Displaying 20 results from an estimated 252 matches for "gregmisc".
2004 Oct 18
why package gregmisc did not work
Dear useR
I want to know why package gregmisc did not work very
well. I did not find this package in my library
> local({a <- CRAN.packages()
+ install.packages(select.list(a[,1],,TRUE),
.libPaths()[1], available=a, dependencies=TRUE)})
trying URL
Content type `...
2005 Oct 24
Strange update behavior of gregmisc
I notice an odd behavior of gregmisc package when using
"update.packages()" via R --no-save (as root).
Every time I launch update.packages() gregmisc is repeatedly selected
for upgrade. Current available version of gregmisc is 2.08 according
to 'installed.packages()'. Despite I obviousely have already installed
the m...
2011 Jan 24
Masking commands - Permutation in gregmisc and e1071
I am using the function permutations from the package *gregmisc*. However, I
am also making use of the package *e1071*, which also contains a function
called permutations. I want to use the function permutations from the *
gregmisc* package, however, the other package is masking this function. This
happens both when I load the *e1071* package before *gregmisc*...
2005 Jun 07
update.packages keeps trying to update gregmisc
If I issue the command
> update.packages()
it wants to update 'gregmisc' but then if I do it again right afterwards it
still wants to update 'gregmisc'. It should have updated everything
the first time and should not be trying to update anything the second
time. Any comments?
Here is the transcript of a session (R version at end):
> update.packages...
2005 Mar 10
Dear all,
I use R 2.0.1 on Windows XP professional. When I want to load the
'Gregmisc' library I get the following error message:
Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) : 'gregmisc' is not a
valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this package?
Cheers, Christian
2003 Aug 07
How do I install "gregmisc" packages?
I did-
% sudo R
> install.packages("gregmisc")
> barplot2()
Error: couldn't find function "barplot2"
Mac OSX 10.2.6
R 1.7.1
2004 Oct 01
gregmisc 2.0.0 release
gregmisc 2.0.0
gregmisc 2.0.0 has been released and is now available on CRAN.
Important Changes
- Now a package bundle
For this release, gregmisc has been split into a bundle containing 4
separate packages: gdata, gmodels, gplots and gtools. All of your favori...
2004 Oct 01
gregmisc 2.0.0 release
gregmisc 2.0.0
gregmisc 2.0.0 has been released and is now available on CRAN.
Important Changes
- Now a package bundle
For this release, gregmisc has been split into a bundle containing 4
separate packages: gdata, gmodels, gplots and gtools. All of your favori...
2005 May 04
Unbundling gregmisc (was: loading gap package)
Let me redirect the topic a bit. I've been considering unbundling gregmisc.
The pro would be that people would find the component packages (i.e. gdata)
more easily. The con is that the packages have a number of
interdependencies, so you pretty much will need to get most of them anyway.
As the latest gregmisc bundle contains a gregmisc package that is just a
stub that de...
2005 May 04
Unbundling gregmisc (was: loading gap package)
Let me redirect the topic a bit. I've been considering unbundling gregmisc.
The pro would be that people would find the component packages (i.e. gdata)
more easily. The con is that the packages have a number of
interdependencies, so you pretty much will need to get most of them anyway.
As the latest gregmisc bundle contains a gregmisc package that is just a
stub that de...
2004 Mar 27
gregmisc: install trouble
Hello all,
I'm having trouble installing the package 'gregmisc'. I've run the
> R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/lib/R/library /tmp/gregmisc_0.9.0.tar.gz
And I can see it shows up on the list of available packeage when I issue
> library()
But when I do
I get:
Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on line 3...
2004 Oct 05
Installation Package "gregmisc" nicht möglich?!?
Hallo zusammen.
Da ich R zur Erstellung meiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit brauche versuchte ich dies heute zu installieren. Zunächst in der Vrsion 1.9.1 (rw1091.exe). Ich benötige das Package "gregmisc" und installierte dies von CRAN. Bei der Installation tritt folgende Meldung auf:
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/2.0/gregmisc_2.0.0.zip'
Content type `application/zip' length 687941 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 671Kb
bundle 'gregmisc' successfully u...
2004 Oct 01
I am using the hier.part package for calculating the goodness of fit.
Before I started with
my data I tried to use the example that the package comes with . I have
loaded the library
hier.part and gtools. But the package gives the following error
Loading required package: gregmisc
Loading required package: gregmisc
Warning messages:
1: There is no package called 'gregmisc' in: library(package,
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
2: There is no package called 'gregmisc' in: library(package,
character.only = TRUE, logical...
2005 Jun 14
update.packages() - gregmisc
Dear all,
I have a problem to update package gregmisc.
After I update,
> update.packages(ask='graphics')
trying URL
Content type 'application/zip' length 2465 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 2465 bytes
package 'gregmisc' successfully unpacked an...
2005 Mar 10
dealing with package bundles (was RE: Gregmisc)
...than checking packageDescription() of all
installed packages?
> From: Marc Schwartz
> On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 14:44 +0100, Christian Kamenik wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I use R 2.0.1 on Windows XP professional. When I want to load the
> > 'Gregmisc' library I get the following error message:
> >
> > Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) : 'gregmisc' is not a
> > valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
> >
> > Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this package?
> gregmisc i...
2005 Mar 10
dealing with package bundles (was RE: Gregmisc)
...than checking packageDescription() of all
installed packages?
> From: Marc Schwartz
> On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 14:44 +0100, Christian Kamenik wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I use R 2.0.1 on Windows XP professional. When I want to load the
> > 'Gregmisc' library I get the following error message:
> >
> > Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) : 'gregmisc' is not a
> > valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
> >
> > Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this package?
> gregmisc i...
2004 Nov 19
ERROR: installing package indices failed
Dear R-helpers,
I am developing a package named LDehatmap.
It depends on the "genetics" package
and includes two data files and a demo file.
When I'm trying to install it, I get the following messages:
* Installing *source* package 'LDheatmap' ...
** R
** data
** demo
** help
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'LDheatmap'
Formats: text html
2004 Oct 25
library gregmisc
I write to ask you an help about the package gregmisc.
I saw the instructions, and I need some functionalities of this package,
but I am unable ti download it.
On friday I was able to download thte .zip, but R does not install this
package, today there is no possibility to download it.
What I have to do?
Anna Maria Paganoni
2004 Nov 25
Installing gregmisc under windows 2000
...s, but you see the constituent packages, and those are what you load
when you want to use them. [This is the same on all platforms, BTW.]
> From: Robert W. Baer, Ph.D.
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:45 PM
> To: Peter Dalgaard
> Cc: R-Help
> Subject: Re: [R] Installing gregmisc under windows 2000
> Thanks for the clarification.
> Pursuant to the recent dicussion of GUI promoting ignornce
> among users, I
> plead guilty for CRAN installs but they have generally saved so much
> time.<g>. This does raise the question as to whether
2003 Jan 21
bug in CrossTable (package:gregmisc) (PR#2480)
Full_Name: John Hendrickx
Version: 1.6.0
OS: Windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (
CrossTable in the "gregmisc" package fails when the fisher.exact test produces
an error (I suspect this is because the number of cases is too large). This can
be fixed using "FTt <- try(fisher.test(t, alternative = "two.sided"))" or by
making the test optional.
bugtab <- array(c(
24, 31, 2,...