search for: green4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "green4".

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2011 Jul 28
not working yet: Re: lattice overlay
...both of these three versions with ylim as suggested, none work: I am getting only single (pch = 16) not overlayed (pch =3) everytime. *vs 1* require(lattice) xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species , data= iris, panel= function(x, y, subscripts) { panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, col = "green4", ylim = c(0, 10)) panel.lmline(x, y, lty=4, col = "green4") panel.xyplot (iris$Petal.Length [subscripts], iris$Petal.Width[subscripts], pch= 3, col = "red") panel.lmline(iris$Petal.Length [subscripts], iris$Petal.Width [subscripts], col = "red") }, as.table=T...
2007 Sep 20
help with making a function of scatter plot with multiple variables
...ot;, col="orange",cex=0.6, lwd=2, xlab="day", ylab="resp",cex.main =1,font.main= 1,main=" Surv data",ylim=y,xlim=x, col.main="navyblue",col.lab="navyblue",cex.lab=0.7) points(s1,t1, pch="A", col="green4", cex=1) points(s2,t2, pch="B",col="navyblue", cex=1) points(s3,t3, pch="C",col="red", cex=1) points(s4,t4, pch="D",col="darkviolet", cex=1) points(s5,t5, pch="E",col="blue", cex=1) legend(&qu...
2008 Mar 31
Reorder the x-axis using lattice
...ning 51.97531 bwplot(Medelvärde ~ Skalor| Kön , kt, panel = "panel.superpose", groups = Tillfälle,scales = list(x = list(rot = 45),cex=0.7,alternating=2), panel.groups = "panel.linejoin",lty=c(1:3),lwd=3,col=c("steelblue","grey50","green4"), ylab = list(label = "skalpoäng (0-100)", cex = 0.8), xlab = list(label = "skalor", cex = 0.8), key = list(lines = Rows(list(col=c("steelblue","grey50","green4"),lty=c(1:3)), c(1:3, 0)),cex=0.8,text = list...
2007 Feb 14
symbols hidden in polar.plot
Hi Folks, Here is my attempt at a simple polar plot. > pos <- seq(0,360,by=5) > tspk <- rep(c(1,0,1),c(13,47,13)) > require(plotrix) > polar.plot(tspk,pos,rp.type="s",point.symbols=17,point.col="green4") I only see half the symbols, the other half of each symbol is hidden under the circular grid. In fact if I change rp.type="r", I see the lines being plotted and then the grid gets plotted over it and hides the lines. What am I doing wrong? Regards, Sumit
2011 Jul 27
lattice overlay
...I want to overlay lattice scatter plot: I do not know why the following code is not plotting subscripts ! Sorry if this question is too simple: require(lattice) xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species , data= iris, panel= function(x, y, subscripts) { panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, col = "green4", ylim = c(0, 10)) panel.lmline(x, y, lty=4, col = "green4") panel.xyplot (iris$Petal.Length [subscripts], iris$Petal.Width[subscripts], pch= 3, col = "red") panel.lmline(iris$Petal.Length [subscripts], iris$Petal.Width [subscripts], col = "red") }, as.table=T...
2009 Feb 27
add absolute value to bars in barplot
Hello, r-help at r-project.orgbarplot(twcons.area, beside=T, col=c("green4", "blue", "red3", "gray"), xlab="estate", ylab="number of persons", ylim=c(0, 110), legend.text=c("treated", "mix", "untreated", "NA")) produces a barplot very fine. In addition, I'd like to...
2010 Dec 02
2D Random walk;-ydir } return(cbind(xpos,ypos)) } rw<-RW2D(10000) xmin<-min(rw[,1]) xmax<-max(rw[,1]) ymin<-min(rw[,2]) ymax<-max(rw[,2]) plot(rw[,1],rw[,2],type="l",xlab="x",ylab="y",main="Random Walk Simulation In Two Dimensions",col="green4",xlim=range(xmin:xmax),ylim=range(ymin:ymax)) end<-cbind(rw[10000,1],rw[10000,2]) start<-cbind(0,0) points(start,pch=4,col="red") points(end,pch=4,col="red") -- View this message in context: Sent...
1998 May 06
R-beta: R-0.61.3 "Color Allocation Error"
Running R under Solaris 2.5.1 I get "Color allocation error". the offending line is lines(x,col="green4",lty="dotted") from the "graphics" demo Any suggestions? The same program runs fine under linux, BTW. Ina --------------------- Ina Dau Computer Administrator - Room 101 - Pearson Building - UCL email: i.dau at Phone: +44-171-4193636 snail: Dep. of Statistical...
2006 Aug 30
How to put title Vertically
...ll R users, Suppose, pauto.cor = pacf(lh, plot=F) max.lag = max(pauto.cor$lag) min.lag = min(pauto.cor$lag) centre = (max.lag - min.lag)/2 pauto.cor = pauto.cor$acf pauto.cor = pauto.cor[-1] par(mar=c(3,0,1,1)) barplot(pauto.cor, axes=F,xlim=c(max(pauto.cor), min(pauto.cor)), space=0, col="green4",border="green",horiz=T) #This plots PACF vertically Now I want to put a title of above plot but NOT horizontally rather Vertically. Can anyone please tell me how to do that? Thanks and regards, stat thanks in advance
2008 Jan 28
Hi, I want to plot a graph and here is my code: ec<-rep(0,length(e)) fc<-rep(0,length(f)) plot(e,ec,type="p",col=1,pch=19) points(f,fc,col=2,pch=20) legend(1.0e+08,1.0,c("dog", "human"),text.col="green4",pch=c(19,20),col=c(1,2)) my major problem here is the x-axis is too large in scale and its very hard for me to read the x-points from my graph. Can I change the x-label too?? Please help me figure out my problem!! Thanks in advance e: [1] 17358865 17966995 21306539 27880531 3...
2010 Sep 10
Greek letter included in a character vector
Hello, In the past I have used "expression" to include greek letters in axis labels, but this time I need to include the greek letter as part of a legend. Basically, I need to create the following vector to rename the levels of a factor: c("Interferon-gamma", "IL-10", "IL-5"), where "gamma" obviously needs to be printed as the greek letter
2008 Jan 24
adjustment on the x-axis scale width
Hi, I have sucessfully plotted the graph by using the following command: ec<-rep(0,length(e)) fc<-rep(0,length(f)) plot(e,ec,type="p",col=1,pch=19) points(f,fc,col=2,pch=20) legend(1.0e+08,1.0,c("dog", "human"),text.col="green4",pch=c(19,20),col=c(1,2)) Below are the values for e and f...the questions is how am i going to adjust the scale width of my x-axis and my y-axis will start at 0?? Any suggestion?? thanks in advance!! e: [1] 17358865 17966995 21306539 27880531 34166504 36111044 36266288...
1999 Aug 03
legend in coplot output
...1","At2","At3","At4","At5","At6","At7","At8","At9","At10"), class="data.frame") i tried to do: >cores<-structure(factor( c(1,1,2,4,3,3,2,4,2,1),levels=1:4),.Label=c("red","green4","blue","yellow"))#red=Tmin_in, green4=Tmax_in, blue=Tmin_out and yellow=Tmax_out > coplot(Qu1 ~ Qu2 | Ku1*Ph1, data = dados, pch = 3, col = cores) but i need the legend!!! Have a nice day Best regards Jorge ****************************** Jorge M. A. Magalhaes Qui...
2009 Feb 05
Unexpected mfrow, layout behavior (pdf still has multiple pages)
...=TRUE) TortuosityPlot(left, right) DiameterPlot(left, right) LDRPlot(left, right) LDRPlot <- function(left, right) { plot(left$x, left$LDR, bty="n", ann=FALSE, xlim=c(-1500, 1000), ylim=c(1.0, 1.5)) abline(v=0, col=gray(.90)) lines(left$x, left$LDR, col="green4", lty="solid") points(left$x, left$LDR, bg="limegreen", pch=21) lines(right$x, right$LDR, col="blue4", lty="dashed") points(right$x, right$LDR, bg="blue", pch=21) #title(main="LDR", xlab="Distance (um)", ylab...
2011 Apr 13
Clustering help in Heat Maps
...d.table("Cyto_shoot.txt", header=TRUE) mat=data.matrix(x) heatmap.2(mat, # c('red','green','orange','blue','yellow', 'gray','black','brown','aquamarine3','cyan', 'darkmagenta','darkviolet','green4')) col=colorRampPalette(c("green","white","red"))(256), #col=greenred(75), #col = cm.colors(256), #bgStyle="3D Rectangle", #bgGradientMode=" Diagonal Edge", Rowv=TRUE, Colv=FALSE, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, dendrogram = c("row&qu...
2006 Mar 15
X11 fonts problem with ubuntu breezy
...ot;, "gnome", "windows", "quartz"))) > x <- rnorm(50) > opar <- c(opar, par(bg = "white")) > plot(x, ann = FALSE, type = "n") Hit <Return> to see next plot: > abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9)) > lines(x, col = "green4", lty = "dotted") > points(x, bg = "limegreen", pch = 21) > title(main = "Simple Use of Color In a Plot", xlab = "Just a Whisper of a Label", col.main = "blue", col.lab = gray(0.8), cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1, font.main = 4,...
2001 Feb 01
R works in KDE but not in Gnome
...ot;, "GTK", "windows", "Macintosh"))) > x <- rnorm(50) > opar <- c(opar, par(bg = "white")) > plot(x, ann = FALSE, type = "n") Hit <Return> to see next plot: > abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9)) > lines(x, col = "green4", lty = "dotted") Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col, lty = lty, ...) : Error: X11 cannot allocate additional graphics colors. Consider using X11 with colortype="pseudo.cube" or "gray". > This has happened with every release of R I'v...
2001 Feb 04
Linux shared library problem (PR#838)
..."GTK", "windows", "Macintosh"))) > x <- rnorm(50) > opar <- c(opar, par(bg = "white")) > plot(x, ann = FALSE, type = "n") Hit <Return> to see next plot: > abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9)) > lines(x, col = "green4", lty = "dotted") > points(x, bg = "limegreen", pch = 21) > title(main = "Simple Use of Color In a Plot", xlab = "Just a Whisper of a Label", col.main = "blue", col.lab = gray(0.8), cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1, font.main = 4,...
2001 May 27
plotting circles
I'd like to make some polar plots with R, but I can't seem to find anything designed to help with that. Is there anyway to get a real polar mode, where instead of x and y you have r and theta? How about a way to draw a circle? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
1999 Dec 26
coredump with plot(x,y,pch="+",cex=2.2) (PR#389)
Core dumped when plot() is used with pch="c" & cex > 2, e.g., plot(1,1, pch="+", cex=2.2) Thank you and best wishes for 2000! Rashid Nassar --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i586-unknown-linux arch = i586 os = linux system = i586, linux status = major = 0 minor = 90.1 year = 1999 month = December day = 15 language = R