search for: hashed_password

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 87 matches for "hashed_password".

2006 Apr 03
Getters and setters problem?
Hi list, first evening of playing with rails, so please forgive me if I ask something stupid. ;-) I created a User model and tried to use ActiveRecord callbacks to convert the password to sha1 just before saving it. For some reason postgresql gives me a error because the given password is null. To test even further I tried to change :login too, same error happens, :login is empty too. I am sure
2006 Feb 15
Agile book - getting confusing error
Working through the beginning phase from the Agile book on ''Administration'' undefined method `hashed_password='' for #<User:0xb7911324> ... /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1498:in `method_missing'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/user.rb:12:in `before_create'' ./script/../config/../app/controllers/login_controller.rb:8:in `add_user''...
2006 Mar 04
Two quick newbie questions
...;t: @user =[:user]) @user =[:user => ''username'', :user => ''password'']) ... given this model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :password attr_accessible :username, :password def before_create self.hashed_password = User.encrypt_password(self.password) end def after_create @password = nil end def self.login(username, password) hashed_password = encrypt_password(password || '''') find(:first, :conditions => [''username = ? and hashed_password =?'...
2005 Jul 13
Testing failing
So I''m trying to be a good agile programmer and write unit tests for my objects, but I''ve got a test I just can''t keep from failing. I have a profile object that I just added username and hashed_password to. I used the method in the Rails book to handle hashing the password. My code is strait out of the book. The whole object is at the end of this email. I want to test to make sure the hashed_password gets written out to the database, so I wrote this test def test_password_hash...
2006 Jun 05
When adding a record in console, a parameter comes in as null even when I set it
...ministrator", :username => "admin", :password => "1234", :email => "", :account_id => 1 Console gives me: => #<User:0x3b55158 @attributes={"name"=>"Administrator", "account_id"=>nil, "hashed_password"=>"7110eda4d09e062aa5e4a390b0a572ac0d2c0220", "username"=>"admin", "id"=>8, "created_at"=>Mon Jun 05 16:13:18 Pacific Standard Time 2006, "email"=>""}, @errors=#<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x3...
2007 Nov 17
Syntax Problem in the new crypted_password field. Here is my code add on before the logged_in?: def create # if no password use old md5 and fill in with sha2 user = User.find_by_login(params[:login]) if #{user.crypted_password} == nil #check_md5? (params[:password],#{user.old_salt},#{user.hashed_password}) @p = Digest::MD5::hexdigest("#{params[:password]}") @s = Digest::MD5::hexdigest(user.old_salt) @pw = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@s+@p) if @pw == #{user.hashed_password}[:notice] = "Passed" # need to write pw #user.cryp...
2006 Jun 16
Problem with User Login from Agile Web Development
...;'' instead of the name that was passed to the self.login method. I checked the code multiple times and even downloaded the files as the book had an error in another part of the model but can''t find the problem. The code in the model is: def self.login(user_name, password) hashed_password = hash_password(password || "") find(:first, :conditions => ["user_name = ? and hashed_password = ?", user_name, hashed_password]) end # Log in if the name and password (after hashing) match the database, # or if the name matches an entry in the database...
2007 Mar 12
Undefined method: hashed_password ?
I bought the Agile book to learn Rails, and everything was going smooth until Iteration F1: Adding Users. I''ve double checked my code, used the code provided by the book, and still it returns this same error message: **** NoMethodError in LoginController#add_user undefined method `hashed_password='' for #<User:0x473f0d8> RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace C:/InstantRails-1.6-win/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ activerecord-1.15.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1858:in `method_missing'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/user....
2006 Apr 21
destory Test Case Messes up all tests
...ord validates_presence_of :firstname, :surname validates_presence_of :password, :on => :create validates_confirmation_of :password, :on => :create validates_format_of :email, :with => /^(.+)@(.+)\.[A-z]{2,6}$/ validates_uniqueness_of :email def self.login(email, password) hashed_password = hashed_password(password || "") find(:first, :conditions => ["email = ? and hashed_password = ?", email, hashed_password]) end def try_to_login User.login(, self.password) end def before_create self.hashed_password = User.hashed_pas...
2006 Jan 20
validates_confirmation_of not working
is there any special requirement for validates_confirmation_of ? I am trying to make sure 2 passwords are equal (cleanly the rails way).. In my view i have two fields with id user[password] and user[password_confirmation]. in the model i have validates_confirmation_of :password, :message =>"Passwords do not match " Am i missing something here ? thanks adam
2006 Feb 22
Fixtures and Relationships
In my daily development, I migrate back and forth between versions, and often do: rake load_fixtures... ... in order to populate my development database with fun data. Now, with any HABTM relationship, there are failures, as there is no way to say "which" fixtures to load first. Within an actual functional or unit test case, you could simply load them in the proper order, but
2007 Jul 09
NoMethodError when using find_by_sql
...y users on login. Here is my code: def self.authenticate(username,password,account_code) employee = self.find(:all, :select => ", e.first_name, e.last_name, e.username, e.account_id, e.department_id, o.pay_type_id, o.admin_yn, o.payroll_yn, o.files_yn, o.dept_report_yn,e.salt, e.hashed_password", :conditions => ["e.deleted_yn=0 and e.username = ? and a.account_code = ?", username, account_code], :joins => "as e left outer join options o on = o.employee_id left outer join accounts a on e.account_id = ") if employee expected_pa...
2006 Jul 06
Form not inserting data into database
I have a form to register a user. The issue I am having is the fact that it only populates login, hashed_password and created_at fields. DB table: create table users ( id int not null auto_increment, login varchar(100) default null, hashed_password char(40) default null, email varchar(255) default null, salt varchar(255) default null, addr...
2006 May 02
Updating only one field
At present, I use an update like this to set the user''s last login time: authenticated_user.update_attribute(:last_login, However, this calls the following, updating all fields: UPDATE users SET `last_login` = ''2006-05-02 13:27:41'', `hashed_password` = .... Is there any way I can tell ActionRecord to only update the one field? I don''t really want the hashed_password (and other) fields sent back to the database if possible. If there is a reason rails does it like this that I''m missing, it would be good to hear what. Tha...
2007 Nov 25
is notify resevered word?
...ECT * FROM `user_notifies` WHERE (user_notifies.user_id = 1) LIMIT 1 User::Notify Load (0.000799) SELECT * FROM `user_notifies` WHERE (user_notifies.user_id = 1) LIMIT 1 User Update (0.000362) UPDATE `users` SET `created_at` = ''2007-11-17 19:02:16'', `times_logged_in` = 0, `hashed_password` = ''e0195770807aa8c82b0b128d9c0423b5ad035172'', `logged_at` = ''2007-11-25 14:58:56'', `nickname` = ''Jamal'', `email` = '''' WHERE `id` = 1 User::Notify Load (0.000768) SELECT * FROM `user_notifi...
2006 Jul 06
Problem implementing password and password confirmation
Hi, I''m trying to implement password confirmation, based on the Agile example, but just can''t make any progress. User DB has these fields: ========================= t.column :name, :string, :limit => 40 t.column :hashed_password, :string t.column :salt, :string User model has: =============== attr_accessor :password_confirmation validates_confirmation_of :password # ''password'' is a virtual attribute def password @password end def password=(pwd) @password = pwd create_new_s...
2019 May 22
weakforced: Possible to access the ip address of report/allow?
Hi I wonder if the information about the origin of report or allow can be accessed somehow. lt.remote gives the IP of the client trying to login but is there anything in lt which gives the ip of the system that connects to wforced? Thanks and have a good one -- tobi
2006 Apr 05
Tests creating output?
Hi everyone, I have this code in Person.rb: def hashed_password(password) require ''digest/sha1'' require ''base64'' new_password = new_password << password new_password = "{SHA}" << Base64.b64encode(new_password.digest).chop end And here''s my test: def tes...
2006 Jan 24
AJAX Preview & Edit Page Problem
...</tr> </table> CONTROLLER ---------- def signup if request.get? if session[:context] == "signup_edit" @user = = session[:name] = session[:phone] = session[:email] @user.phone_hide = session[:phone_hide] @user.hashed_password = session[:hashed_password] session[:context] = "signup" else @user = session[:context] = "signup" end else if params[:signup_button] = "Preview" @user =[:user]) session[:name] = session[:phone] = sessi...
2019 May 13
dovecot 2.2.36 and wforce
.../etc/dovecot/conf.d/95-wforce.conf > auth_policy_server_url = http://REMOTE_IP:8084/ > auth_policy_hash_nonce = my_random > auth_policy_server_api_header = Authorization: Basic <BASE64 of wforce:my_password> > auth_policy_request_attributes = login=%{requested_username} pwhash=%{hashed_password} remote=%{rip} device_id=%{client_id} protocol=%s restarted dovecot without errors, but upon testing via imap I cannot see just one single tcp paket leaving direction REMOTE_IP on port 8084. It looks like auth policy in not involved at all. Thanks for any idea tobi