Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "hkkk".
2005 Nov 18
R-News 5/2, Bayesian Model Averaging, a detail
...lot in Fig.2 is in line with this, since the height of scaled PDF seems to be 0.445 and the black spike points to 0.555. Have I understood this correctly?
Regards, Antti Pirjetä, PhD student, Helsinki School of Economics. Mail to: pirjeta@hse.fi
Muutoksia sähköpostiosoitteissamme: @hkkk.fi-päätteiset osoitteet ovat muuttuneet muotoon @hse.fi. Opiskelijoiden (nyt @ky.hkkk.fi) osoitteen loppuosaksi muuttuu tammikuussa 2006 @student.hse.fi. Vanhoihin osoitteisiin lähetetyt viestit ohjautuvat muutoksen jälkeenkin perille.
Changes in our e-mail addresses: @hkkk.fi has been replaced b...
2004 Feb 16
debian unstable : mutt polling imap mailboxes
...t;enscript -2r -o /tmp/email.ps -Email"
# this does not seem to work atm
#set query_command="lbdbq %s"
# Need this if using cygwin
#set sendmail = "/usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe"
send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Kai Hendry <hendry at cs.helsinki.fi>'
#send-hook '~C hkkk' 'my_hdr From: Kai Hendry <k75930 at ky.hkkk.fi>'
message-hook "~h multipart" "set mime_forward=ask-yes"
#bind attach S save-entry
macro attach s S^A~/Mail/mail-attachments/
#more powerful editing :)
#set edit_headers
2001 Nov 05
What kind of Ogg Vorbis-services you would like to have?
What kind of services, which use Ogg Vorbis or create value to Ogg
Vorbis-user, you are interested?
I'm a student at Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration,
and I'm taking a course in which we are supposed to create business plan
for some new business. So, I happened to bump to Ogg Vorbis in the Intenet,
and I Thought, Wow that's a really interesting product