Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "henrikb".
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2006 May 05
str() with attr(*, "names") is extremely slow for long vectors
I noticed some time ago that, for instance, named vectors that are
really makes str() really slow when displaying the names attribute. I
don't know exactly when this started, but it wasn't the case say 1-2
years ago. Example (on a WinXP 1.8GHz):
> s <- 1:1000; names(s) <- s
> system.time(str(s))
Named int [1:1000] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
- attr(*, "names")=
2005 Jul 15
R v2.1.0 patched (>2005-05-09) for Windows?
I'm trying to troubleshoot a case where R crashes on Windows. It does
not occur at all with my R v2.1.0 patched (2005-05-09), but happens on R
v2.1.1 (patched or non-patched) in many different cases. The R
v2.2.0dev (2005-07-15) also got this problem (although it won't crash on
the below example). I previously reported this
2005 Dec 14
About help on 'mahalanobis'
help on 'mahalanobis' (in the stats package in Rv2.2.0) now says:
Returns the Mahalanobis distance of all rows in 'x' and the vector
mu='center' with respect to Sigma='cov'. This is (for vector 'x')
defined as
D^2 = (x - mu)' Sigma^{-1} (x - mu)"
It does return D^2 as written. However,
2007 May 14
Native implementation of rowMedians()
I've got a version of rowMedians(x, na.rm=FALSE) for matrices that
handles missing values implemented in C. It has been optimized for
memory and speed. To avoid coercing integers to doubles, and hence
allocate an additional 200% memory, there is one C function for
integers and one for doubles.
The rowMedians() implementation is currently sitting in my non-CRAN
package R.native
2002 Feb 20
How to get the penalized log likelihood from smooth.spline()?
I use smooth.spline(x, y) in package modreg and I would like to get
value of penalized log likelihood and preferable also its two parts. To
make clear what I am asking for (and make sure that I am asking for the
right thing) I clarify my problem trying to use the same notation as in
I want to find the natural cubic spline f(x) such that
L(f) = \sum_{k=1}{n} w[k](y[k] -
2008 Feb 27
Warnings generated by log2()/log10() are really large/takes a long time to display
x <- rnorm(1e6);
y <- log(x); # or logb(x) or log1p(x)
w <- warnings();
## [1] 480
$ NaNs produced: language log(x)
- attr(*, "dots")= list()
- attr(*, "class")= chr "warnings"
y <- log2(x); # or log10(x)
w <- warnings();
## [1] 8000536
## List of 1
## $ NaNs produced: language
2007 Aug 29
R CMD check recursive copy of tests/
>From NEWS of R v2.6.0 devel:
o R CMD check now does a recursive copy on the 'tests' directory.
However, R CMD check does not run *.R scripts in such subdirectories
(as I thought/hoped for), only those directly under tests/, This may
or may not be intentional. If true, maybe the above should be
clarified as:
o R CMD check now does a recursive copy on the 'tests' directory
2009 Nov 11
typo in docs for unlink()
The VALUE section in the help for 'unlink' says:
| 0| for success, |1| for failure. Not deleting a non-existent file is
not a failure, nor is being unable to delete a directory if |recursive =
FALSE|. However, missing values in |x| result are regarded as failures.
The last phrase doesn't make sense to me. Should it be either "missing
values in x are regarded as
2010 Mar 28
Setting up TortoiseSVN and PuTTY on Windows for r-forge.r-project.org (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
...will be added to some r-forge documentation/wiki.
I use:
Windows Vista Business SP2 32bit
TortoiseSVN 1.6.7 (Build 18415 - 32 Bit , 2010/01/22 17:55:06)
PuTTY v0.60 (with Pageant v0.60)
I have a deprecated r-forge project ('r-oo') that I will use through
out. My r-forge username is 'henrikb'. The URL root to this project
is: svn+ssh://henrikb at svn.r-forge.r-project.org/svnroot/r-oo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. Create a directory s...
2014 Dec 06
R CMD check --as-cran and (a)spell checking
* using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'matrixStats/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'matrixStats' version '0.12.0'
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Henrik Bengtsson <henrikb at braju.com>'
Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
rowMedians (18:74)
rowRanks (18:92)
rowSds (18:111)
* checking package namespace information ... OK
2001 Mar 22
Call by reference: Was: Object orientation?
...# a = 0
cat("b =", get(b), "\n"); # b = 10
set(a, 10);
set(b, 20);
cat("a =", get(a), "\n"); # a = 10
cat("b =", get(b), "\n"); # b = 20
Have a nice day
Henrik Bengtsson
PhD Student in Statistics
Lund University & UC Berkeley
henrikb at braju.com
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
(in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-re...
2005 Feb 16
Depends, require(), autoload() and "side effects"?
...b that depends on R.oo for the above reason. I do
not use namespaces. To attach R.oo to load R.matlab, I add R.oo in the
Depends field of DESCRIPTION as follows:
Package: R.matlab
Version: 1.0
Date: 2005-02-15
Title: Matlab connectivity and read and write of MAT files
Author: Henrik Bengtsson <henrikb@braju.com>
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <henrikb@braju.com>
Depends: R.oo
Description: This package provides methods to read and write MAT files. It
also makes it possible to communicate (evaluate code, send and retrieve
objects etc.) with Matlab v6 or higher running locally or on a remot...
2001 May 01
scan without line numbers?
...scan(quiet=TRUE) the line numbers are printed.
> scan(quiet=TRUE)
1: 123 [ENTER]
2: [ENTER]
[1] 123
Is it possible to not show the line numbers? I know about readLines() but I
would like to be able to use the extra features of scan().
Thanks for you help!
Henrik Bengtsson
henrikb at braju.com
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
(in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-re...
2001 Mar 07
Minor bug in maketitle.pl (with bug correction) (PR#864)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson
Version: rw1022
OS: Windows Me
Submission from: (NULL) (
When ${R_HOME}/share/perl/maketitle.pl tries to generate a TITLE that is longer
than $lc-3 (=13) characters long, it repeats the package name on line two.
Example: Now it generates an output like:
com.braju.graphics Bla bla bla...
But, I believe it should
2001 May 08
ASCII map?
Is there a way to convert between and integer and a character and vice
versa? For instance
i <- 65;
ch <- intToChar(i); # "A"
i <- charToInt(ch); # 65
or even better
i <- c(65, 66);
ch <- intToChar(i); # c("A", "B")
i <- charToInt(ch); # c(65, 66)
I have tried to do a ASCII map myself, and I figured out that the ASCII
2001 Jun 30
Rd tag \link not working without \code (PR#1006)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson
Version: 1.3.0
OS: Windows Me
Submission from: (NULL) (
Even though I know the Rd format might be replaced soon, I am report this just
in case:
The package optional argument for \link is *only* used when \link is in a \code
environment. Example:
1) This link works: \code{\link[base]{cat}}
2) But not this one: \link[base]{cat}
It looks like the
2001 Jul 06
Title of bundled packages in the library index (PR#1017)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson
Version: 1.3.0
OS: Windows Me
Submission from: (NULL) (
I realized that the title of packages in the library index when they are in a
bundle is the title of the bundle and not the package.
It looks like the TITLE file, which apparently is used for generating the
library index, takes the value of the bundle's title and not the package's
2002 Jan 18
easier way to update packages i'm developing?
I'm frightfully new at developing r packages. I'm developing an econometrics
package, and each time I update my beta package, I close R, delete the
package dir in the library dir, rebuild the zip file, rerun R, reinstall the
package and run the functions. Is there a more efficient way?
Jeff D. Hamann
Hamann, Donald & Associates, Inc.
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
2001 Jul 06
Inverse function to 'which'?
Is there an inverse function to 'which' available, which creates a logical
vector/matrix from indices? I wrote my own, but if there is a standard
function I would like to use that instead. Example:
unwhich(which(x)) # [1] TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE
unwhich(which(x), length(x)) # [1] TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE
y <- matrix(x,
2001 Apr 11
Echoing commands (not using source())
Is there a way of echoing (similar to Matlab "echo on") commands that are
being executed? I know how to do this for script files by using source(...,
echo=TRUE), but I would like to be able to use this within *any* function. I
am also not looking for the debug() function. Here is what I would like to
myFunction <- function() {
x <- 3;
cat("x = ", x,