search for: g0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 426 matches for "g0".

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2014 Jul 10
Warnings in dmesg and results of mmiotrace 10de:1140 Geforce620m Optimus Laptop Acer E1-531G
...614] GeForce 8 (G8x) [ 2068.614] GeForce GTX 200 (NVA0) [ 2068.614] GeForce GTX 400 (NVC0) [ 2068.614] (II) modesetting: Driver for Modesetting Kernel Drivers: kms [ 2068.614] (++) using VT number 7 [ 2068.615] (II) [drm] nouveau interface version: 1.1.1 [ 2068.615] (II) modesetting(G0): using drv /dev/dri/card0 [ 2068.615] (II) Loading sub module "dri2" [ 2068.615] (II) LoadModule: "dri2" [ 2068.615] (II) Module "dri2" already built-in [ 2068.615] (--) NOUVEAU(0): Chipset: "NVIDIA NVD7" [ 2068.615] (II) NOUVEAU(0): Creating default Di...
2016 Apr 05
[Bug 94826] New: Cannot set external display as primary in optimus mode parameter attributes) Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 30 (RRSetOutputPrimary) Serial number of failed request: 45 Current serial number in output stream: 47 Xorg.log.0 entries added during the last xrandr command: [ 2392.882] (II) NOUVEAU(G0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 16485 [ 2392.883] (II) NOUVEAU(G0): Using hsync ranges from config file [ 2392.883] (II) NOUVEAU(G0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file [ 2392.883] (II) NOUVEAU(G0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines: [ 2392.883] (II) NOUVEAU(G0): Modeline "2560x16...
2007 Jul 24
Dial out through multiple Zap groups
Hi, I'm trying to set a rule to dial out through multiple Zap groups so that, say, g0 is the cheaper POTS lines group and must be used first. However, if g0 is busy or disconnected then try dialing out g1. My g0 group is made up of 4 analog lines connected to a 4-FXO card. I disconnected the RJ-11 wires from the FXO card to simulate a line disconnection. So theoretically all call...
2012 Jan 12
[LLVMdev] A question of Sparc assembly generated by llc
Hi, There are some generated Sparc assembly code like this: main: ! @main ! BB#0: save %sp, -112, %sp sethi 0, %l0 or %g0, 5, %l1 st %l0, [%fp+-4] st %l1, [%fp+-8] st %l1, [%fp+-12] sethi %hi(.L.str), %l1 ld [%fp+-8], %o1 add %l1, %lo(.L.str), %l1 or %g0, %l1, %o0 call printf nop ld [%fp+-12], %o2 ld [%fp+-8], %l2 sethi %hi(.L.strQ521), %l3 add %l3, %lo(.L.strQ521), %o0 or %g0, %l2, %o1 call MY_F...
2015 Apr 11
[LLVMdev] __eh_frame info changes in Clang?
Nick, Do you happen to know why the version reported in 'dwarfdump --eh-frame' for object files now differs when compiled with and without -g? The test used in FSF gcc's configure produces a diff of.. % diff -u conftest.o.g.stripped.dwarfdump conftest.o.g0.stripped.dwarfdump --- conftest.o.g.stripped.dwarfdump 2015-04-10 21:43:15.000000000 -0400 +++ conftest.o.g0.stripped.dwarfdump 2015-04-10 21:43:04.000000000 -0400 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - File: conftest.o.g.stripped (x86_64) + File:...
2023 Dec 02
Try reproduce glmm by hand
...ta = c(sample(x=20:30, size=40, replace = TRUE), rep(10, 40)), ncol=2)) ID <- as.factor(c(rep("A", 40), rep("B", 40), rep("C", 40))) x <- c(runif(40, min=10, max=30), runif(40, min=20, max=30), runif(40, min=40, max=60)) x <- (x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)) # In g0, I have the results of the glmm library(lme4) g0 <- glmer(formula = df ~ x + (1 | ID), family = binomial(link="logit"), nAGQ=1) -logLik(g0) # 'log Lik.' 268.0188 (df=3) # I get the fitted parameters fixep <- fixef(g0) par <- getME(g0, c("theta","beta"...
2016 Oct 07
Debug info interacting with optimization and code generation
In theory, compiler should generate bit-identical code with and without debug info. I.e. # clang -c -O2 -g -o a.g.o # clang -c -O2 -g0 -o a.g0.o # strip a.g.o a.g0.o # diff a.g.o a.g0.o The diff should find two binaries identical. For brevity, in the rest of the mail, I'll refer to this requirement as "codegen consistency" (any better name?) Unfortunately, LLVM does not guarantee codegen consistency. Recently,...
2014 Mar 14
[LLVMdev] [ARM] [PIC] optimizing the loading of hidden global variable
>> Any thoughs? > > I'm now struggling to see how GCC justifies it. What if a different > translation-unit declared those variables in a different order? I also > can't get the same behaviour here, do you have a more complete > command-line? Ah, I see; the translation-unit that does the optimisation needs to have them as a definition (i.e. "= {0}") rather
2006 Mar 07
Reverse group in zapata.conf
Hey all, I have a situation where I have 8 lines from the phone company in a hunt group coming in to my asterisk box. These are the same lines I'm using for outgoing calls ( named g0 ). The problem arises when someone dials our number at the same time asterisk tries to put a call out on one of the zap channels in the g0 group. This has happened twice that I know of so far, once to myself. Asterisk opens the line before it's answered, and tries to dial. This has the...
2005 Feb 16
Zap/g0/ to a Telstra Mobile
...s-custom.conf What is happening is, The extension rings for about 5 secs (as long as it takes the TDM400 to dial the mobile number), then just the telstra mobile rings.. >From asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvr -- Goto (custom-incoming,s,1) -- Executing Dial("SIP/202-b424", "Zap/g0/0408xxxxxx&Sip/200|30|t") in new stack -- Called g0/0408xxxxxx -- Called 200 -- SIP/200-fece is ringing -- SIP/200-fece is ringing -- SIP/200-fece is ringing -- SIP/200-fece is ringing -- Zap/2-1 answered SIP/202-b424 At this stage the mobile is still ringing a...
2007 Aug 16
Experimenting- Sip dialing with Zap
...I can dial into the Asterisk rings my Sip phone, but dialing out with my SPA941 phone through the zap channel is a problem. I keep getting this message on the Asterisk CLI. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance. -- Executing [103 at default:1] Dial("SIP/200-006fa300", "{Zap/g0/{EXTEN:1}") in new stack [Aug 16 19:28:39] WARNING[14232]: channel.c:3209 ast_request: No channel type registered for '{Zap' [Aug 16 19:28:39] WARNING[14232]: app_dial.c:1106 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '{Zap' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented) == Ev...
2009 Aug 19
[LLVMdev] Solaris (sparc) llc bugs
...ated code: sakharov at trillian:~$ cat ./test.s .text .align 16 .globl main .type main, #function main: save %o6, -96, %o6 sethi %hi(.str), %l0 add %l0, %lo(.str), %o0 call puts nop sethi 0, %i0 restore %g0, %g0, %g0 retl nop .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS", at progbits,1 .align 2 .type .str,#object .size .str,15 .str: .asciz "this is a test" sakharov at trillian:~$ /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc test.s -o test /opt/SUNWspro/...
2008 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] how to dump DSA graph in gdb?
...g the DSA and want to learn how it work, and now I am checking the local datastructure analysis. I use the following command to print the graph: (gdb) p g.dump() digraph DataStructures { label="Function addG"; Node0xe1f3a0 [shape=record,shape=Mrecord,label="{ i32: MRE\n|{<g0>}}"]; Node0xe1f4d0 [shape=record,shape=Mrecord,label="{ i32*: SMR\n|{<g0>|<g1>}}"]; Node0xe1f4d0:g0 -> Node0xe1f3a0; Node0xe20900 [shape=record,shape=Mrecord,label="{ i32: GR\n @global\n|{<g0>}}"]; Node0xe16530[ label =" %x_addr...
2009 Sep 27
Is channel local what I need?
On I'm using to send a fax, and then send a confirm. 'send' => 1. Set(UniqueFile=/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/call-${UNIQUEID}) [pbx_config] 2. System(env echo -e "Channel:DAHDI/g0/........\\nContext:fax-tx\\nExtension: s\\nPriority: 1\\n" >${UniqueFile}) [pbx_config] [ Context 'fax-tx' created by 'pbx_config' ] 's' => 1. SendFAX(${FaxFile}.tif) [pbx_config] 'h' => 1. Set(RID=${REMOTESTATIONID}) [...
2009 May 28
Bug in base function sample ( ) (PR#13727)
...the number but instead chooses a random number between 1 and that number. Example 1: # I am assigning a single number gg <- 7 # Creating an array to store sampled values ggtrack <- 0 # I am sampling 10,000 observations from my single value # object and storing them for (i in 1:10000) { g0 <- sample(gg, (i/i)) ggtrack <- c(ggtrack,g0) } # Deleting the initial value in the array ggtrack <- ggtrack[-1] # The array ought to be 10,000 samples long (and it is) length(ggtrack) # The array should contain 10,000 "7", but it does not # See the histogram of sampled value...
2012 Apr 19
Question about glusterfs quotas on debian wheezy?
...translator modules ii glusterfs-server 3.2.6-1 clustered file-system (server package) === snip === My volume has 3 bricks and is a distributed one: === snip === muzzy:~# gluster volume info Volume Name: m3d Type: Distribute Status: Started Number of Bricks: 3 Transport-type: tcp Bricks: Brick1: g0:/g0 Brick2: g1:/g1 Brick3: g2:/g2 Options Reconfigured: features.quota-timeout: 0 features.limit-usage: /1Gg:1GB,/10Gg:10GB,/5Gg:5GB,/512Mb:512MB,/dav/256MB:256MB,/dav/1GB:1GB,/dav/5GB:5GB,/dav/10GB:10GB,/cifs/256Mb:256MB,/dav/128mb:128MB,/dav/192mb:192MB,/cifs/192mb:192MB,/cifs/64mb:64MB features...
2009 Sep 27
digium fax: failed to queue document
In my quest to actually send a fax, I'm now stuck trying to send the confirm. First I send the fax: -- Executing [send at outbound-fax:2] System("Console/dsp", "env echo -e "Channel:DAHDI/g0/12036378447\\nContext:fax-tx\\nExtension: s\\nPriority: 1\\n" >/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/call-1254012878.0") in new stack -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'Console/dsp' status is 'UNKNOWN' << Hangup on console >> -- Attempting call on DAHDI/g0/1...
2005 Jun 19
outgoing call routing
...1-1", "fixlocalprefix") in new stack -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/fixlocalprefix fixlocalprefix: Could not parse /etc/asterisk/localprefixes.conf -- AGI Script fixlocalprefix completed, returning 0 -- Executing Dial("Zap/1-1", "ZAP/g0/817XXXXXX") in new stack -- Called g0/817XXXXXX -- Hungup 'Zap/4-1' -- Executing Macro("SIP/302-ffef", "dialout-trunk|1|817XXXXXX") in new stack -- Executing Macro("SIP/302-ffef", "record-on|302") in new stack -- Executing...
2010 Aug 22
Recursion problem
...r: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? I feel that since the function Grx is recursively related, perhaps making the code too complicated too handle. Can anyone let me know if there is any other way to handle this problem? d1=10.5 Grx<-function(x,r) { G0=Grx(x,0) G0=1; fu1<-function(t){exp(-t^2/(2*r*(r+1)))*Grx(x,r-1)} return(integrate(fu1,0,x)$value) } grx<-function(x,r) { Grx(x,r)*exp(-x^2/(2*(r+1))) } ifn<-function(n) { w=n*d1/2;S1=0; for(k in 1:(n-1)) { S1=S1+choose(n,k)*grx(w,k)*grx(w,n-k-1) } return(S1); } ifn(7) Thanks in adva...
2014 Mar 14
[LLVMdev] [ARM] [PIC] optimizing the loading of hidden global variable
...GCC output with "extern" hidden: ldr r2, .L2 stmfd sp!, {r3, lr} .save {r3, lr} .LPIC0: add r0, pc, r2 bl _Z4initPv(PLT) ldr r1, .L2+4 .LPIC1: add r0, pc, r1 bl _Z4initPv(PLT) ldr r0, .L2+8 .LPIC2: add r0, pc, r0 ldmfd sp!, {r3, lr} b _Z4initPv(PLT) .L3: .align 2 .L2: .word g0-(.LPIC0+8) .word g1-(.LPIC1+8) .word g2-(.LPIC2+8) Thanks, Weiming Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, hosted by The Linux Foundation -----Original Message----- From: Rafael EspĂ­ndola [mailto:rafael.espindola at] Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 9:04 AM T...