search for: fextremes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "fextremes".

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2010 Jan 07
Return values in fExtremes package
...turned from the function gumbelFit(). For example, in the following code, I would like to access 'mu' and 'beta' from the object 'para'. How should I go about doing this? Is there any generic method to access the object? ----------------------------------- >library("fExtremes") >ss <- gumbelSim(model = list(mu = 0, beta = 1), n = 1000, seed = NULL) > para <- gumbelFit(ss) > print(para) Title: Gumbel Parameter Estimation Call: gumbelFit(x = ss) Estimation Type: gum mle Estimated Parameters: mu beta 0.005449572 1.010874131...
2011 Jun 30
Saving fExtremes estimates and k-block return level with confidence intervals.
...308 1.2105666 I also want to apply gevrlevelPlot() for each "n" or group. ? #Example n <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,3) y <- c(2,3,2,3,4,5,6,1,0,0,0,6, 2, 1, 0, 0,9,3) z <-,y)) colnames(z) <- c("n","y") library(fExtremes) z <- split(z, z$n) res2 <-lapply(z, function(x){ ?????????????? m <- as.numeric(x$y) ?????????????? gevFit(m, block = 1, type = c("pwm")) ??????????????? }) > res2 $`1` Title: ?GEV Parameter Estimation Call: ?gevFit(x = m, block = 1, type = c("pwm")) Estimation Typ...
2006 Jan 30
fExtreme packages
Hello, I am a new user of R. I am trying to use the packages fBasics and fExtremes when i am running the examples I get few error. Could someone tell me what is happenig? Thank you beforehand. from Fbasics packages: xmpfBasics() Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning message: cannot open file '/usr/lib/R/library/fBasics...
2010 Aug 11
Hi. I need to convert data to time series. My problem is that when I converted my data to time series the data comes with time. I just want the date because doesn't work with "blockMaxima()". > data(bmwRet) > BMW=as.timeSeries(bmwRet) > head(BMW) GMT BMW.RET 1973-01-02 0.047704097 1973-01-03 0.007127223 1973-01-04 0.008883307 1973-01-05 -0.012440569 1973-01-08 -0.003569961
2005 Jul 27
fitting extreme value distribution
hi, rgev function gives me random deviates and I have a data set which I am fitting to an EVD,IS there a way I can plot both observed and ideal evd on the same plot thankyou Rangesh
2008 Dec 18
Random Number Generation using (Generalized) Extreme Value distribution and Pareto distribution
Hi R helpers, Is there any function in R, which generates random numbers in case of (1) Generalized Extreme Value distribution and (2) Generalized PAreto distribution for the respective given set of parameters? Regards Maithili
2013 Jan 17
error installing KEGGSOAP
...est', 'doBy', 'DoE.wrapper', 'e1071', 'effects',   'ENmisc', 'epiR', 'eRm', 'evaluate', 'evd', 'FactoMineR', 'fArma', 'fAssets', 'fBasics', 'fdrtool',   'fExoticOptions', 'fExtremes', 'fGarch', 'fields', 'flexclust', 'fMultivar', 'fNonlinear', 'fOptions',   'forecast', 'foreign', 'fpc', 'fracdiff', 'fRegression', 'FrF2', 'FrF2.catlg128', 'fTrading',   'fUnitR...
2004 May 20
Windows versus Unix packages in CRAN (Was Re: Rmetrics)
...o if not Windows". (The http://.../R/bin/windows/contrib/1.9 address of the page was, in retrospect, a big clue, sigh.) It would of course be nice if the developers had done R CMD check fBasics But if you go into the Sources directory, which I suppose you must have, for each of {fBasics,fExtremes,fOptions,fSeries} there is an xxx-00check.log.txt, so they _did_ run R CMD check. and sorted out the errors, then R CMD build fBasics Those same check logs show errors (like failure to build .dvi files). Will it work if I download the Sources packages?
2010 Oct 14
Including data in packages
Dear List, I would like to include a couple of objects in a package I am developing and I don't really get it yet. The objects should be available after package load as some functions depend on it. I tried the following: 1) Bundling all objects that I need in the file '/R/sysdata.rda' as described in the "Writing R Extensions" manual on page 7 2)
2005 May 03
(no subject)
Hi I'm a postgraduate student and I am currently busy with EVT. I am a new user to R and have been making use of the fExtremes package. Could you please tell me how to assign "blocks" by "months"? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanking you Abdullah Gierdien
2007 May 02
KS test pvalue estimation using mctest (library truncgof)
Hi, I'm trying to evaluate a Monte Carlo p-value (using truncgof package) on a left truncated sample. >From an empirical sample I've estimated a generalized pareto distribution parameters (xi, beta, threshold) (I've used fExtremes pkg). I'm in doubt on what of the following command is the most appropriate: Let: x<-sample t<-threshold xt<-x[x>t] xihat<-gpdFit(x, threshold=t, type = "pwm")$par.ests[1] betahat<-gpdFit(x, threshold=t, type = "pwm")$par.ests[2] (1) ks.test(xt,"pgpd&q...
2013 Jun 08
help needed! RMSE
i need HELPPP!! how do i calculate the RMSE value for two GEV models?first GEV is where the three parameters are constant.2nd GEV model a 4 parameter model with the location parameter is allowed to vary linearly with respect to time while holding the other parameters at constant. is there any programming code for this? i really really need help. please reply to me as soon as possible. thanks in
2005 May 03
General Question on learning R...
In the process of learning R, with a specific interest on financial time series. While I continue to get through the documents I am more a fan of learning by example and then looking up how each function is used. Any websites which post sample code for R? Thanks in advance. -- Jonathan jqm475 at
2006 Apr 04
Financial functions
In what R package(-s) can I find the entire set of financial functions that you can find in MS-Excel such as PMT, PPMT, FV and IPMT? Ciao Vittorio
2009 Sep 28
probability density function for maximum values in repeated finite samples from a normal distribution??
this is probably not really a R specific question, if so apologies for off-topic posting: I'm interested in the probability density function of the maximum values from repeated samples of size N from a normal distribution: smp <- rnorm(N, meanval, stdev) with some mean 'meanval' and standard deviation 'stdev'. I would like to know what is the frequency distribution of
2004 Jul 04
Rmetrics 191.10057
...The FAQ file has been updated, now the FAQ's are providing more information about Rmetrics. 2004-07-04 fbasics/R In function .FirstLib we set a timezone if none found in environment variables or options, as suggested by Dirk Eddelbuettel, thanks Dirk. 2004-06-30 fExtremes/R A new utility function named "gridVector" has been added which creates all grid points from two vectors which span a rectangular grid. 2004-06-29 fOptions/demo A new example file named "funDensitiesEBM.R" has been added which adds some distributions an...
2009 Mar 16
[OT] Debian now has a new section 'gnu-r'
...dbi gnu-r r-cran-design gnu-r r-cran-eco gnu-r r-cran-effects gnu-r r-cran-farma gnu-r r-cran-fasianoptions gnu-r r-cran-fassets gnu-r r-cran-fbasics gnu-r r-cran-fbonds gnu-r r-cran-fcalendar gnu-r r-cran-fcopulae gnu-r r-cran-fecofin gnu-r r-cran-fexoticoptions gnu-r r-cran-fextremes gnu-r r-cran-fgarch gnu-r r-cran-fimport gnu-r r-cran-fmultivar gnu-r r-cran-fnonlinear gnu-r r-cran-foptions gnu-r r-cran-foreign gnu-r r-cran-fportfolio gnu-r r-cran-fregression gnu-r r-cran-fseries gnu-r r-cran-ftrading gnu-r r-cran-funitroots gnu-r r-cran-futilities gnu-r r-c...
2007 Jul 19
Questions regarding R and fitting GARCH models
Dear all, I've recently switched from EViews to R with RMetrics/fSeries (newest version of july 10) for my analysis because of the much bigger flexibility it offers. So far my experiences had been great -prior I had already worked extensively with S-Plus so was already kind of familiar with the language- until I got to the fSeries package. My problem with the documentation of fSeries is that
2006 Jan 20
cron job install/update problems: tcltk can't find display (installing e.g., pbatR)
...epos = "") #failPackages is the "black list". # Things that don't build cleanly with FC4, but I # hope it will build someday soon. failPackages <- c("deldir","frailtypack","fSeries","fCalendar","fExtremes","fPortfolio","hmm.discnp","knncat","labdsv","survrec", "SciViews","RGrace","uroot","fMultivar","fOptions","gcmrec","rcom","Rlsf") #list of all currently installed...
2006 Jan 20
cron job install/update problems: tcltk can't find display (installing e.g., pbatR)
...epos = "") #failPackages is the "black list". # Things that don't build cleanly with FC4, but I # hope it will build someday soon. failPackages <- c("deldir","frailtypack","fSeries","fCalendar","fExtremes","fPortfolio","hmm.discnp","knncat","labdsv","survrec", "SciViews","RGrace","uroot","fMultivar","fOptions","gcmrec","rcom","Rlsf") #list of all currently installed...