Displaying 20 results from an estimated 43 matches for "fm3".
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2008 May 27
How to test significant differences for non-linear relationships for two locations
Hi List,
I have to compare a relationship between y and x for two locations. I found logistic regression fits both datasets well, but I am not sure how to test if relationships for both sites are significantly different. I searched the r site, however no answers exactly match the question.
I used Tukey's HSD to compare two means, but the relationship in my study was not simply linear. So I
2012 Jan 17
MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
Cheers and Thanks in Advance
# option 1, create model.selection object using dredge
fm0 <- lm(y ~ ., data = Cement)
print(dd <- dredge(fm0))
fm1 <- lm(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, data = Cement)
fm2 <- lm(formula = y ~ X1 + X2 + X4, data = Cement)
fm3 <- lm(formula = y ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = Cement)
fm4 <- lm(formula = y ~ X1 + X4, data = Cement)
fm5 <- lm(formula = y ~ X1 + X3 + X4, data = Cement)
# ranked with AICc by default
# obviously this works
model.avg(get.models(dd, delta < 4))
# option 2: the aim is to produce a model sel...
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
...7.5900 0.6003333
6 829.2700 0.5883333
I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model,
they all give significance.
> fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, phi2, phi3), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
> fm2 <- nls(Biomass~SSmicmen(P, phi1, phi2), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
> fm3 <- lm(Biomass~P, data = Ca.P.Biomass.A)
I hope to compare the difference among the three models, and I using
anova(). As for the example here, the three models seem not have
significant difference. However, I am confused by the negative df in the
following ANOVA table. And my question is how...
2009 Nov 01
package lme4
Hi R Users,
When I use package lme4 for mixed model analysis, I can't distinguish
the significant and insignificant variables from all random independent
Here is my data and result:
2008 Apr 13
prediction intervals from a mixed-effects models?
How can I get prediction intervals from a mixed-effects model?
Consider the following example:
fm3 <- lme(distance ~ age*Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
df3.1 <- with(Orthodont, data.frame(age=seq(5, 20, 5),
Subject=rep(Subject[1], 4),
Sex=rep(Sex[1], 4)))
predict(fm3, df3.1, interval='prediction')
# M01 M01 M01 M01
2008 Jan 25
Problem with FollowMe
extension/context FM2 at default creating local channel
[Jan 25 11:34:32] WARNING[23725]: app_followme.c:863 findmeexec:
Unable to allocate a channel for Local/FM2/2000 at longdistance cause:
[Jan 25 11:34:32] NOTICE[23725]: chan_local.c:571 local_alloc: No such
extension/context FM3 at default creating local channel
[Jan 25 11:34:32] WARNING[23725]: app_followme.c:863 findmeexec:
Unable to allocate a channel for Local/FM3/2000 at longdistance cause:
(NOTE: This log was taken just prior to making the changes indicated
below in my Followme.conf file. But the chang...
2010 Feb 09
lm combined with splines
...plot(women, xlab = "Height (in)", ylab = "Weight (lb)")
height <- women$height # 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
weight <- women$weight # 115 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 139 142 146 150 154 159 164
fb3 <- bs(height, df = 5)
fm3 <- lm(weight ~ fb3)
ht3 <- seq(57, 73, len = 200)
ph3 <- predict(fm3, data.frame(height=ht3)) # Error message about newdata. Why ?
plot(women, xlab = "Height (in)", ylab = "Weight (lb)")
lines(ht3,ph3) # no line
Thanks for the reason of this message.
Alex Randria...
2024 Jul 16
Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
...Importance: x
## Number of terms at each degree of interaction: 1 11 (additive model)
## GCV 108.6592 RSS 82109.44 GRSq 0.861423 RSq 0.86894
fm2 <- earth(x, y, fast.k = 0) # (more extensive forward pass)
all.equal(fm1, fm2)# they are identical (apart from 'call'):
fm3 <- earth(x, y, fast.k = 0, pmethod = "none", trace = 3) # extensive forward pass; *no* pruning
## still no change: fm3 "==" fm1
all.equal(predict(fm1, xx), predict(fm3, xx))
## BTW: The chosen knots and coefficients are
mat <- with(fm1, cbind(dirs, cuts=c(cuts), coef = c(...
2011 Sep 22
How to do Multiple Comparisons for a Mixed Effects Model
Hello everyone I am currently trying to conduct analysis of my graduate thesis data using a mixed effects model and I have reached an impass. When I try to conduct a multiple comparison, I get an error (See below): > fm3<- lme(abovegroundbiomass.m.2~medium*amelioration*fertilizer*treatment, random=~1|block/medium/amelioration/fertilizer) > tukeytest<-glht(fm3, linfct=mcp(treatment="Tukey"))
Error in contrMat(table(mf[[nm]]), type = types[pm]) :
less than two groups
I wonder if anyone could...
2003 Oct 15
Example of cell means model
This is an example from chapter 11 of the 6th edition of Devore's
engineering statistics text. It happens to be a balanced data set in
two factors but the calculations will also work for unbalanced data.
I create a factor called 'cell' from the text representation of the
Variety level and the Density level using '/' as the separator
character. The coefficients for the linear
2024 Jul 26
Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
...each degree of interaction: 1 11 (additive model)
> ## GCV 108.6592 RSS 82109.44 GRSq 0.861423 RSq 0.86894
> fm2 <- earth(x, y, fast.k = 0) # (more extensive forward pass)
> summary(fm2)
> all.equal(fm1, fm2)# they are identical (apart from 'call'):
> fm3 <- earth(x, y, fast.k = 0, pmethod = "none", trace = 3) # extensive forward pass; *no* pruning
> ## still no change: fm3 "==" fm1
> all.equal(predict(fm1, xx), predict(fm3, xx))
> ## BTW: The chosen knots and coefficients are
> mat <- with(fm1, cbind(dirs...
2002 Aug 11
Ordinal categorical data with GLM
...ssumes the data is nominal, not ordinal, using either glm() or loglm().
options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
X <- as.integer(gl(4, 4, 16)) - 1
Y <- as.integer(gl(4, 1, 16)) - 1
data.2 <- data.frame(Freq, X = factor(X), Y = factor(Y))
summary(fm3 <- glm(Freq ~ X + Y, data = data.2, family = poisson()))
fm4 <- loglm(Freq ~ X + Y, data = data.2, param = T, fit = T)
fm4; fm4$param
My question is this: can glm() or some other function be used in the manner
Agresti employed for ordinal count data?
Thank you,
2024 Jul 09
Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
How can I do automatic knot selection while fitting piecewise linear
splines to two variables x and y? Which package to use to do it simply? I
also want to visualize the splines (and the scatter plot) with a graph.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 16
[S] Problems with lme and 2 levels of nesting:Summary
...ations in which these models are applied. The preferred
approach to model-building in R/S-PLUS is to build the model
sequentially. I would use
fm1 <- lmer(DeathDay ~ Treatment + (1|Clutch:Cup) + (1|Clutch))
fm2 <- lmer(DeathDay ~ 1 + (1|Clutch:Cup) + (1|Clutch)) # equivalent
to your model7
fm3 <- lmer(DeathDay ~ 1 + (1|Clutch))
and then compare fm2 and fm3, say with anova(fm2, fm3). As described
below the p-value from the likelihood ratio test in this case is not
exact because the hypothesis you are testing is on the boundary of the
parameter space. However, the value returned wil...
2006 Feb 07
lme and Assay data: Test for block effect when block is systematic - anova/summary goes wrong
...n ordinary data frame rather
than a grouped data object):
Assay2 <- as.data.frame(Assay)
fm2<-lme(logDens~sample*dilut, data=Assay2,
random=list(Block = pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~1), pdIdent(~sample-1),pdIdent(~dilut-1))) ))
Now, block has only 2 levels so I prefer to treat it as fixed:
fm3<-lme(logDens~Block+sample*dilut, data=Assay2,
random=list(Block = pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~sample-1),pdIdent(~dilut-1))) ))
This works fine until I try a summary() or anova(), e.g.
> anova(fm3)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 29 824.2612 <.0001
2011 May 05
Conditional distribution plot using Model-based Recursive Partitioning
I am using the party module to estimate the relationship between the
probability of being a student and number of siblings (alive). However, I
need to include a number of relevant covariates. My code is below:
fm3 <- mob(Student ~ age + alive + sex2 + cwa + cha + cym | Religion+Servant
+ Literacy, control = ctrl, data = samp2, model = glinearModel, family
plot(fm3, tp_args = list(which = "alive"),tnex = 2, type = "simple" )
Which works fine. However, the plots generated d...
2001 Nov 23
ext3 patch for 2.4.15
this site:
says "Forbidden" when I try to access .... , where can I download the ext3
patch for 2.4.15 ?
Thank you
2014 Jan 22
Creating Namespace and locking it during runtime?
2004 May 15
Again some questions about multilevelanalysis
...mpty model:
e.model <- lme(y~1,random=~1|G)
With one explanatory variable:
fm1.lme <- lme(y~x1,random = ~1|G)
With two exp. variables, assuming that there are only maineffects for my
fm2.lme <- lme(y ~ x1 + x2+ ... + x7, random = ~1|G)
The same, adding an interaction effect:
fm3.lme <- lme(y~x1*x2,random=~1|G)
This is how far i got. Now i would like to add the z-variable into the model.
How do i do this ?
Yours sincerly
Felix Eschenburg
2000 Jun 29
Model 1: stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp
Model 2: stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.
Res.Df Res.Sum Sq Df Sum Sq F value Pr(>F)
1 18 188.795
2 17 178.830 1 9.965 0.9473 0.3440
> fm2 <- update(fm1, . ~ . - Water.Temp)
> fm3 <- update(fm2, . ~ . - Air.Flow)
> anova(fm2, fm1)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: stack.loss ~ Air.Flow
Model 2: stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp
Res.Df Res.Sum Sq Df Sum Sq F value Pr(>F)
1 19 319.12
2 18 188.80 1 130.32 12.425 0.00...