search for: indictative

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "indictative".

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2012 Nov 14
R.dll Reference Guide?
Is there a reference guide to the complete set of functions and their arguments that are available in the R.dll library for Windows, i.e. the set of functions that includes "Rf_initEmbeddedR" and "Rf_endEmbeddedR" listed in section 8.2.2 of the Writing R Extensions manual? This may be more of an indictment of my lexical searching skills than anything else, but I was unable to
2004 Nov 26
How to transfer value to extensions.conf?
Hi, all, I met a problem for several days, any suggestion is really appreciated!!! I'd like to do autodial using Asterisk. For example, I have a file under /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing, which include: channel: zap/g1/12345 MaxRetries: 0 RetryTime: 60 WaitTime: 20 Context: default Extension: 2222 Priority: 1 And in my "extensions.conf" file, I have [default] exten =>
2014 Jul 03
stripping extension from domain name
Thu, 3 Jul 2014 06:29:06 -0400 I know that the "%d" parameter is for the domain. Is there any way to use just the domain name sans its extension. EXAMPLE: ==> example Also, I have a lot of logging going on in my dovecot log file. I want to limit it to just the barest amount, such as indicting what mail box mail was delivered to. Authentication errors, etcetera should
2004 Aug 06
Couldn't Open Pipe to Program
[2003-02-20 15:24:05] EROR playlist-script/playlist_script_get_filename Couldn't open pipe to program "/usr/local/icecast2/" Segmentation fault I'm running a perl script that apparently (rarely) kills ices for this reason. The error occurs approximately once per day for no apparent reason. For the rest of that period the script runs fine. In fact, after some
2012 Aug 05
Extracting desired numbers from complicated lines of web pages
I need to extract the indicted (bold & underlined) numbers from lines coming off web pages. Of course I don't know ahead of time the location or length of the number. What I do know is the tag "Friends", and "Reviews", etc. In fact, it would be good to end up with Value Variable 108 Friends 151 Reviews 5 Review Updates NA First
2005 May 31
This is the guy that has a ton of email addresses. Almost as many as he has phone numbers. google "kvj" He doesn't like our president either: Here's look at a MISERABLE FAILURE and I use facts: George W. Bush (herein referred to as 'bushwhack') is the village idiot and he pushed a series of Trojan horses at Americans: 1) The Overtime Pay act is nothing more than a
2009 Dec 08
Deduplication - deleting the original
In reading this blog post: a question came to mind..... To understand the context of the question, consider the opening paragraph from the above post; Here is my test case: I have 2 directories of photos, totaling about 90MB > each. And here''s the trick - they are almost complete duplicates of each > other. I downloaded
2004 Aug 06
Couldn't Open Pipe to Program
...> leave ices up and running for an extended period without worry. So, what > exactly would cause this kind of error? WIthout knowing anything other than what you've told me, I'd say that ices is forgetting to close the pipe, and you are running out of file handles. The segfault is indictative that the returned file handle (which will be an error code) is probably being used without being checked. Though why it would print out an error message I have no idea. Whoever works on this problem will probably want to know what version of ices you are using. jack. --- >8 ---- List archiv...
2004 May 30
Multi-stream vorbis...
I've been testing my multi-stream mux directshow filter. And have created some files with 2 tracks of vorbis... varying from 2 mp3s transcoding to vorbis interleaved to one mp3 transcode to vorbis in one stream, and live muxed spoken audio encoded to vorbis in the other. Simliarly some with vorbis in one stram and speex encoded voice-overs in the other. My directshow filters can play these
2016 Jan 26
What to do when you've been hacked?
On Mon, January 25, 2016 19:12, Benjamin Smith wrote: > > Which I'd consider "best practices" and we do them. > They are specifically asking about what to do *after* a > breach. Despite all the best practices in > place, there's *still* some risk. > If someone wants in to your network then they will get in. There is no point in deluding yourself or your
2009 Jun 16
Adding zvols to a DomU
I''m trying to add extra zvols to a Solaris10 DomU, sv_113 Dom0 I can use virsh attach-disk <name> <zvol> hdb --device phy to attach the zvol as c0d1. Replacing hdb by hdd gives me c1d1 but then that is it. Being able to attach several more zvols would be nice but even being able to get at c1d0 would be useful Am I missing something or can I only attach to hda/hdb/hdd?
1999 Dec 16
R question
I have the following question, which is elementary but I am unable to answer. In a for(i=10) loop, I am trying to represent the 10 1-dimensional vectors l1, l2,... l10 by some expression that will run through these values. ie. soppose I want to add l1 + ... + l10 I could go x <- 0 for(i in 1:10){ x <- x+ l(i)} This should return x to be the sum of the 10 li's for i from 1 to 10
2017 Oct 25
[OT] Bash help
On 10/25/2017 12:47 PM, Warren Young wrote: > > You?re making things hard on yourself by insisting on Bash, by the way. This solution is better expressed in Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua, JavaScript?probably dozens of languages. Yeah, you're right, I am. An associative array was the first thing I thought of, then realized BASH doesn't do those.? I honestly expected there to be a fairly
2015 Dec 17
google chrome future / centos 7
> Date: Thursday, December 17, 2015 16:28:01 -0500 > From: Jonathan Billings <billings at> > > On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 08:37:32PM +0000, Richard wrote: >> >> I'm seeing the following banner when I start up google-chrome >> 48-beta (48.0.2564.48 beta (64-bit)) on my 7.2 machines: >> >> This computer will soon stop receiving Google
2014 Apr 11
[LLVMdev] llvm cse optimization
I'm working on the across the subprogram call optimization, and let's say the following llvm IR, @ng0 = internal global [2 x i32] [i32 2, i32 0], align 4 %t7 = alloca [16 x i8], align 16 %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8* %t1, i64 40 %call = call i8* @handle_value(i8* %add.ptr, i32 3) #3 %arraydecay = getelementptr inbounds [8 x i8]* %t3, i64 0, i64 0 %arraydecay1 =
2010 Aug 26
Shared mailboxes with dovecot.
Hi, first of all for forgive me for my english. I have several questions. 1. There are 2 user/passwd databases in my setup - ldap and mysql. when i login into one user with telnet 143 and share inbox to some users - records in dict-file apears? but if i delete some acls - records indict-file stays same. 2. I see in error.log such errors. can somebody explain what do dovecot list
2010 Jun 29
file "time-to-live"
Hi everyone, There is a way to make files being automatically deleted some time after they have been created? I know that, with some scripting wizardry i could achieve this, but i wanna know if samba has this kind of feature. I have a temp folder that users insist in use like a backup folder, so i want to files to be deleted 24 hours after they have been created. I cannot just delete
2008 Apr 26
Rise of nations problem
Im trying out Ubuntu (8.04) and thought Id give wine(0.9.59) a bit of a try, I gave RON a try and I keep hitting the error below when trying to start installation (i basically get nothing no spalsh screen nothing :( ), this was after I had the preloader bug, which the work around fixed and I was able to install starcraft/broodwars okay as a test
2007 May 09
Webbrick and/or Mongrels Dies Overnight
I have a SuSE 10.0 server that was first running Webbrick, and now Mongrel. In both cases, I can have them running and used all day. However, either one of them will go unresponsive in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason. Being that I only use Mongrel now, I check the mongrel.log, and nothing unusual there. I check /var/log/ messages, and nothing there. Still, a request to
2017 Oct 25
[OT] Bash help
I know this is for CentOS stuff, but I'm at a loss on how to build a script that does what I need it to do.? It's probably really logically simple, I'm just not seeing it.? Hopefully someone will take pity on me and at least give me a big hint. I have a file with two columns 'email' and 'total' like this: me at 20 me at 40 you at