search for: implemantations

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "implemantations".

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2004 Nov 03
...t is not exported by the windows dll (see export table of "libspeex.dll" v1.1.6). Just as extern const SpeexMode speex_nb_mode; extern const SpeexMode speex_wb_mode; extern const SpeexMode *speex_mode_list[SPEEX_NB_MODES]; Unfortunately we could not find any further information or other implemantations of libspeex to solve our problem. regards, Grigory Fishilevich -- NEU +++ DSL Komplett von GMX +++ GMX DSL-Netzanschluss + Tarif zum supergünstigen Komplett-Preis!
2008 Aug 21
Parabolic cylinder function
Dear all, I need your advice since I am looking for an implementation of the parabolic cylinder function in R. I found implemantations of the hypergemetric functions (the Whittaker and the confluent hypogeometric functions) in the package fAsianOptions but the parabolic cylinder function was unfortunately not there. Do you know of such implementation? Thank you very much for your advice. Cheers, Zoe [[alternative HTML version...
2001 Feb 23
statistical help
Hi All, Briefly, I belong to a fisheries research group. At this time I'm working on my PhD and I'm looking for some statistical help. My mathematical and statistical skills are still scarce, I've gathered many different types of data (landings, climate and upwelling indexes, rains, etc) and I wonder about what kind of statistical procedure use with them. I'm a little confused
2005 May 01
Roots of quadratic system.
Hello, I have a system of quadratic equations (results of a Hamiltonian optimization) which I need to find the roots for. Is there a package and/or function which will find the roots for a quadratic system? Note that I am not opimizing, but rather solving the first order conditions which come from a Hamiltonian. I am basically looking for something in R that will do the same thing as fsolve in
2019 Aug 29
enable_shared_from_this fails at runtime when inherited privately
Hello, I just discovered, that, when using enable_shared_from_this and inheriting it privately, this fails at runtime. I made a small example: #include <memory> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp> #ifndef prefix #define prefix std #endif class foo: prefix::enable_shared_from_this<foo> {
1998 Oct 19
How to: users print with their username, guests with guest account
Hi all, In our setup we would like that all users with a valid account use their username to print, while users with no account use the guest account. How can we do that. If we use: [printers] .. .. public = yes guest account = nobody .. .. then all users are printing on the guest account. On the other hand, if we use [printers] .. .. public = no valid users = .....,DummyAccount write list =
2006 Aug 17
Bonding + Shaping --> Is it Possible?
Hello All, I was curious to know if I can do traffic shaping on abonded Interface? Ex: I have to interfaces eth1 and eth2 which i have bonded together as bond0 , now the question is can I do shaping on eth1 and eth2 ?? Thanks KartheeK --------------------------------- Here''s a new way to find what you''re looking for - Yahoo! Answers Send FREE SMS to your