search for: improvers

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2008 Apr 17
Having a probelm woth creating a a simple chart.
Hello, I am having trouble with creating a simple bar chart using R. My file just consists of 1 column called reason. Within this column, there are 2 responses(Room for Improvement and Info entered is all relevant). My code for creating the charts is as follows: d <-read.table("C://project/graphs/reason.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) pie(d$reason, labels=d$reason,
2008 May 02
Cant resolve Error Message
Hi, Im having trouble creating the following graph. Here is my code: library(plotrix) library(prettyR) female_improvement <-read.table("C://project/graphs/gender/breakdown/gender-improvement/female-improvement.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) barp(rbind(rep(length(female_improvement$gender),2),freq(female_improvement$reason)[[1]]), ylab="22 Males participated in the
2006 Apr 09
The search on this forum should improve to improve the forum
The search on this forum should improve to improve the forum -- Posted via
2012 May 25
NHW codec - improvement of precision (Daniel Hendrycks)
On Fri, 25 May 2012 14:00:01 -0500, <theora-request at> wrote: > Message: 1 > Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 19:26:18 +0200 > From: Raphael Canut <nhwcodec at> > Subject: [theora] NHW codec - improvement of precision > To: theora at > Message-ID: > <CAKE58qHqSsrgJP4OX++eetMmT2WTv=8ZvfXoou7bWjOnbUSrAQ at> > Content-Type:
2011 Jun 13
In rpart, how is "improve" calculated? (in the "class" case)
Hi all, I apologies in advance if I am missing something very simple here, but since I failed at resolving this myself, I'm sending this question to the list. I would appreciate any help in understanding how the rpart function is (exactly) computing the "improve" (which is given in fit$split), and how it differs when using the split='information' vs split='gini'
2020 May 15
RFC] Shrink-wrapping improvement
Hi Francis, Thanks for getting back to me. Could you please provide more details about the problems you encounter with those tools and what improvements required to improve compact unwinding format? Most of my experience is in the mid end, but it is still surprising to me that an improved shrink wrap will break that many tools, considering the fact that gcc has a good shrink wrapping pass and
2020 Mar 13
[GSOC] "Project: Improve inter-procedural analyses and optimisations"
Hi all, My name is Fahad Nayyar. I am an undergraduate student from India. I am interested to participate in GSOC under the project “Improve inter-procedural analyses and optimizations”. I have been using LLVM for the past 8 months. I have written various intra-procedural analysis in LLVM as FunctionPass for my course projects and research projects. But I’ve not contributed to the LLVM
2013 Jan 27
Hi, When I look at the summary of an rpart object run on my data, I get 7 nodes but when I plot the rpart object, I get only 3 nodes. Should the number of nodes not match in the results of the 2 functions (summary and plot) or it is not always the same? Look forward to your reply, Carol -------------------------------------------- ?summary(rpart.res) Call: rpart(formula = mydata$class ~ ., data
2014 Nov 26
Changelog: improved decoding
There's an entry in the changelog: "Improved decoding efficiency of all bit depths but especially so for 24 bits (lvqcl)" A couple of comments: 1) The patch that improves encoding for all depths was proposed by Miroslav Lichvar <;a=commit;h=4eab6313cd2198b5647d925bdb3847590505fa21> 2) "Performance checks" graph posted by Martijn van
2020 May 13
RFC] Shrink-wrapping improvement
Hi, Sorry for bringing back such an old thread. I am interested in the latest status of the shrink wrapping pass in LLVM. I have found some active work back in 2017 from Francis Visoiu Mistrih and Kit Barton from the following links. However, it seems that all the work suddenly stops and the improvement for the existing shrink wrapping did not make it into the trunk. Is this work abandoned?
2012 Sep 02
回复: Which Framework will improve my Ruby Skills?
i think you should write more program . so that you can improve you ruby skills ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "ANIKET KADAM"; 发送时间: 2012年9月2日(星期天) 晚上9:52 收件人: "rubyonrails-talk"; 主题: Re: [Rails] Which Framework will improve my Ruby Skills? can you tell me which rubygems will improve my ruby skills On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 2:00 PM, ANIKET KADAM
2006 Jun 17
How come wine doesn't improve?
Even though wine versions get released often and the weekly newsletters seem to report progress I get the impression that wine is not really improving. Of course it happens that some applications work with newer wine versions which didn't work with older ones, but at the same time old applications stop working. Is it only me that gets the impression that wine only changes over time, but
2019 Apr 03
[GSoC] Improve function attribute inference
Hi Johannes. My name is Hideto Ueno. I’m interested in working on GSoC project, “Improve (function) attribute inference”. As far as I see [0] and related patches, you have already implemented algorithms for many of the deducible function attributes with the new framework “Attributor”. I doubt whether there is still room for improvement as a GSoC project. If there is, let me know. Thanks.
2011 Aug 22
Wiki/revision control to management of CRAN package repository
I propose the following humbly, with little know how as to how to implement, and realize it may have been proposed many times. It is just something I had on my mind. Would it be possible/desirable to have the whole CRAN package repository accessible through a public wiki, forge or version control interface (ideally a fusion of the wiki and forge approach)? It appears it would be a first for a
2006 Nov 20
Dear r-help-list: I' got a question about the computation of the improve of a split. The following is an extract of an output of the summary of a tree: Node number 1: 600 observations, complexity param=0.007272727 predicted class=0 expected loss=0.1666667 class counts: 500 100 probabilities: 0.833 0.167 left son=2 (211 obs) right son=3 (389 obs) Primary splits: x4
2020 Jun 01
Improve hot cold splitting to aggressively outline small blocks
Hello, I am Ruijie Fang, a GSoC student working on "Improve hot cold splitting to aggressively outline small blocks." Over the course of last week, I met with my mentor and co-mentor, Aditya Kumar, and Rodrigo Rocha, and we made a preliminary plan on improving the existing hot/cold splitting pass in LLVM through identifying patterns of cold blocks in real-world workloads via block
2015 Mar 16
[LLVMdev] GSOC:Control Flow integrity for kernal
Hi I want to pursue a project based to improve the existing KCoFI method which is the Control Flow integrity method for commodity os. Since KCoFI is a llvm based project I plan to undertake the project to improve the existing KCoFI method. Following are the improvements that I want to pursue: 1. To improve the call graph used in KCoFI. Implement a stronger call graph. 2. Port the KCoFI to
2016 Aug 05
enabling interleaved access loop vectorization
On 6 August 2016 at 00:18, Michael Kuperstein <mkuper at> wrote: > I agree that we can get *more* improvement with better cost modeling, but > I'd expect to be able to get *some* improvement the way things are right > now. Elena said she saw "some" improvements. :) > That's why I'm curious about where we saw regressions - I'm wondering >
2006 Apr 14
[LLVMdev] [DRAFT] LLVM 1.7 release announcement notes [DRAFT]
Hi Everyone, Here are my notes on the LLVM 1.7 release, which will go into the final release announcement. As Tanya mentioned, it has been far too long since the last release, and there have been a lot of CVS commits since Novemeber. :) I went through them all and pulled out some of the major improvements, which I've listed below. I'm certain that I have forgotten some things, so
2013 May 16
vim-puppet syntax highlight
Hi I am trying to install vim-puppet for syntax highlight of puppet manifest file. I first installed vim-puppet and then vim. Then I ran "vim-addon-manager -w install puppet" I am still unable to see the colours on site.pp bala@WheezyMaster:~$ vim-addon-manager # Name User Status System Status editexisting removed removed justify