search for: freedb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "freedb".

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2007 Dec 25
EAC can't contact FreeDB
Exact Audio Copy 0.99b3 under Wine 0.9.51 on Kubuntu 7.10. It can see the audio CD in the drive, no problems, no fuss. What it can't do is contact FreeDB to get CD track names. Clicking the "FreeDB" button in EAC brings up in Konqueror. So the problem isn't that FreeDB is down. When I run EAC from the command line, there's nothing showing up with a "fixme:". What routines should I check are proper...
2013 Aug 17
k3b -> cddb doesn't work
Copying a CD with k3b is no problem, except I want to include on my copy the cbbd data (from I've configured k3b's cddb section according to instructions at <> and read every article google could find about "k3b cddb config", but still k3b can't manage it. Grip handles getting the cddb data just fine....
2004 Sep 10
tagging flac files
...i want to get a sense of "best practices" for tagging flac files. i want to archive my entire cd collection as flac files (onto a few of those new western digital 120GB drives). as part of encoding the flac files, i'd like to add 1. id3v2 tags (preferably automatically gotten from freedb) 2. timed lyrics a la lyrics3 v2 (is there a freedb-like source for this?) 3. album art (this one would just be nice to have. dunno if there's some repository out there for this) What would be the best way to automate creating flac files from audio cds that at least include 1 & 2 (on win...
2003 Feb 12
Useful Comments vs. Databases
Now that we have a useful standard that allows us to label our recordings properly: Are there yet any on-line databases (I'm thinking freedb-like, but freedb is as lame as ever) that allow storage/retreival of all of these useful comments? Cheers! -Ben -- Ben Pearre -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: part Type: application/pgp-s...
2002 Jan 13
Win32 commandline discid utility?
...rl, and several batch files and perl scripts to automate the process as much as possible. The only thing I can't figure out how to automate is getting the CD info (album, artist... err... performer ;) and track names). Internet access to those machines is proxied, and EAC can't get the freedb info through a proxy (I don't think). Plus, the GUI interface is a bummer (can't be automated with perl). And even if I could get EAC talking to freedb through the proxy, I don't think I want to because I use the artist and album titles to determine where to upload the tracks in a...
2001 Dec 24
Fwd: what about storing free-cddb-id in comments inside .ogg ?
Is there a standard field inside OGG comments to save freedb-id of the original CD, which track was grabbed from? If not, may this be a little wish for Ogg Vorbis format specification? ========================================================================== * Forwarded by Arioch /BDV/ <> * From: "Jackie" <jackie@audiog...
2001 Dec 06
(Classical) Request for Standardization of expanded TAGS
...or imprint of the CD. ISBN if found, put ISBN or EIN of the compact disc here. ISRC documentation isn't available, but if you need it... DISCID since the EIN, ISBN, etc numbers aren't to be reliably found on the CD, nor is the catalog number reliable, the FREEDB index hash should go here TRACKNUMBER the track number on the CD ALBUM if appropriate, an album name TITLE "the work", whether a symphony, or a pop song PART a division within a work; movement of a symphony, eg. TYPE type of work, ie, s...
2002 Nov 02
P2P comments thingy
I had an idea. I find it really difficult to get all the correct comments into my vorbis files, especially since i mainly rely on the connectivity within CDex to save me from the time consuming task of getting the correct data into the files, making sure everything is spelled properlly etc. So i was just wondering if theres any viable point in the existence of a P2P comments software for vorbis. using my fabulous talent of...
2004 Sep 10
Wanted: Ripper that uses ID3V2 and FLAC
...sted to this list, hoping for a solution. But then I realized my trusty GRIP was the flawed program. Now re-ripping my CDs, I want to do it right. I need either a program that either adds the ID3V2 tags directly to the files (a better ripper), or a program that takes ID3V1 truncat- tags, queries FreeDB, gets the whole track name, and puts it into an ID3V2 tag. Has anyone used a free ripper that supports FLAC and ID3V2 tags? If so, let me know! Thanks everyone, especially Josh for this codec. -- Asheesh.
2011 Jan 09
Idea to possibly improve flac?
> did you read brian w's explanation of why FLAC appears "dead" ? the > same thing really > applies to cdparanoia, a program now more than 10 years old, maybe > even 15. some things about ripping audio CDs just .... don't change. Oh I don't doubt the basics, red book is red book and bits are identically replicable and re rippable bits. But just as I said, there
2011 Jan 10
FLAC is dead? rippable bits. I don't see any problem with taking innovation as far as is practical and saying "it's finished, no more updates". I'm not expecting FLAC or cdparanoia to be able to integrate with FaceHugger, or even to be able to query track titles online. If I want to do freedb lookups, I can use abcde (in text mode) or any of the GUI rippers, most of whom use flac and cdparanoia as back-end utilities. I like the idea of software that just works and doesn't need any further refinement. Similar to hardware that's built to last (see below)... > Guess what? Tec...
2005 Aug 13
The CDex and Flac saga continues
...e those I have a script to >batch convert them to Vorbis when I need smaller files. > >Thanks for your help, but if I can retag my existing files that would be >far better - I would rather decode and reencode my existing FLACs than >re-rip them. > >Aaron Use mp3tag.. that uses freedb to tag.. It's very good you can remove all the tags and retag so you can do your conversion from there. It handles any format you could want. Jon -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.10.8/7...
2002 Oct 27
Repository of vorbiscomment text files?
First, the in the links section of is a link to which no longer a vorbis dedicated site (it's one of those general dns parking/general index). I don't know who's the webmaster, it is implied that's Simon Yorkston, but I'm not sure. Anyway, the real rason of this mail is that I'm ripping my CDs collection, and I'm taking a
2001 Dec 07
album portion of the tags request
I wanted to post publicly my problem with Jonathan's proposed album requirements. Although I do apologize, since this thread is too big already. The idea that as a requirement one should be able to identify the exact CD a track was ripped from is not a valid requirement in my book (not for the tags at least), and I hope I can explain why. Without knowing the exact way Jonathan wishes to
2001 Sep 10
My little tools, if you're interested... :)
...number of the track) TITLE (Title of the song) DATE (Year of the song) DISCARTIST ("Artist" of the disc, for example "Various") DISCTYPE (CD, CDS, 2CD...) DISCDATE (Year of the record) DISCNAME (Name of the record) DISCNUMBER (Which part of a multi-disc volume) GENRE (ID3-genre) FREEDBID (FreeDB/CDDB Disc-ID) Regards Per Wigren -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE7nQyryjnjcyLO8HkRAk+GAJ94iZ4FXwdKUTxauF3znCMisS1mFgCePWKk s/Fs56B66b+ckf9/i8Q0XCA= =BdUe -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- <HR NOSHADE> &l...
2001 Aug 21
Title formatting for players/plugins
Hi, Peter Pawlowski's new (1.15beta) winamp decoder plugin seems quite nice, in my opinion.. The "title formatting logic" is what I've been dreaming of for ages.. Right now I've chosen "%artist / [[%[abbr20]album][-%[num2]tracknumber] / ]%title[ - %version]" I get titles such as "Artist / Title"or "Artist / Album / Title" or "Artist /
2011 Jan 10
FLAC is dead?
...tically replicable and re rippable bits. > > I don't see any problem with taking innovation as far as is practical > and saying "it's finished, no more updates". Sure, basics :) Again, I'm meaning in regard to about bugs, docs, porting and nits. > If I want to do freedb lookups, I can use > abcde (in text mode) or any of the GUI rippers, most of whom use flac > and cdparanoia as back-end utilities. Yep, if you can get their TOC tables to agree. cdparanoia, eac and cdda2wav do differ at times with this. It took raw scsi/ata commands to figure out who was rig...
2001 Dec 06
problem uploading to an rsync server
For some reason I'm having a problem uploading to an rsync server: [root@csa i386]# rsync -azvv --progress --stats /home/www/* blah@localhost::test/ Password: building file list ... done ERROR: module is read only unexpected EOF in read_timeout It claims my module is read only, but it is not: [test] uid = root gid = root path =
2002 Feb 07
AW: WinVC v0.91 released
...lace the matching strings with whatever is indicated for that expression. This way you would be much more flexible to even correct certain misspellings... just have a set of flags with every expression to specify when to invoke this expression: manual, on load of file, on building a filename, after freeDB-download, etc. Or have the possibility to route every string through an external utility (filter), with information on the operation being performed... Or implement a plugin interface... (yeah, leave the real work to those who need this sort of stuff!) Hm, just kidding?! Friedrich > -----Ur...
2003 Jul 04
Tag Recommendations Recommendations
...ges to work quite well for un-Ogged FLACs and probably APE tags (used for Monkey's Audio and patent-encumbered codecs like AAC or MPC, or maybe both). #Ogg/Vorbis#Ogg Vorbis#g You don't make a particularly good case (if you make one at all) for tagging files above and beyond whatever CDDB/FreeDB/&c. provides. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling from having well-tagged FLACs; I doubt I am representative of the general population. Granted, player/tagger support must be there, but why should J. Q. User spend his free time adding in PERFORMER data? Additionally, as someone who encodes Vorbis-styl...