Displaying 20 results from an estimated 173 matches for "heidelberglaan".
2004 Jul 16
median filter
ir. J.M. (Hanneke) Schuurmans (PhD student)
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
E-mail: h.schuurmans@geog.uu.nl
Telephone: +31(0)30-2532988 (direct), +31(0)30-2532749 (secretary)
Fax: +31(0)30-2531145
Visiting address: Heidelberglaan 2, Utrecht
Postal address: P.O.Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht
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2003 Dec 17
Printer prints, but reports opening
...rint command = lp -d '%p' -o raw %s
lpq command = lpstat -a %p
lprm command = cancel '%p'-%j
printer name = lpe0xerox
use client driver = Yes
oplocks = No
Ric Exterkate, Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
E-mail:R.Exterkate@radth.med.uu.nl Phone:+31-30-2507156 Fax:+31-30-2581226
2008 Jan 22
deparse, substitute and S4 generics
cat("name:", nam, "\n")
} )
# now let's test:
x <- 1
# this works
# but this does not, why? what '...' has to do with it?
Michal Bojanowski
ICS / Department of Sociology
Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 2; 3584 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands
m.j.bojanowski at uu dot nl
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2006 Jun 23
problem with hist() for 'times' objects from 'chron' package
...al objects which can handle dates and times
Depends: R (>= 1.6.0)
License: GPL
Packaged: Fri May 12 09:31:49 2006; hornik
Built: R 2.3.0; i386-pc-mingw32; 2006-05-13 12:21:51; windows
Michal Bojanowski
ICS / Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 2; 3584 CS Utrecht
Room 1428
m.j.bojanowski at fss.uu.nl
2007 Jul 25
initalizing and checking validity of S4 classes
...efine the validity method
setValidity( "someclass", f)
# this should return an error
new("someclass", v=1:2, l=letters[1:3])
# but it doesn't...
Michal Bojanowski
ICS / Department of Sociology
Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 2; 3584 CS Utrecht
Room 1428
m.j.bojanowski at uu dot nl
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2008 Apr 11
Help load a package into R
Dear R List,
I want to download kinship_1.2_S.tar.gz in http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/biostat/splusfunctions.cfm
to R. Once save this file to C:\, how I could load into R? I am working in Windows XP. Usually what I do is, I go to "packages" and then "install packages from local zip files". This procedure fails for .tar.gz files. Can someone help here please....
2008 Jul 01
Are centre coordinates or upper left corners used of x, y for SpatialPixels?
Dear all,
I'm working with satellite images in R and plotting them via the code
I was wondering whether coordinates (spatial["x"], spatial["y"]) are
used as centre coordinates of the pixels in the GRID? In this script;
spatial["x"] & spatial["y"] are the centre coordinates of the satellite
image pixels. I'm asking this because some
2009 May 26
moving from Windows to Linux - need help
I've used R for many years on windows machines, but
have now acquired an Asus eee 1000 linux machine.
In order to get the best out of the machine, I used the
'pimpmyeee.sh' script, to get the full KDE desktop.
The version of Linux is Xandros, which I believe is
a close relative of Debian, but sadly I have only a
nodding acquaintance with Linux at present.
Naturally I want to
2007 Jun 02
Updating R version
A quick question. I am trying to understand how I could move the installed
packages in my R 2.3 version to the newly installed R 2.5 version, without
having to install all the packages again. I copied the files under the old
library subdirectory to the new library subdirectory. But still the newer
version is not recognizing the packages that were copied over.
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2010 Aug 05
using grib files in R
I am not new to R, but I am new to .grib files. I am downloading some
climate data and I would like to analyze it in R. R has a nice netcdf
package, but I don?t see any package available to deal specifically
with grib files. I see a few posts from other people using grib files
in R. However, I was unclear if they used grib files in a different
software program and then imported the data
2008 Sep 18
graphing netCDF files
I'm working with a large hydrological data set stored in a netCDF format.
The file stores x and y coordinates in the UTM projected coordinate system,
yet when I use image to graphically display the z variable, the image is
distorted in the sense that it does not plot the map in the correct spatial
I'm wondering if I need to define the projection of the netCDF file
2008 Feb 27
Sweave produces gibberish instead of apostrophe in pdf
Multiple R-Squared: 0.6723, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6655
F-statistic: 98.49 on 1 and 48 DF, p-value: 3.245e-13
cheers and thanks for any help,
Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone: +31302535773
Fax: +31302531145
2007 Mar 13
'substitute' question
# I use this code to label a graph with the R2:
# graph
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- x + rnorm(100)
lm1 <- lm(y~x)
# label
R2text <- substitute(paste(R^2," = ",r2),list(r2=r2))
text(1,-3,R2text, col="red")
# i have modified this a bit, so that i have a vector with other labels,
each of which
# will be labelled on the graph. Example:
texts <- c("And the
2010 Mar 02
two questions for R beginner
>>> What were your biggest misconceptions or
>>> stumbling blocks to getting up and running
>>> with R?
Easy. I terms of materials I have been unable to find good books that
introduce users to R from the perspective of someone familiar only
with packages like SPSS or STATA, or not familiar with statistics
packages at all. Even introduction texts use jargon
2005 May 04
segmentation fault using hdf5load() under Unix
...as I can run the same script at
another place where R runs under Linux.
Is it possible it has something to do with the hdf5 libraries where
package(hdf5) refers to?
ir. J.M. (Hanneke) Schuurmans
PhD student hydrology
Faculty of Geosciences
Department of Physical Geography
Heidelberglaan 2
Postbus 80115
3508 TC Utrecht
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)30 2532988
F +31 (0)30 2531145
E h.schuurmans at geog.uu.nl
2006 Jun 23
rearranging data frame rows
Hi All,
I have two data frames. The first contains data about a number of individuals,
coded in the first column with a name, in an order I find convenient.
The second contains different data about the same indivduals, in a different
order. Both data frame have the individual names in the first column.
I need to reorder the second data frame so the rows are rearranged in the same
manner as
2007 Mar 18
any simple way to put comment with multiple lines
Dear Lister,
I understand I can put '#' to put comment line by line. But is there a
way to put comment with multiple lines without having to put '#' on
the every line?
2007 Sep 02
how to sub-sample a variable on another file coordinates
Hello 'R' Users,
I have a monthly mean CO2 necdf data file defined on 1x1 lat by lon
coordinate. I want to sub-sample this variable CO2 on the coordinates
of another ASCII data file. The coordinates of another ASCII data file are
-24.01 152.06 -18.58 150.19 -13.46 148.35 -8.29 147.03 -3.14 146.19 1.53
145.59 7.08 145.33 12.25 145.02 17.46 144.31 22.44 142.35 27.53 141.26 33.04
2007 Sep 07
Running a PERL script from R
Is there a way to run a simple perl script from R?
Kenneth B. Pierce Jr.
Research Ecologist
Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping and Analysis Team
PNW Research Station - USDA-FS
3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331
541 750-7393
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2008 Jan 23
Package Building and Name Space
I just don't get this and would appreciate if someone could write a line or
two: I'm trying to build this package and it stops installing after I add
the following to the NAMESPACES file:
The error during the package test is:
Error in MyPackage::MyFunction :
package 'MyPackage' has no name space and is not on the search path