Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "gestation".
2005 Mar 21
...07427740 -0.3370815
SlowSleep -0.39363729 -0.38679474 1.0000000 0.51824287 0.9676730
ParaSleep -0.07488845 -0.07427740 0.5182429 1.00000000 0.7171864
TotalSleep -0.34283732 -0.33708151 0.9676730 0.71718643 1.0000000
Lifespan 0.46982146 0.62938940 -0.3722345 -0.26834006 -0.3824462
Gestation 0.71434413 0.73353206 -0.6061048 -0.40893177 -0.6144743
PredIndex 0.09588524 -0.01538017 -0.3526558 -0.39795310 -0.4047155
ExposeIndex 0.40563880 0.32318968 -0.5802789 -0.50363338 -0.6213578
DangerIndex 0.25932512 0.15093686 -0.5346247 -0.57194862 -0.6043029
logbrw 0.47461094 0.53...
2002 Feb 04
Help with accessing elements of a list
As part of the analysis of a longitudinal study, I have a list, called wg,
on R 1.3.1 for windows created as follows -
wg <- by(xx, xx$mrn, function(xx) lm(xx$maternal.wt ~ xx$gestation,
xx is a data.frame, and so wg contains the results of 293 linear
regressions, as lm objects.
Now what I want is to extract the 293 intercepts and regression coefficients
as a vector, and do things with them - like examine their distributions.
>wg[[1]] gives
lm(formula = x...
2006 Jul 06
read.xport issues
ORRACEM Hispanic Origin and Race of Morther Reco 9
MRACE Race of Mother A
LIVORD9 Live Birth Order Recode I
GESTESTMClinical Estimation of Gestation Used Fl Y
GESTAT Gestation - Detail in Weeks CSEX Sex
DBIRWT Birth Weight - Detail in Grams CLINGESTClinical Estimate of Gestation
ANEMIA Anemia...
2002 Jan 18
RE: z-scores for different factor levels
...Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 5:33 AM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R]: z-scores for different factor levels
Hi there.
I am trying to generate z-scores for a variable according to it's factor
level, leaving this result in the original dataframe.
ie. standardised birth weight for gestational age in weeks.
BWT is birthweight
GEST is gestational age in weeks (equivalent to the factor level)
I can generate the factor level mean & SD using tapply
tapply(BWT,GEST,mean) etc.
but this creates a new array of means & SDs.
- Can anyone suggest how I can slot these means & SDs by...
2001 Apr 09
2.2 release imminent.
Well, as Andrew shouted at me again this weekend it's getting
to be about that time.... :-) :-).
Yep, we're thinking we should do an official 2.2 Samba release
early next week, so if you have anything you can't live
with, now would be a good time to tell us....
It's been gestating longer than an elephant, so it's really
time to let it out into the world and do its own
2003 Nov 20
Problem with Trellis graphics in nlme
...of the graphics device. My graphics are correct
horizontally, but are confined to about one-fifth of the vertical extent of
the graphics device. As a result they look odd, and are almost usless for
analysis. They do seem, however, to be the correct graphics (In this case
maternal weight against gestational age for two groups of women).
I have read the manual for the lattice commands, and the nlme command, and
indeed for the plain plot command, but failed to get any ideas. Roughly, I
need to tell lattice to use the full vertical extent of the display device.
If it helps, I can e-mail the offendi...
2002 Jan 09
value labels from read.spss()?
>From owner-r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch Wed Jan 9 10:08:44 2002
>Does anyone know how to access/list the value labels stored in a SPSS .sav
>At the moment I can read in variables using read.spss() (foreign package),
>but have to power up SPSS to check value labels.
There may be a solution to this in R, and I would love to hear
it, but I was just faced
2010 Jan 28
LMS estimation for lmsqreg package
centiles <- c(0.004,0.02,0.09,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.91,0.98,0.996)
lms.fit <- lmsqreg.fit(boys.o$BIRTH_WEIGHT,boys.0$GEST_AGE,edf=c(3,5,3),pvec=centiles)
I also plotted the median and the coefficient of variation by gestation age, but then I'm struggling to find the correct command to plot the Box-Cox power by gestation age. (Does it makes sense to compute all centiles in one go?)
Thanks Joanne
P.S.: I found a couple of recent articles that refer to the GAMLSS package, but that looks even more complicated to me....
2002 Jan 18
RE: z-scores for different factor levels
...Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 5:33 AM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R]: z-scores for different factor levels
Hi there.
I am trying to generate z-scores for a variable according to it's factor
level, leaving this result in the original dataframe.
ie. standardised birth weight for gestational age in weeks.
BWT is birthweight
GEST is gestational age in weeks (equivalent to the factor level)
I can generate the factor level mean & SD using tapply
tapply(BWT,GEST,mean) etc.
but this creates a new array of means & SDs.
- Can anyone suggest how I can slot these means & SDs by...
2011 Dec 16
(fitmodel <- lmer(modelformula,data,family=binomial(link=logit),nAGQ=1))
where modelformula is set up in another part of the program.? Locations are
treated as random and the model is random intercept only.? The program is
set?to run 1000 simulations.
I have temperature, five levels of gestational age (GA), birth wieght (BW) and?four?
other categorical pedictors, all binary.? I scaled everything so that all my slopes are in the
range of -5.2 to 1.6 and?variances from .01 to .08.? I have a couple of categories
of GA that have small probabilities (<.10).? I'm using a structured samp...
2015 Apr 20
Fix for bug in arima function
There is currently a bug in the arima function. Namely, for arima models with differencing or seasonal differencing, the innovation variance estimator uses the wrong denominator whenever xreg is non-null. This is the case, for example, when fitting an ARIMA(p,1,q) model with a drift term (common in financial applications). I reported the bug (and a fix) at
2015 Apr 21
Fix for bug in arima function
The bug repository is like an elephant: It doesn't forget, but the gestation period is long.
In the present case, it is clear that something is not right, but someone needs to have sufficient recall and insight to check that your proposed fix is not unfixing a deliberate change. We should get to it eventually. (For some value of "we" not including "me"....
2009 Oct 01
General mixed effects Cox models
After an extremely long gestation, a new version of the coxme package is
now available on CRAN. This function fits very general mixed-effects
Cox models using an lmer-like syntax. For instance here is a model that
fits a random treatment effect, using data from a multi-study
fit <- coxme(Surv(pg.time, pg.sta...
2009 Nov 10
Dear All,
We are happy to announce, after a long gestation, the release of the new
version of FRAILTYPACK (version 2.2-9.5) which is now available from
CRAN. The package fit general frailty models using penalized likelihood
estimation, for clustered or recurrent events.
For instance :
-- ADDITIVE FRAILTY MODELS for proportional hazards models with tw...
2009 Oct 01
General mixed effects Cox models
After an extremely long gestation, a new version of the coxme package is
now available on CRAN. This function fits very general mixed-effects
Cox models using an lmer-like syntax. For instance here is a model that
fits a random treatment effect, using data from a multi-study
fit <- coxme(Surv(pg.time, pg.sta...
2009 Nov 10
Dear All,
We are happy to announce, after a long gestation, the release of the new
version of FRAILTYPACK (version 2.2-9.5) which is now available from
CRAN. The package fit general frailty models using penalized likelihood
estimation, for clustered or recurrent events.
For instance :
-- ADDITIVE FRAILTY MODELS for proportional hazards models with tw...
2009 Nov 01
wilcox.test construction in r
Hi, I am very confused with constructing the wilcox.test in R.
I have two populations 'original' and 'test'.
I want to know if the 'test' is generally 'lower' than original.
I use alpha of 0.05.
So do I write the function as wilcox.test(original, test, alternative="l")?
or wlcox.test(original, test, alternative = "g")?
or wilcox.test(test,
1999 Jun 29
S v. 5
Does R, or will R, be integrating the changes to the Chambers/Lucent S
language under their version 5.0? If not already, then when?
John Thaden
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
2015 May 20
Fix for bug in arima function
preserves the value of "init0").
Patrick Perry
Assistant Professor
Stern School of Business
New York University
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 7:34 AM, peter dalgaard <pdalgd at gmail.com> wrote:
> The bug repository is like an elephant: It doesn't forget, but the
> gestation period is long.
> In the present case, it is clear that something is not right, but someone
> needs to have sufficient recall and insight to check that your proposed fix
> is not unfixing a deliberate change. We should get to it eventually. (For
> some value of "we" not i...
2003 Nov 15
correlation and causality examples
...;red", "black"), c("spots", "lynx"), pch = 21)
### end
Shouldn't I try to publish this in Nature or Science with a title
that goes "Solar activity increase libido in lynx populations" ?
Note the nice shift between the two curves corresponding to the
gestation time!
A brief look at the whole dataset demonstates that this is
definitively wrong:
### begin
spots <- window(sunspots, freq = 1, start = 1821, end = 1934)
ratio <- max(lynx)/max(spots)
plot(lynx, main = "Sun spots intensity\nand lynx population density",
ylab = ""...