Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "grzesiek".
2006 Apr 06
function onComplete how to overload?
Hi all. I my apps I need to use Ajax.Request Object. One of the object options is onComplete fuction which looks like this:
funcion onComplete (originalResponse)
..some operations
I need pass to function one more parameter, how to do it? is is possible? I can''t use AJAX Updater because result of Ajax Call is uploaded to the div that I defined earlier, and in my situations I
2007 Apr 04
System requirements
System requirements for CentOS 5 minimal installation (console and
ssh) are....128 MB ram, 256...? I can't find this information in rhel5
installation manual.
2008 Jun 28
Kernel - pata_via
Why standard Centos 5.2 kernel does not have a module "pata_via." I
have an old motherboard and IDE drive. The standard kernel does not
work. Kernel include a module "pata_via" only in centosplus. It is a
2010 Aug 16
xyplot - I can't find colors in my picture
Anybody can tell me why I don't have colors in my picture?
wzorzec1<- c(1,3,2,4,6,4,2,3)
wzorzec2<- c(5,3,6,6,2,3,4,1)
2006 May 22
using Singleton with Prototype
Hello all. I''m writing my own object using prototype and I
wonder how you write and call only one instance of class. Can
anyone share his idea of singleton?
Gdy nadchodzi przełomowy moment w historii, musisz zdecydować,
po czyjej stronie będziesz.
"X-Men: Ostatni bastion" - w kinach od 26 maja.
2008 Jun 27
Kernel panic CentOS 5.2
When I boot my dedicated server from netinstall cd, I see:
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.60GHz
- Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II]
- Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
- IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc.
VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE
- ISA bridge: VIA
2006 Feb 21
Ajax status
Hello All. I''m making ajax call to some url but to connect and
get data from that url first I check session for user which using
AJAX. If session is expired I redirect Ajax call to other url.
That url return form to login. There is one problem - I check in
function onResponse(OriginalRequest) OriginalRequest status and
status is always 200 - whatever I''m logged or not. So i
2006 Feb 21
Ajax reqest and http status
Hi all. I ''m using Ajax request on my site and i need to show some message wneh AJAX call is running, (sometimes it happen so slow). I find that object AJAX.RESPOND is very usefull here, but sometimes when i need to do AJAX CALL my ajax call is redirect and i want to when it happen, is there way to find status of ajax call? i don''t know where I can find this property in
2005 Oct 12
AJAX and disapear javascript tags
Hello everyone.
I''m writing web aplications using AJAX (library prototype and scriptaculous). I have situation that I want to change content of one div in my site. I make ajax request to server and getting new content of that div. The problem is that this div should have javascript code (e.g. looks like that <div><script>js code</script>
2010 Oct 19
could not find function "hmatplot"
I need a picture like this:
but when I try compile it
data(NHANES)# pretty large data set!
good <- !(is.na(NHANES$Albumin) | is.na(NHANES$Transferin))
NH.vars <- NHANES[good,
2006 May 08
inPlaceEditor and onClick Event
Hi all. I have specific situation that I want to made element to be edited in place (i mean I want to wrapped that element Ajax.InPlaceElenment) but i want that inplaceeditor be triggered not clicked in that element but in the other element. e.g. there are two divs and first I want to be inplaced editor but this inplaced editor should be trigerred when i clicked in second divs. How to do it nice?
2006 May 18
sending Form with fieldtype FILE by AJAX
Hi all. Is it possible to send a form with a FILE type field by
ajax? I try to capture value of that field by $F and append it to
param and send call by it look like it failed. Maybe some change
on header on something? What do you think about that?
really thanks for any help
Dwór Artusa PKO BP 2006 Puchar Świata we Florecie kobiet
2006 Apr 30
Draggable - how start action on start dragging and end action on droppping
Hi all. I have got situation that I made element draggable - and
when element is dragged I want to start some action (e.g. shown
AJAX indicator, and change one of CSS class in dragging element).
What is the best way to achieve this? I search source code of the
Draggable and I saw that there is 2 method: Draggable.initDrag
and Draggable.endDrag so it looks like in initDrag method i
2006 Jan 19
inPlaceEditor -how to capture values just before it is edited
.... I have problem i''m using inplaceEditor in my webb apps and i have situation like that: Iwanna send to serwer not only changed value by inplaceEditor but also the old value that i just change how to do it. I must do it because i just need to know what values i have to change in database.
Wybierz Książkę Roku, wygraj nagrody!
2006 Jan 19
RE: inPlaceEditor -how to capture values just beforeit is edited
Hi Grzesiek,
Try with the callback option:
function(form) {Form.serialize(form)}
A function that will get executed just before the request is sent to the server, should return the parameters to be sent in the URL. Will get two parameters, the entire form and the value of the text control.
2006 Jan 29
How to fire event listener after site update by Ajax Updater?
Hi all. I have site that is updated by Ajax updater. After site is update i want to use some javascript code and I don''t want use javascript onClick. I try to use some event listener but I don''t know how to fire them. What is the event when some part of site is update by ajax?
Thanks for any help
Chuck nie musi dzwonić
2006 Mar 07
Ajax.Responders- how to get responseText?
Hi All. In my site I have situation that I always want to execute some piece of code when AJAX call happen. I am using function onCreate and onComplete from tutorial:http://www.sergiopereira.com/articles/prototype.js.html
but I don''k how to manipulate Ajax responseText in this function. Does anyone know how to do it?
Zagraj o
2010 Mar 09
create picture (k -the nearest neighbours)
I want to create a nice picture about my result of k -the nearest neighbours
algorithm. Here is my easy code:
2006 Feb 28
Question abour Draggables & Droppables - my code example
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Rails-spinoffs digest..."
> Today''s Topics:
> 1. Re: Disabling anchor clicking in a draggable (Chris Lear)
> 2. status = 200 something wrong??? (Grzesiek Slusarek)
> 3. RE: Re: [Rails-spinoffs] Question abour Draggables &
> Droppables (::Alex Rengel::)
> 4. Re: Disabling anchor clicking in a draggable (David Z?lke)
> 5. RE: Re: [Rails-spinoffs] Question abour Draggables &
> Droppables (Ryan Gahl)
2006 Feb 21
Odp: RE: Ajax reqest and http status
> },
> onFailure:_reportError
> }
> )
> }
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/iCwEArCW2h5@public.gmane.org
> [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/iCwEArCW2h5@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of
> Grzesiek
> Slusarek
> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:56 AM
> To: rails-spinoffs
> Subject: [Rails-spinoffs] Ajax reqest and http status
> Hi all. I ''m using Ajax request on my site and i need to show some
> message
> wneh AJAX call is running, (sometimes it happen s...