search for: hesitance

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2055 matches for "hesitance".

1999 May 24
Long hesitation with Win95 OSR2 client
Server Specifics: #uname -a Linux denali 2.0.35 #1 Thu Jul 23 14:01:04 EDT 1998 i686 unknown #rpm -q samba samba-2.0.3-19990228 using encrypted passwords... Problem Client Specifics: Windows 95 OSR2 Symptoms: There is a long (several second) hesitation when I try to open share on the samba server. Example: Drive U: is mapped to the user shares. If I double-click drive U: under My
2019 Jul 16
Windows Source Client
I'm looking for a good source client that runs on windows 10 that can take a feed and stream AAC MP3 and possibly Opus to my icecast2 server. Everything seems dead on the app list. I found rocketcaster but I'm hesitant to spend money on something I've never heard of. Any suggestions? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Feb 08
New Bind Update
I was wondering if the new bind update is going smoothly for those who have done it? I've been a little hesitant to run it yet as the last time forced a bit of time fixing things. I'm trying to plan if I need to have some hours available for this or if it is like most of the time.. just do it and everything's ok. Best, John Hinton
2016 Jun 04
factors with non-unique ("duplicated") levels have been deprecated since 2009 -- are *more* deprecated now -- and why you should be hesitant misusing suppressWarnings()
>From this bug report (it's a proposal for speedup only, not a bug), the fact that you can construct factors with non-unique aka "duplicated" levels in R has been re-raised. As mentioned there, we had a small discussion here (on 'R-devel') a bit more than 7 years ago, where I had said that indeed R core had
2017 Feb 16
NHW Project - 2017 timetable
Hello all, Just a quick message for those interested in the NHW Project.I realize that I have too little time to spend on the project currently and I feel that this year will be very important after 6-7 years for its success or not.I already had some few replies from some companies (and a major one), and they can not spend some time, spend some engineers on my work because there is no
2007 Sep 10
iptables article for Wiki
Hi List, I have been asked in this thread if I would contribute an article on iptables to the Wiki: The article would be based on a tutorial I have previously written here: I'm not sure where the article should best go so leave that to your discretion. If you
2008 Feb 01
2.2.2 -pre backports open
Fellows, the -pre branch for 2.2.2 is opened. If you have something to backport for trunk or fix in Testing, it's time to do so. If you are unsure, don't hesitate to ask me or on this list. I'd like to see 2.2.2 going out soon (~2 weeks max) Arnaud -- Linux / Unix Expert R&D - MGE Office Protection Systems - Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader -
2007 Apr 12
CentOS 5 and bittorrent
Folks. This is likely to be the hardest hit CentOS has ever taken with regards to bandwidth needs. I was really hesitant to use bittorrent for this type of thing for a long time. However, it really is nice to give back at least what you take. At the moment, I'm seeing almost 3000 connections to the torrent. That times 3.5 gigs is a pretty huge chunk of data... and it has just begun. What
2004 Dec 13
Percentages in contingency tables *warning trivial question*
I hesitate to post this question in the light of recent threads, indeed I have hesitated for several weeks, however I have come to a full stop and really need some help if I am going to progress. I am a new user of R for medical statistics. I have attempted to read all the relevant documents, but would welcome any suggestions as to what I have missed. I am trying to contruct "table 1"
2017 Jun 24
IMPORTANT: server move complete (SVN impact please read)
LLVMers, We have completed the move to the new server for One casualty of this move was that was NOT enabled at this time. There is a new certificate for and HTTPS is enabled for the website. We know of a few issues with some of the webpages but will be working them out over the next few days. Please do not hesitate to contact llvm-admin at with
2019 Jan 30
preparing a 2nd DC
greetings, samba-users, I am currently preparing to join a second Samba-DC to a Samba-based ADS. DC1 is a debian-9.6 machine, running samba-4.8.8 from Louis' repos. DC2 is basically identically set up (thank you, ansible) and I read and followed (1) so far, except the actual join. sysvol-rsync, kerberos ticket, modified smb.conf, resolv.conf ... done I assume 4.8.8 will give me no
2005 Feb 22
Run Sweave and LaTeX directly from command line
Hello! Those of you, who use Sweave a lot, will probably find my shell script usable. You can get it at: No warranty, however don't hesitate to contact me if you find an error or have a patch! -- Lep pozdrav / With regards, Gregor GORJANC --------------------------------------------------------------- University of
2019 Jan 24
[FTS Xapian] RC release
Hi, FTS Xapian matches my targets for the plugins (replacing deprecated fts-squat in a production environment) Please do not hesitate to add "issues" on github, if the case happen Hope it helps JM -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2003 Dec 10
next stable release?
Hi guys, I've been running 0.5.0, which is dated sometime in September of this year and I've noticed a couple of new features in more recent code that I'd like to use, but am hesitant to go w/ CVS code. My system is not exactly a production system, it's mostly test, but I'm still leery of the fresh code. I'm wondering when the next stable release might come out, and
2005 Sep 15
internet connection between Africa and Europe
Hi I'm looking for a company who can provide me an Internet connection between africa and Europe. Plesa If someone can give me some contact name or company dont hesitate to send me a mail at Best regards
2003 Apr 25
A few questions
I've spent some time looking at klibc today, and find myself in a state of some puzzlement. The 0.79 snapshot does not build against 2.5.68; it fails almost immediately, apparently due to problems with include files. I'm hesitant to try patching anything to get it building, because I can find no sign of a CVS or BK repo that I can check against, and I don't want to replicate
2008 Mar 29
Hello, my name is Jerome Cros, I am studying computer science at the Bordeaux I university (France). I am writing to you concerning the Google Summer of Code project : Rewriting the command-line interface as an internal COM32 module, module compression In a little more than one month I will finish the 4th semester. Searching for an opportunity, I read the previously mentioned project idea which
2009 Jan 26
Dell Optiplex GX620 keyboard problem
Hello, I'm interrested in testing any possible workaroud for the Dell Optiplex GX620 keyboard problem, as I just can't downgrade the BIOS version on each and every Gx620 I have to (re)install ! (Plus I can't find a link to download the old A10 BIOS itself.) Don't hesitate to give me guidance on how to proceed, because I can't find anything relevant on the website
2012 Dec 21
zfs receive options (was S11 vs illumos zfs compatiblity)
> From: zfs-discuss-bounces at [mailto:zfs-discuss- > bounces at] On Behalf Of bob netherton > > You can, with recv, override any property in the sending stream that can > be > set from the command line (ie, a writable). > > # zfs send repo/support at cpu-0412 | zfs recv -o version=4 repo/test > cannot receive: cannot override received
2007 Nov 27
Sip to ATA?
Currently running two POTS lines into an asterisk system. Analog and SIP on premises. Being in the sticks, the POTS service is abysmal for quality, especially in the rain. Recently, cable has become available with VOIP phone. The cost savings are attractive as it can replace several independent services for TV and internet (currently satellite). But, I cannot get much out of them, regarding