Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4019 matches for "gene".
Did you mean:
2019 Oct 07
Is imap "list" required before imap "select" for shared folder?
...irst do
an imap LIST, i.e,
. list "" *
If list is not done first, the imap select or status command on the
shared mailbox results in a "NO" response with "mailbox doesn't exist"
response text.
I can provide more information if this is not expected behavior.
2013 Aug 28
Welcome to the "R-help" mailing list
Good Afternoon,
My name is Gabriel, I'm doing an analysis if there is increase or decrease in dependence on the mutated genes, using 3 or more genes using the fisher exact test.I performed with success an analysis for two genes using fisher.test( ). example of the 2x2 contigency table:
Gene A mutated | Gene A normalGene B mutated| 26 | 12-------...
2007 Jan 17
Memory leak with character arrays?
...86_64., and the R
versions are 2.4, 2.4 and 2.2, respectively. So, it would seem that
this is platform and R version independant.
The file that I'm reading contains the upstream regions of the yeast
genome, with each upstream region labeled using a FASTA header, i.e.:
FASTA header for gene 1
upstream region.....
FASTA header for gene 2
The script I use - code below - opens the file, parses for a FASTA
header, and then parses the header for the gene name. Once this is
done, it reads the following lines which contain the upstream...
2017 Aug 22
splitting a dataframe in R based on multiple gene names in a specific column
I would appreciate please a suggestion on how to do the following :
i'm working with a dataframe in R that contains in a specific column
multiple gene names, eg :
> df.sample.gene[15:20,2:8]
Chr Start End Ref Alt Func.refGene
Gene.refGene284 chr2 16080996 16080996 C T ncRNA_exonic
GACAT3448 chr2 113979920 113979920 C T ncRNA_exonic
LINC01191,LOC100499194465 chr2 131279347 131279347 C G
2017 Aug 23
splitting a dataframe in R based on multiple gene names in a specific column
Hi Bogdan,
Messy, and very specific to your problem:
text="Chr Start End Ref Alt Func.refGene Gene.refGene
284 chr2 16080996 16080996 C T ncRNA_exonic GACAT3
448 chr2 113979920 113979920 C T ncRNA_exonic LINC01191,LOC100499194
465 chr2 131279347 131279347 C G ncRNA_exonic LOC440910
525 chr2 223777...
2017 Aug 25
splitting a dataframe in R based on multiple gene names in a specific column
...#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
text="Chr Start End Ref Alt Func.refGene Gene.refGene
284 chr2 16080996 16080996 C T ncRNA_exonic GACAT3
448 chr2 113979920 113979920 C T ncRNA_exonic LINC01191,LOC100499194
465 chr2 131279347 131279347 C G ncRNA_exonic LOC440910
525 chr2 2...
2011 Feb 05
Help!!! from R beginner
"chr04" "LOC_Os04g01040" 30637 37300 "TE_related" "black"
I have worked on the following code to do this job using function and
loop, but it is not working. If someone help me, I would really
The original data frame is Os.chr4.gene.new.
Gene <- Os.chr4.gene.new[, c("if_TE_related")]
Genecolor <- function(Gene) {
lg <-length(Gene)
for(i in 1:lg) {
if (Gene == "TE_related") {D1 <- (Gene == "black")}
if (Gene == " ") {D1 <- (Gene == "orange")}
Gene.color &...
2012 Nov 06
sample from list
Hi all,
I have a list of genes present in 500 individuals, the individuals are the elements:
Genes <- lapply(1:nrow(inds),function(x) sample(1:10000,inds$No_of_Genes,replace=TRUE))
(This was later written to a dataframe as well as kept as the list object: inds2 <- data.frame(inds,Genes=I(Genes)))
I also have a vector of...
2012 Nov 08
Extract cell of many values from dataframe cells and sample from them.
First my apologies for a non-working piece of code in a previous submission, I have corrected this error.
I'm doing is individual based modelling of a pathogen and it's host. The way I've thought of doing this is with two dataframes, one of the pathogen and it's genes and effector genes, and one of the host and it's resistance genes. During the simulation, these things can be pulled out of the dataframes and operated on, before being stored again in the dataframes.
Below is how I've created my dataframe and stored my effector genes. In this model, effe...
2001 Jul 10
gls function, very old results
Hello R-users,
I am currently trying to learn how to use the function gls of the nlme
library. I fitted the following model:
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: response ~ array + dye + genes + variety + variety * genes +
array * genes + dye * genes
Data: data
I have 11 arrays, 2 dyes, 2 varieties, 3200 genes, and 2 replications
for each.
Therefore I should have the corresponding degrees of freedom and number
of coe...
2015 Jan 25
release cycle 6.04
X-Original-In-Reply-To: <CAD0Rxe=5uLCWQ+jfj1J6zepDzqx0vAiBREiwiKOih59MKgBDHg at mail.gmail.com>
X-Previous: http://www.syslinux.org/archives/2015-January/023070.html
On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 08:59:57PM -0500, Gene Cumm wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 01, 2015 at 09:48:16AM -0500, Gene Cumm wrote:
> >> I'm planning on doing the master
> >> branch (including the one behind the currently broken git daemon at
> >> git.zy...
2008 Oct 30
why does sample(x, n) give the same n items in every separate runs?
Hello R users,
I have gene expression data of two groups of genes (large and small). Gene expression intensities of those genes are classified into 1 to 10 levels. What I want is to make a random set of genes that have the same levels as the small group from large group using sample().
I used smallvec to hold the number of...
2011 Feb 09
samr - extract genes from siggenes.table
Hi BioC user,
I have a problem extracting the gene set I would like to work with.
Here is I work with my data:
normData <- read.delim("normalizedData.txt",sep ="\t")
######### two class unpaired comparison
# y must take values 1,2
classes <- c(-1,-2,1,2)
#prepere the data for the samr analysis
data.x <-as.matrix(norm...
2016 Apr 05
Is that an efficient way to find the overlapped , upstream and downstream ranges for a bunch of ranges
I do have a bunch of genes ( nearly ~50000) from the whole genome, which read in genomic ranges
A range(gene) can be seem as an observation has three columns chromosome, start and end, like that
seqnames start end width strand
gene1 chr1 1 5 5 +
gene2 chr1 10 15 6 +
2011 Oct 01
Entering data into a multi-way array?
Hello: I am a novice R user, but I have been working my way through the
manuals / tutorials, ... I have R / Deducer up and running, and know the
I want to analyze a microarray (gene expression) dataset.
I need to input the data into R as a multidimensional (multi-way) array,
something on the order of
15,000 x 3 x 8 x 2 [genes x replicates x time points x treatments]
I've Google'd, etc. to find the solution, but I cannot find an answer. I am
being led to the idea (...
2009 Jan 06
for loop and if problem
I'm heaving difficulties with a dataset containing gene names and positions
of those genes.
Not such a big problem, but each gene has multiple exons so it's hard to say
where de gene starts and where it ends. I want the starting and ending
position of each gene in my dataset.
Attached is the dataset:
2013 Sep 09
Duplicated genes
May be you can try this:
dat1New<-? dat1[!(duplicated(dat1$gene)|duplicated(dat1$gene,fromLast=TRUE)),]
dat3<-unsplit(lapply(lst1,function(x) {x1<- sum(apply(x[,6:32],2,function(y) y[1]>=y[2]));x2<- sum(apply(x[,6:32],2, function(y) y[1]<=y[2...
2009 Mar 02
How to normalize to a set of internal references
Thanks for the advice. My question is more on how to do this?
Let me use a biology gene analysis example to illustrate:
In biology, there are always some house keeping genes which differ
little even at pathological conditions.
We know that at different batches, there are external factors affect
the measurements. For example, overall signal intensity might be
different due to lab rea...
2004 Jul 21
Cutting heatmap dendrogram
...below. Any guidance on if that's possible or not, and what
kinds of commands I should be looking into would be very much appreciated.
I'm using R 1.9.0 on Windows XP.
# load libraries
# working copy of data
set1 <- as.matrix(data);
set2 <- t(set1);
# genes
genes.distance <- as.dist(1-cor(set2));
genes.clusters <- hclust(genes.distance);
genes.dendrogr <- as.dendrogram(genes.clusters);
# samples
samples.distance <- as.dist(1-cor(set1));
samples.clusters <- hclust(samples.distance1);
samples.dendrogr <- as.dendrogram(samples.cluster...
2005 Dec 22
Logistic regression to select genes and estimate cutoff point?
Hi, all,
I am new to R or even to statistics. Not sure if the question has a answer. But I couldn't find a straight forward answer in the help mailing list.
I need use MicroArray data to select several diagnostic genes between Normal samples and Tumor samples and use these genes to predict unknow samples.
Since the sample size is so small and data doesn't follow normal distribution, I am thinking to use logistic regression instead of Student T test to select genes. To make the problem simpler, I assume each...