Displaying 20 results from an estimated 66 matches for "ifort".
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2011 Jul 04
R CMD SHLIB with ifort
I am running Linux (64 bit) R, compiled under gnu compilers. I am looking
to compile a Fortran program with the ifort (the intel compiler) and then be
able to import that as a library into my version of R. I am using the
flags FC=ifort and SHLIB_FCLD=ifort, however ifort does not seem to
recognize the libR.so file.
Does any one have experience with this/know of a a way to load an ifort
compiled file into R.
2005 Nov 22
[PATCH] Add fpicflags for Intel(R) Fortran Compiler (PR#8344)
OS: Gentoo/AMD64
Submission from: (NULL) (
I have successfully compiled R-2.2.0 using ifc-9.0.026 on my x86_64 box.
The only (minor) change that hade to be made was adding fpicflags="-fPIC" to
configure.ac in case F77 matches either "ifc" (old name) or "ifort" (new name).
Please apply following patch:
dvandyk at phi trunk $ svn diff
Index: configure.ac
--- configure.ac (revision 36420)
+++ configure.ac (working copy)
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@
rm -f Imakefile Ma...
2014 Sep 30
Intel Fortran compiler returns a -1 TRUE value
...have access to a cluster on which I have been supplied with R 3.1.0 which
appears to have been built using the intel compiler tools.
The following minimal Fortran file:
subroutine truth(lind)
logical lind
lind = .TRUE.
Compiles thusly:
arcadia> R CMD SHLIB truth.f
ifort -fpic -O3 -xHOST -axCORE-AVX-I -fp-model precise -c truth.f -o
ifort: command line warning #10212: -fp-model precise evaluates in source
precision with Fortran.
icc -std=gnu99 -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o truth.so truth.o -lifport
-lifcore -limf -lsvml -lm -lipgo -lirc -lpthread -lirc_...
2005 Apr 19
R-2.1.0 compilation with Intel icc and ifort
I'm using a Linux PC (Pentium IV, Mandrake 10.1) and I've just tried to
compile the new R-2.1.0 release with both gcc/g77 (3.4.1) and icc/ifort
Of course everything went fine with the GNU compilers.
After checking the archives of the mailing list I tried compiling with
the Intel compilers using the following options:
CFLAGS = '-O2 -mp -prec_div'
CXXFLAGS = '-O2 -mp -prec_div'
FFLAGS = '-C90 -w90 -w95 -mp -prec...
2008 May 29
problem building R packages on RHEL 4 Linux with Intel compilers
...the flags to ./configure as illustrated below, but
then the R build blows up with the config tail output that follows far
below. It looks like gcc is still being searched for. I did read the R
install and admin manual but could not find an answer. Help?
CFLAGS="-fast -unroll"
FLAGS="-fast -unroll"
CXXFLAGS="-fast -unroll"
FCFLAGS="-fast -unroll"
LDFLAGS="-L$ICC_LIBS -L$IFC_LIBS -L/usr/local/lib64"
../configure --prefix=/N/u/mkimpel/Quarry/R_HOME/R-patched/R-build\
CC=icc CFLAGS="-fast -unrol...
2008 Jun 07
compilation failed on MacOSX.5 / icc 10.1 / ifort 10.1 / R 2.7.0
I got the following problem when I type make. The error is not enough
verbose to me so I can find the problem. Please cc me, I'm not
make[4]: `vfonts.so' is up to date.
building system startup profile
building package 'base'
all.R is unchanged
../../../library/base/R/base is unchanged
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed:
2005 May 26
Buidling R on Linux (Itanium) fails (PR#7897)
Full_Name: Reinhold Bader
Version: 2.1.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
I tried to build R using the Intel compilers (icc, ifort) and the Math Kernel
Optimizations used were -O3, and the
was exported.
The build failed with the following error message:
dumping R code in package 'methods'
Saving namespace image ...
initializing class and method definitions no...
2008 Aug 07
config.log told me to report these (PR#12035)
Hello r-bugs,
I am running openSuse 11.0, with my new Intel 8500 (Penryn) C2D, and I want to use icc and ifort.
I was able to get a working Goto BLAS, following Dr. Goto's instructions.
That seems to work OK with gcc and gfortran.
I get about 10% faster computations by using -O3 rather than -O2.
I get faster results with Goto BLAS rather than the R BLAS.
Now I want to make icc and ifort work...
So I tr...
2020 Jul 10
Compilation error for R 4.0.2
...current one on Centos 7 is TOO
setenv CURLDIR "/uufs/chpc.utah.edu/sys/installdir/curl/7.65.3"
setenv PCRE2DIR "/uufs/chpc.utah.edu/sys/installdir/pcre2/10.35"
setenv PATH ${PCRE2DIR}/bin:$PATH
Setting Compiler & linker flags:
setenv CC icc
setenv CXX icpc
setenv F77 ifort
setenv FC ifort
setenv CFLAGS " -axCORE-AVX512,CORE-AVX2,AVX,SSE4.2 -O3 -qopenmp
-fp-model precise -fPIC -I${MKLROOT}/include -I${CURLDIR}/include
-I${PCRE2DIR}/include "
setenv CXXFLAGS " ${CFLAGS} "
setenv FFLAGS " ${CFLAGS} "
setenv FCFLAGS &q...
2017 Apr 21
Intel MKL compiling issue
# https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/build-r-301-with-intel-c-compiler-and-intel-mkl-on-linux#
export ICC_OPT="-mkl -xHOST -fp-model strict"
export CC="icc $ICC_OPT"
export CXX="icpc $ICC_OPT"
export FC="ifort -mkl -xHOST"
export F77="ifort -mkl -xHOST"
export FPICFLAGS=" -fPIC"
export AR=xiar
export LD=xild
export MKL="-lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread"
./configure --with-x=no --with-blas=-lmkl
2005 Sep 14
Can anyone tell me if there exists an rpm for netcdf-3.6.0-p1 for Centos
x86-64? Also, are there any details of what was used to compile it,
i.e., ifort, pgf, g77, etc. I'm looking for a version compiled with
2006 Mar 22
Double complex with gcc and Intel v9 Fortran (PR#8699)
compiler and g++ as C++ compiler on a Suse 9.3 Linux, the configuration script
finds that the C and Fortran idea of double comples disagree.
I have tried to extract the test used for this from m4/R.m4 (a slightly modified
version of the two test files is added at the end). When compiling
ifort -c ctest.f
gcc -c cftest.c
and linking properly,
ifort -nofor_main cftest.o ctest.o -o runme
running the executable gives the following output:
123.456000 14.710644
0.000000 -0.000006
To me, this inicates that the test should actually be passed successfully.
Unfortunately, I...
2020 Jun 25
R 4.0.1-4.0.2 built with Intel Composer 19.0-19.1.1, error in "make check" on CentOS 7.7
...elf is successful).
> I built R 4.0.2 with the Intel Parallel Studio XE compiler suite, versions 19.0.x to 19.1.1. Build seems to go fine. I built it like this:
> module purge
> module load intel/19.1.1
> module list
> export CC=icc
> export CXX=icpc
> export F77=ifort
> export FC=ifort
> export AR=xiar
> export LD=xild
> export CFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -qopenmp -axAVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512"
> export F77FLAGS="-O3 -ipo -qopenmp -axAVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512"
> export FFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -qopenmp -axAVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512&quo...
2012 Dec 28
linux multi-threaded compilation is running only on one processor
export CC="icc -std=c99"
export CFLAGS="-g -O3 -wd188 -ip"
export F77=ifort
export FFLAGS="-g -O3"
export CXX=icpc
export CXXFLAGS="-g -O3"
export FC=ifort
export FCFLAGS="-g -O3"
export SHLIB_CXXLD=icpc
2015 Aug 22
Build optimized R : openblas, MKL, ATLAS
I want to build R optimized, with either MKL, OpenBLAS or ATLAS.
My OS: Fedora 22
Hardware: CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 8 Thread(s) per core: 2 Vendor ID: GenuineIntel Model name:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
I am a little confused when it comes to choose a method and would like
to hear your experiences. If I am right, I have 3 possibilities:
2020 Jun 24
R 4.0.1-4.0.2 built with Intel Composer 19.0-19.1.1, error in "make check" on CentOS 7.7
...on of successful past builds, and the build itself is successful).
I built R 4.0.2 with the Intel Parallel Studio XE compiler suite, versions 19.0.x to 19.1.1. Build seems to go fine. I built it like this:
module purge
module load intel/19.1.1
module list
export CC=icc
export CXX=icpc
export F77=ifort
export FC=ifort
export AR=xiar
export LD=xild
export CFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -qopenmp -axAVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512"
export F77FLAGS="-O3 -ipo -qopenmp -axAVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512"
export FFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -qopenmp -axAVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512"
export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -ipo...
2012 Jan 11
R error in make check
..., -0, num.eq = FALSE) is not TRUE
Execution halted
******END OF EXCERPT******
I configured the R build with
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/packages/R/builds/2.14.1
--with-blas="-mkl=sequential" --with-lapack="-mkl=sequential" CC=icc
CFLAGS="-O3 -mkl=sequential" F77=ifort FFLAGS="-O3 -mkl=sequential"
CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -mkl=sequential" FC=ifort FCFLAGS="-O3
-mkl=sequential" LDFLAGS="-O3 -mkl=sequential"
I also tried building with O2 intead of O3, it gave the same error on
running "make check".
I had previous...
2011 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] llvm-gfortran
Hello folks,
I want to compile some fortran code to IR, but llvm-gfortran 4.2-2.9 does
compile my fortran code. gfortran 4.2.1 fail with the same error. but
gfortran 4.4.6 and ifort compiles fine. Attached is the file causing
error. Error message is
m_List.F90: In function 'exporttostring_':
m_List.F90:925: error: conversion to non-scalar type requested
I wonder if there any way I can get upgrade the gfortran part of
llvm-gfortran? If any, I will go with that, otherw...
2015 Sep 02
Build R with MKL and ICC
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${_mkllibpath}:${_icclibpath}
export MKL="-L${_mkllibpath} -L${_icclibpath} -lmkl_intel_lp64
-lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread"
export CC="icc"
export F77="ifort"
export CXX="icpc"
export AR="xiar"
export LD="xild"
export CFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -openmp -parallel -xAVX"
export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -openmp -parallel -xAVX"
export FFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -openmp -parallel -xAVX"
export MAIN_LDFLAGS='-openmp...
2008 Feb 13
compiling 2.6.2 using icc
I am having trouble compiling R-2.6.2 on suse linux x86_64 using the
intel compiler. I read section C.2.1 Intel compilers in the R
Installation and Administration manual, and put
CFLAGS="-g -O3 -wd188 -ip"
FFLAGS="-g -O3"
FCFLAGS="-g -O3 -mp"
in my config.site. Everything seems to compile alright, up unt...