search for: genomeinfodb

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "genomeinfodb".

2015 Jan 23
issue with update.packages()
...;AnnotationDbi") AnnotationDbi : Version 1.0 installed in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework.develMav/Versions/3.2/Resources/library Version 1.29.17 available at Update (y/N/c)? y also installing the dependencies ?IRanges?, ?BiocGenerics?, ?Biobase?, ?GenomeInfoDb?, ?DBI?, ?RSQLite?, ?S4Vectors? trying URL '' Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) : cannot open URL '
2019 Jul 04
Fwd: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies
...match * R-fibroEset * R-filehash * R-FMStable * R-foghorn * R-fontBitstreamVera * R-fontLiberation * R-forcats * R-foreach * R-formatR * R-fortunes * R-fs * R-fts * R-futile.logger * R-futile.options * R-future * R-gamlss.dist * R-gapminder * R-gdata * R-gdtools * R-gee * R-geepack * R-generics * R-GenomeInfoDb * R-GenomeInfoDbData * R-GenomicAlignments * R-GenomicFeatures * R-GenomicRanges * R-getPass * R-ggplot2 * R-ggplot2movies * R-gh * R-git2r * R-globals * R-glue * R-gmailr * R-gmp * R-gplots * R-gsl * R-gss * R-gtable * R-gtools * R-haven * R-here * R-hexbin * R-hgu133acdf * R-hgu95av2cdf * R-hgu95...