de una variable categorica todas las observaciones de la variable respuesta sean ceros? Gracias El Lun, 9 de Abril de 2018, 19:59, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió: > ¿Podría ser que para algún nivel de alguna variable independiente > categórica solo hubiese ceros? En ese caso, casi seguro, aparecería ese > tipo de warning. > > El lun., 9 abr. 2018 a
2018 Apr 09
Warning en modelo ZINB
Hola de nuevo Carlos, he probado a quitar esa variable categórica y me sigue dando el aviso... El Lun, 9 de Abril de 2018, 20:17, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió: > Si, creo que el motivo del warning puede ser ese. Es hipotético, pero > plausible. Sobre todo cuando tienes más de un 90% de ceros. > > El coeficiente de ese nivel para el modelo de la mixtura (ceros vs > binomial >
2005 Mar 28
Problem with bindings and MinGW
Message body follows: Hi, I'm interested in Xapian as a possible search engine for a Python project I'm developing. The reason why I write to you, is that I saw that you've been fixing bugs... so please excuse me if I'm bothering you: I saw no other contact on the web pages. I've been spending the last two days trying to set up Python bindings for the library
2005 Mar 28
Problem with bindings and MinGW
Message body follows: Hi, I'm interested in Xapian as a possible search engine for a Python project I'm developing. The reason why I write to you, is that I saw that you've been fixing bugs... so please excuse me if I'm bothering you: I saw no other contact on the web pages. I've been spending the last two days trying to set up Python bindings for the library
2009 Feb 10
¡Ven y únete a Ventas de producto Naturales a Buenos Precios con 4life!
Ventas de producto Naturales a Buenos Precios con 4life: Compra productos para todos tipos de enfermedades con tu tarjeta de creditos -------------------- Ven y compra los producto naturales para cual quier enfermedad y tambien ser distribuidor atraves de los planes para obtener ingresos infinito. Haz clic en el siguiente v?nculo para unirte: Si tu
2004 Feb 05
Multilevel in R
Hello, I have difficulties to deal with multilevel model. My dataset is composed of 10910 observations, 1237 plants nested within 17 stations. The data set is not balanced. Response variable is binary and repeated. I tried to fit this model model<- glmmPQL( y ~ z1.lon*lun +*lun + z1.lon*lar +*lar + z1.lon*sca +*sca +z1.lon*eta +*eta, random = ~ lun + lar + sca
2004 Sep 21
windows program over a samba share
Hi, I don't know if this is possible, but I'd like to install a window program (in the specific JBuilder Personal) over a samba share, and then to mount a network share as a disk from windows clients, so they can use the program. Is it possible? Any idea on how to share windows programs from a linux server? Thanks, Luca -- Luca Ferrari,
2004 Sep 23
invisible server
Hi, I've got a few samba server in my network, but one of them is "invisible". I cannot do a nmblookup on it (even from the server itself), but I cannot telnet the port 137, thus it should not be a problem of firewall. From windows xp machines, I can connect specifying the IP address, while from win98 machines I cannot (I got an error like network name does not exist). The
2004 Nov 12
samba 3 as PDC
Hi, I'm configuring samba as PDC for my network, but I'm having a few problems: 1) roaming profiles are not working, even if I've made up symbolic links in the directories, such as (for user luca): sede:/home/samba-ntprof/luca # ls -l totale 1 drwx------ 3 luca users 120 2004-11-12 17:06 . drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 72 2004-11-12 11:58 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2004-11-12
2004 Nov 15
pdc and shellinfo
Hi, I'm trying to set up my samba server as PDC, but when I login from windows xp a notepad windows pops up showing: [.ShellClassInfo] LocalizedResourceName=@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-21787 while it works under consumer windows. Any idea about? Thanks, Luca -- Luca Ferrari,
2010 Sep 02
samba slow and several "Write andx Request"
Hi all, I'm running version 3.0.28a on Ubuntu linux, and apparently from a day to another I got performance issues: without any change in smb.conf (except a few added shares) I have mac osx and linux clients getting a very slow upload/download speed. I've checked with other protocols, like scp and performances are good, so I can exclude a network/hardware problem. Other clients are
2013 Aug 01
Integrales, limites
Cordial saludo quiero saber como calculo integrales impropias e indefinidas en R, y como calcular limites soy nuevo en R Muchas gracias Harvey Vargas "El verdadero perdedor no es aquél que no gana. El verdadero perdedor es aquél que tiene tanto miedo a no ganar que ni siquiera lo intenta". Alan Arkin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 30
experimental patch for libtheora1.1beta3
Good morning in the Lord Regarding the port of libtheora1.1beta3 for OpenBSD for amd64 and the problem I described at: Attached is a patch for libtheora/patches/patch-lib_x86_mmxencfrag_c I can play videos with it. ?Does it work for you? Best regards -- Dios, gracias por tu amor infinito.