search for: idesign

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "idesign".

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2011 Nov 18
One-way repeated measures ANOVA
...hat was collected over two growing seasons. I ran the test using the methodology found on this website: Upon running the actual ANOVA I got this error message: "> rmanova=anova(yearmodel, idata=yearframe, idesign=~yearfactor) Warning message: In function (object, ..., test = c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", : models with response "NULL" removed because response differs from model 1" And the p-values I get in the anova summary are completely off, judgi...
2010 May 06
How to solve: Error with Anova {car} due to "deficient rank" ?
Hello all, I am getting the following error: Error in linear.hypothesis.mlm(mod, hyp.matrix.1, SSPE = SSPE, V = V, : The error SSP matrix is apparently of deficient rank = 7 < 11 After running: mod.ok <- lm(as.matrix(dat[,-1]) ~ DC, data=dat) (av.ok <- Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~week)) Although if I jitter the data in "dat", the function seems to work. What should I do ? (here is a self sufficient example code of my situation) #------------- R code -------------------- # creating data idata <- structure(list(week = structure(1:12, .Label = c("we...
2009 Apr 11
Error in R CMD check 2.8.1
...t; ### ** Examples > > data(VocabGrowth) > > # Standard Multivariate & Univariate repeated measures analysis > Vocab.mod <- lm(cbind(grade8,grade9,grade10,grade11) ~ 1, data=VocabGrowth) > idata <-data.frame(grade=ordered(8:11)) > Anova(Vocab.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~grade) Warning in Anova.mlm(Vocab.mod, idata = idata, idesign = ~grade) : the model contains only an intercept: equivalent Type III test substituted Type III Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) (Intercept) 1...
2010 Dec 15
Structure of Anova for obtaining sig. corrected for departure from sphericity
...deviations of the different interaction-cells differ markedly (~20, ~9, ~9, ~18) so it seems that a correction for departure from sphericity is appropriate. I'm trying to achieve that using the Anova function from the car package, but fail to understand what should be the model, the idata and idesign parameter (which seem to be required for a repeated-measures analysis design). I'd appreciate any help with getting the right required model and parameters (idata, idesign and icontrasts). Thanks, dror -------------------- My data set is stored in a data.frame with the following columns: &g...
2012 Mar 05
new to repeated measures anova in R
...),rep("D",8))) Region <-factor(rep(c("Hallux","MidToes","LatToe","MTH1","MidMTH","LatMTH","MidFoot","Rearfoot"),3)) fact.idata <- data.frame(Shoe,Region) pressure.aov = Anova(multmodel, idata=fact.idata, idesign = ~Shoe + Region, type="III") > summary(pressure.aov,multivariate=F) Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity SS num Df Error SS den Df F Pr(>F) (Intercept) 6275173 1 192361 9 293.5961 3.535e-08 *** Shoe 2...
2007 Oct 16
library(car): Anova and repeated measures without between subjects factors
...3 23 98 105 99 1 3 24 87 132 120 1 3 25 94 110 116 1 3 26 95 126 143 2 3 27 100 126 140 2 3 28 103 124 140 2 3 29 94 135 130 2 3 30 99 111 150 2 3 Using > Anova(lm(mat~di*ex,data=data),idata=data.frame(zeit=ordered(1:3)),idesign=~zeit) Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) di 1 0.377 14.524 1 24 0.0008483 *** ex 2 0.800 47.915 2 24 4.166e-09 *** di:ex 2 0.281 4.695 2...
2012 Mar 21
Type II and III sum of squares (R and SPSS)
...ired package: car Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: nnet > f5<-lm(cbind(b1,b2,b3)~fattA,data=M3) > a5<-Anova(f5) > f6<-lm(c(b1,b2,b3)~rep(fattA,3),data=M3) > > > fB<-factor(c(1:3)) > d2<-data.frame(fB) > a6<-Anova(f5,idata=d2,idesign=~fB,type=2) > summary(a6,multivariate=F) Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity SS num Df Error SS den Df F Pr(>F) (Intercept) 1080.04 1 9.5833 6 676.200 2.133e-07 *** fattA 26.04 1 9.5833 6 16.304 0.0068...
2012 Oct 05
Dúvida função Anova pacote car - Medidas repetidas
...98 17.96 [14,] 20.99 17.93 [15,] 20.45 17.74 [16,] 21.12 17.60 [17,] 21.66 17.33 [18,] 21.51 18.12 model <- lm(matrix ~ 1) design <- factor(c("c","t")) options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")) aov <- Anova(model, idata=data.frame(design), idesign=~design, type="III") summary(aov, multivariate=F) Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity SS num Df Error SS den Df F Pr(>F) (Intercept) 12951.2 1 6.3312 17 34775.336 < 2.2e-16 *** design 19.1 1 17.3901...
2009 Nov 09
Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package) (Adjusted Dataset)
...;car" package, but it seems that I am not getting something right. > Dataset$Sessn <- as.factor(Dataset$Sessn) > LinearModel.1 <- lm(Response ~ Sessn*Trtmt, data=Dataset) > summary(LinearModel.1) All, good so far, but I have problem understanding "idata=" and "idesign=" functions pertaining to my example. Session is my repeated measure (Sessn 1 and Sessn 2 = two sessions, in reality I have more) and it is already stacked. Any help or guidance on this matter. Thank you, my mock dataset is below. Each subject has two levels of treatment throughout four cal...
2009 Jan 23
Anova and unbalanced designs
...within2 <- c(3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,5,4) values <- data.frame(w1 = within1, w2 = within2) values <- as.matrix(values) between <- factor(c(rep(1,4), rep(2,6))) betweenanova <- lm(values ~ between) with <- expand.grid(within = factor(1:2)) withinanova <- Anova(betweenanova, idata=with, idesign= ~as.factor(within), type = "III" ) I do not know if this is the appropriate method to deal with unbalanced designs. I observed, that SPSS calculates everything identically except the main effect of the within factor, here, the SSQ and F-value are very different If selecting the opti...
2012 Jul 21
car::Anova - Can it be used for ANCOVA with repeated-measures factors.
...that behaves like expected (i.e., does not interact with the other factors), but when calling Anova on the model, I don't know how I can specify the between-within design (i.e., which parts of the model should interact with the repeated measures factors). As far as I understand it, neither the idesign, icontrasts or imatrix arguments, nor the linearHypothesis function can specify the within-between design (as far as I get it they all specify the within or intra-subject design, see John Fox's slides from User 2011:
2011 Sep 22
Wrapper of linearHypothesis (car) for post-hoc of repeated measures ANOVA more knowledgeable people to put it to test (and eventually help me create a worthwile contribution for other people that could find it useful). This function (which I have called "factorltest.mlm") needs the multivariate linear model and the intrasubject-related arguments (idata, idesign...) that would be passed on to Anova() (from car) for a repeated measures analysis, or directly the Anova.mlm object returned by Anova() instead of idata, idesign... (I have tried to explain it clearly in the commentaries to the code.) Moreover, it needs an argument "levelcomb": a list t...
2010 Aug 02
repeated measures with a group factor
...d B = factor(c("B1","B2","B3","B4")) A=factor(rep(c("A1","A2","A3"),each=6)) Bdf=data.frame(B) attach(Bdf) model.lm = lm(cbind(B1,B2,B3,B4) ~A, mix.model=Anova(model.lm, idata=Bdf, idesign= B,Type="III", summary(mix.model,multivariate=FALSE) This gives some output but it yields an error message: "Error in x$terms : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors In addition: Warning message: In Anova.mlm(model.lm, idata = Bdf, idesign = B, Type = "...
2012 Aug 03
MANOVA with repeated measures in R
...I try to perform the MANOVA with repeated measures on it: Sad <- subset(scrd, Emotion == "Sad") model.emotions<-lm(cbind(Sad,Tender,Neutral,Happy,Aggressive) ~ Trial_type,data=scrd) idata<-data.frame(scrd$Trial_number) aov.emotions<-anova(model.emotions,idata=idata, idesign=~ Trial_type, type="III") Unfortunately I get the following error which I am not able to solve: > aov.emotions<-anova(model.emotions,idata=idata, idesign=~Trial, type="III") Error in cbind(M, X) : number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2) I am not fully s...
2011 Mar 19
how to access the elements of a univariate results table with Anova (library car)
...e(phase, hour) mod.ok <- lm(cbind(pre.1, pre.2, pre.3, pre.4, pre.5, post.1, post.2, post.3, post.4, post.5, fup.1, fup.2, fup.3, fup.4, fup.5) ~ treatment*gender, data=OBrienKaiser) av.ok <- Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~phase*hour) summary(av.ok, multivariate=FALSE) If you assign the above line to a new object you will get a multivariate summary and not the univariate one. my.summary <- summary(av.ok, multivariate=FALSE) my.summary Does anyone know how to assign the full univariate output to a new object o...
2010 Aug 23
extracting p-values from Anova objects (from the car library)
...e below > A <- factor( rep(1:2,each=3) ) > B <- factor( rep(1:3,times=2) ) > idata <- data.frame(A,B) > fit <- lm( cbind(a1_b1,a1_b2,a1_b3,a2_b1,a2_b2,a2_b3) ? sex, data=Data.wide) > result <- Anova(fit, type="III", test="Wilks", idata=idata, idesign=?A*B) Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks, Johan
2009 Nov 09
Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package)
...;car" package, but it seems that I am not getting something right. > Dataset$Sessn <- as.factor(Dataset$Sessn) > LinearModel.1 <- lm(Response ~ Sessn*Trtmt, data=Dataset) > summary(LinearModel.1) All, good so far, but I have problem understanding "idata=" and "idesign=" functions pertaining to my example. Session is my repeated measure (Sessn 1 and Sessn 2 = two sessions, in reality I have more) and it is already stacked. Any help or guidance on this matter. Thank you, my mock dataset is below. Each subject has two levels of treatment throughout four cal...
2009 Nov 22
Input file format to Anova from car package
...4.75 7 2 SH 39 2 1 1 3.35 5 2 SH 39 2 1 2 4.38 7 2 SH 39 2 2 1 5.11 9 2 SH 39 2 2 2 2.71 5 2 idata <- data.frame(Idade=factor(c(23,39))) a = read.table("clipboard", sep=" ", head=T) mod.ok <- lm(Diameter ~ Treatment*Hormone, data=a) av.ok <- Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~as.factor(day)) summary(av.ok) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F) Min. : 0.02153 Min. : 1.00 Min. :0.02828 Min. :0.5105 1st Qu.: 0.06169 1st Qu.: 1.00 1st Qu.:0.06346 1st Qu.:0.6331 Median : 0.20667 Median : 1.00 Median :0.09863 Median...
2010 Jan 03
Anova in 'car': "SSPE apparently deficient rank"
...ipe("pbpaste"),header=T) > poke.idata Afac Bfac 1 A1 B1 2 A1 B2 3 A1 B3 4 A1 B4 5 A2 B1 6 A2 B2 7 A2 B3 8 A2 B4 9 A3 B1 10 A3 B2 11 A3 B3 12 A3 B4 > attach(poke.idata) > pokeAnova =Anova(multmodel,idata=poke.idata,idesign=~Afac*Bfac,type="III") Error in linear.hypothesis.mlm(mod, hyp.matrix, SSPE = SSPE, idata = idata, : The error SSP matrix is apparently of deficient rank = 4 < 6 Thanks for any help or advice. And thanks for the 'car' package, which is a great asset to my course. I'...
2010 Apr 16
Multiple comparisons on Anova.mlm object
...lm(RM ~ Treatment, data = RMdata.file) > # load required package car > library(car) > ## Define Anova model object for repeated-measures ANOVA > # define idata data frame > idata <- data.frame(RM = factor(1:5)) > # define Anova object > mlm.aov <- Anova(mlm, idata = idata,idesign = ~RM, type = "II") > # display class of Anova object > class(mlm.aov) [1] "Anova.mlm" > # display session information > sessionInfo() R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) i386-apple-darwin9.8.0 locale: [1] en_CA.UTF-8/en_CA.UTF-8/C/C/en_CA.UTF-8/en_CA.UTF-8 attached base...