search for: gameden

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2006 Aug 03
NLME: Problem with plotting ranef vs a factor
...ot;levels" command that it is a factor. Yet despite this the plot command is not recognising it as a factor. Here is more information about my problem: I am reading in the data by: Data<-read.csv("Data1_93_2.csv",header=T) attach(Data) Data1_93<-transform(Data,log2game=log2(gamedens+1)) pcat<-as.factor(pcat) Data1_93<-groupedData(log2game ~ day | subjectno, data=Data1_93) detach(Data) Here is the code to check that the covariate called pcat is indeed a factor: > levels(pcat) [1] "1" "2" "3" > is.factor(pcat) [1] TRUE and then after...