Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "indometh".
2008 Apr 30
Summary statistics across factor levels
...on which
produces neat summary statistics when using "cross" option. I would
like to produce similar output with N and Missing columns but produce
a data.frame. Is there any built-in function for that?
#example data
sek <- seq(1, nrow(Indometh), 9)
Indometh$time[sek] <- NA
Indometh$timeclass <- factor(cut(Indometh$time, breaks=c(0,2,4,6,8,10)))
with(Indometh, summary(conc ~ Subject + timeclass, method="cross"))
#similar with aggregate and reshape but no N or Missing count
i.mean <- aggregate(Indometh$conc, li...
2008 Nov 14
Superimposing y-variables in Lattice formulas
Given a data frame of a categorical variable and two continuous
variables, I would like to display one continuous variable against the
other for each value of the categorical variable, all superimposed on
the same plot. For example:
data(Indometh); str(Indometh)
Classes 'nfnGroupedData', 'nfGroupedData', 'groupedData' and
'data.frame': 66 obs. of 3 variables:
$ Subject: Ord.factor w/ 6 levels "1"<"4"<"2"<"5"<..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ time : num...
2001 Dec 27
reshape error in 1.4 (PR#1231)
Full_Name: Kevin Wright
Version: 1.4
OS: Windows 95
Submission from: (NULL) (
Note: This was the 1.4 build for Windows that Brian Ripley made available.
The first example in the help for reshape doesn't work for me. When I cut and
paste, this is what happens:
> data(Indometh,package="nls")
> summary(Indometh)
Subject time conc
1:11 Min. :0.250 Min. :0.0500
4:11 1st Qu.:0.750 1st Qu.:0.1100
2:11 Median :2.000 Median :0.3400
5:11 Mean :2.886 Mean :0.5918
6:11 3rd Qu.:5.000 3rd Qu.:0.8...
2007 May 11
A simple question regarding plot of nls objects
I was trying to run the example of Indomethacin kinetics from the book:
## From Pinheiro/Bates, Mixed-Effects-Models in S and S-Plus,
## Springer, Second Printing 2001, Section 6.2
fm1Indom.nls <- nls(conc~SSbiexp(time,A1,lrc1,A2,lrc2), data=Indometh)
2001 May 23
help: exponential fit?
Hi there,
I'm quite new to R (and statistics),
and I like it (both)!
But I'm a bit lost in all these packages,
so could someone please give me a hint
whether there exists a package for fitting
exponential curves (of the type
t --> \sum_i a_i \exp( - b_i t))
on a noisy signal?
In fact monoexponential decay + polynomial growth
is what I'd like to try.
Thanks in advance,
2009 Dec 12
simple ts.plot question
*Respected Sir,
I have a simple question regarding plots of time series in R.
I have to plot "conc" against "time" **for each individual and display in
the same panel for the in-built dataset "Indometh" in R.
***I have six time series, say subject1.ts, subject2.ts, .............,
The observations are taken at an interval of 0.25 hr.
All of the series ranges from 0.25hr to 8.00 hr.
How can I plot all the six time series in the same panel**?*
*I am eagerly waiting for your rep...
2005 Jun 24
R demos
Hi All,
I am currently preparing some form of slideshow introducing R and its
capabilities for some colleagues. The thing will be about 30 mins, and
I'd like to have some "pretty pictures" and some "amazing facts" (I'm
trying to sell, obviously :)).
Can I ask if it's possible to easily retrieve a gross figure of the
number of functions in R considering the
2008 Nov 18
reshape question
It's probably a simple issue but I'm struggling with that. I'll use the
example shown in the help page.
wide <- reshape(Indometh, v.names="conc", idvar="Subject",
timevar="time", direction="wide")
reshape(wide, idvar="Subject", varying=list(2:12),
v.names="conc", direction="long")
but, in my...
2006 Jul 24
random section of samples based on group membership
Hi all,
I have a matrix of 474 rows (samples) with 565 columns (variables).
each of the 474 samples belong to one of 120 groups, with the
groupings as a column in the above matrix. For example, the group
column would be:
I want to randomly select one from each group. Not all the groups
have the same number of samples, some have 4, some 3 etc. Is there a
function to
2007 Aug 23
Lost in substitute: nlsList and nlme with dynamic formula
...to use a dynamically create formula with nlsList and nlme, but I
cannot get the environment of the string-generated formal to work similarly
to the manually entered one.
Any idea?
# Pinheiro/Bates p 280
fm1Indom.lis = nlsList(conc~SSbiexp(time,A1,lrc1,A2,lrc2),
# works...
# Simulating a dynamic formula
form = as.formula("conc~SSbiexp(time,A1,lrc1,A2,lrc2)")
fm2Indom.lis = nlsList(form,data=Indometh)
# still correct
#Error in switch(mode(x), "NU...
2008 Oct 28
How to export text into separate text files
I'm producing text from my data.frame using cat function. I would like
to use for loop to export each column in my data.frame into separate
text files. Here is the example code
r <- t(Indometh)
for (i in 1:ncol(r)) {
cat("Some text,", "\n")
cat("More text, More text, More text")
cat(paste(names(r[!is.na(r[,i]), i]), ":",
as.character(r[!is.na(r[,i]), i]), "\n"))
2009 Nov 13
linear model and by()
Hello R list,
This is a question for anyone who has used the by() command. I would like to
perform a regression on a data frame by several factors. Using by() I think
that I have able to perform this using the following:
> lm.r <- by(master, list(Sectionf=Sectionf, startd=startd), function(x) lm
(tot.c ~ starttime, data = x))
So that is, I would like to perform separate regressions for
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
...Daily Closing Prices of Major European Stock
Indices, 1991-1998
Formaldehyde Determination of Formaldehyde
HairEyeColor Hair and Eye Color of Statistics Students
Harman23.cor Harman Example 2.3
Harman74.cor Harman Example 7.4
Indometh Pharmacokinetics of Indomethicin
InsectSprays Effectiveness of Insect Sprays
JohnsonJohnson Quarterly Earnings per Johnson & Johnson Share
LakeHuron Level of Lake Huron 1875-1972
LifeCycleSavings Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings Data
2007 Apr 24
R 2.5.0 is released
...n object now requires it has
integer (and not say double) codes.
o structure() ensures that objects with added class "factor" have
integer codes.
o The "formula" and "outer" attributes of datasets 'ChickWeight',
'CO2', 'DNase', 'Indometh', 'Loblolly', 'Orange' and 'Theoph'
now have an empty environment and not the environment used to
dump the datasets in the package.
o Dataset 'Seatbelts' now correctly has class c("mts", "ts").
o str() now labels classes on data fr...
2007 Apr 24
R 2.5.0 is released
...n object now requires it has
integer (and not say double) codes.
o structure() ensures that objects with added class "factor" have
integer codes.
o The "formula" and "outer" attributes of datasets 'ChickWeight',
'CO2', 'DNase', 'Indometh', 'Loblolly', 'Orange' and 'Theoph'
now have an empty environment and not the environment used to
dump the datasets in the package.
o Dataset 'Seatbelts' now correctly has class c("mts", "ts").
o str() now labels classes on data fr...
2002 Jul 11
dyn.load tcl/tk (PR#1774)
...text html latex example
BOD text html latex example
CO2 text html latex example
ChickWeight text html latex example
DNase text html latex example
Indometh text html latex example
Loblolly text html latex example
NLSstAsymptotic text html latex example
NLSstClosestX text html latex example
NLSstLfAsymptote te...
2000 Feb 17
Installation of rpm file on Suse Linux 6.2 (PR#449)
...ib/R/library/nls/data/BOD.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/CO2.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/ChickWeight.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/DNase.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/Indometh.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/Loblolly.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/Orange.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/Orthodont.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/nls/data/Pixel.R action: creat...