search for: iaceth

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "iaceth".

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2002 Jun 26
evaluate a string
...assign' command but I think it would only the simply cases. thanks and gruess joerg -- Joerg Maeder .:|:||:..:.||.:: maeder at Tel: +41 1 633 36 25 .:|:||:..:.||.:: PhD student at INSTITUTE FOR ATMOSPHERIC AND CLIMATE SCIENCE (IACETH) ETH Z?RICH Switzerland -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:...
2002 Jan 09
bug in read.table?
...sparc, solaris2.8 status major 1 minor 4.0 year 2001 month 12 day 19 language R thanks for your help joerg maeder -- Joerg Maeder IACETH INSTITUTE PhD Student FOR ATMOSPHERIC Phone: +41 1 633 36 25 AND CLIMATE SCIENCE Fax: +41 1 633 10 58 ETH Z?RICH Switzerland -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help maili...
2002 Mar 05
enhanced Question to stand. Beta
...luence of the factor with the influence of the numeric variables? Thanks for any help joerg -- Joerg Maeder .:|:||:..:.||.:: maeder at Tel: +41 1 633 36 25 .:|:||:..:.||.:: PhD student at INSTITUTE FOR ATMOSPHERIC AND CLIMATE SCIENCE (IACETH) ETH Z?RICH Switzerland -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:...
2002 Mar 01
Split plot in colors/pch??
Hi all This seems like a very easy question, but I have not found a simple answer to it: If you have a dataframe, how to you plot two of then in different colors depending on a third variable? All help appreciated! /Fredrik -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2002 Mar 06
Strange behaviour of strptime
...3-04" shouldn't the first example return "2002-03-01"? gruess joerg -- Joerg Maeder .:|:||:..:.||.:: maeder at Tel: +41 1 633 36 25 .:|:||:..:.||.:: PhD student at INSTITUTE FOR ATMOSPHERIC AND CLIMATE SCIENCE (IACETH) ETH Z?RICH Switzerland -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:...
2002 Mar 13
Error: subscript out of bounds
How can locate in my program an error of that kind (Error: subscript out of bounds)? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2002 Jul 09
writing to a png file with a script
Dear R-freaks, I am new to R and loke to write plots directly to a file with a script in batch-mode. the following error occured: # writing section > x11() Error in x11() : the x11 device has not been loaded Execution halted I do not know what to do! thanks for your help cheers steph -- Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment.
2002 Jul 23
Converting dates?
Dear R-users I have some doubts about with converting dates... e.g. dates data 23/12/1975 0.8678 03/01/1976 0.8736 28/01/1976 0.765 13/03/1976 0,9654 ... I think that converting these dates can easily my plots... is there a R function to convert these dates to a julian dates and so plot that variables?? The help files as.POSIXlt, POSIXt and others don't aswer my doubts...
2001 Nov 02
Testing for the existence of a file.
Is there any way to do this (test for the existence of a file) in R? In Splus (3.4) I can do unix(paste("test -r", fnm), output = F) where ``fnm'' is a character string giving the pathname of the file. This returns 0 if the file exists and 256 if it doesn't. I thought in R to do something like system(paste("test -r", fnm), intern =T) but this
2002 Mar 13
Hello! I use the version 1.4.0 for Windows. I have made boxplots but only half of the symbols (three letters each) show up on the X-axis? How t can one change their size or orientation so that all show up? I attach the pdf file to illustrate better the problem. Regards Martin Martin Lascoux Department of Conservation Biology and Genetics Evolutionary Biology Center Norbyv?gen 18D 75236
2002 Feb 26
covariance of equal date values
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I need to count the covariance of two time series. Both of them contain the dates' vector and vector of values. But the dates are not the same. It means some dates of first ts are not in the second respectively. And I need the covariance of same dates, of course. Could anyone help me, please? Thank you. lukas - -- Lukas Kubin lukas.kubin at
2001 Nov 23
Rose diagrams in R?
I am looking for a function (or package) to plot histograms of directional data such as wind direction. I believe these are called rose diagrams. Is there an R script for this? If not, can it be constructed in a function calling primitive graphic calls (lines, circles, boxes or polygons)? The stars function is not quite right. -- David Finlayson Geomorphogist and GIS Specialist NearPRISM -
2002 Jul 10
2 simple doubts
Hello, I'm just start learning R/S-Plus, so I think this 2 doubts is going to be too easy for you... 1) I couldn't discover what is the command for a concatenation of 2 variable strings. 2) For example, if I have three variable strings, and each one has the name of a variable in a data matrix: a<-V1 b<-V2 c<-V3 , is it possible to construct a command like this:
2001 Oct 31
Defining time series objects
Hi All, I am new to R, having used S-plus a number of years back. I would like to set up a time series object for forecasting, with data collected daily between 5th April 2001 and 16th September 2001. Any help would be most appreciated as I have been unable to find any suitable examples in the documentation. Thanks, Mark.
2001 Nov 07
Filtering data
Hello, I am having difficulty filtering data. I am working with flow data collected at a stream gage. For each record, I have a date and flow value. I have filtered this data to only include days when flow values exceed a given threshold. Here is my problem. Within this subset of data, I often have several consecutive days above the threshold. From this group of days, I wish to select the
2002 Mar 20
a R question
Dear Sir, I have been working with R for some time now and I am very happy with it, but I have found a problem that I could not resolve. Could you please give me some hint about how to transform POSIX time data in seconds to string format?. (eg. 995752800 -> year-month,day,hour,min, sec) I tryed with Sys.time(), strptime() and date() but without success. Thank you very much in advance
2002 May 06
Hi, Is it possible to add a subtitle that appears directly below the main title? I tried the "sub" parameter, but it adds sub-title to the bottom of the plot. Cheers, Kevin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ko-Kang Kevin Wang Postgraduate PGDipSci Student Department of Statistics University of Auckland New Zealand Homepage:
2002 Jul 03
Adding text to a plot
Dear R-users, again two question... # Question 1 Adding two lines of text to a plot, I am using: # ------------------------------- plot(k[,1], k[,2], pch=16, ylim=range((min(k[,2])-0.2):(max(k[,2])+1))) a <- paste("Cor.:" ,cor(k[,2],k[,1])) b <- paste(nrow(k), "Countries") text(90, max((k[,2])-0.51), a) text(90, max((k[,2])-0.83), b) #
2002 May 15
question about scan()
Hi, I am using the scan function to read from a file. In general the syntax I am using is as follows: scan("myfile", list(a = "", b="", c="", d=""), sep=",") The file I am trying to read contains a #< in the 'd' field. When the file is read into an object, the d field comes as "" for that particular string. I
2002 Mar 21
plot question
Hi! I want to display 2 graphs with different number of data points on the x-axis. The code below scales them so it seems that testtwo has the same number of data points as testone. How can I fix that? thanks. z<-1:50; x<-1:100; plot(x,testone,type="l",xlab="",ylab="",main="",lty=4,axes=FALSE,ylim=c(-1.0,1.0),cex=1); par(new=TRUE);