Displaying 20 results from an estimated 152 matches for "fct".
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2005 Jan 11
global objects not overwritten within function
Dear useRs,
I have a function that creates several global objects with
assign("obj",obj,.GlobalEnv), and which I need to run iteratively in
another function. The code is similar to
f <- function(...) {
fct <- function(...) {
for (i in 1:1000)
rm(obj) #code fails without this line
I don't understand why f(), when run in a for() loop inside fct(), does
not overwrite the global object 'obj'. If I don't delete 'obj' after I
use it, the code fa...
2006 Sep 27
Converting text to numbers
I have Forecast Class and Observed Class in a data matrix as below.
> Sample1
1 1 5
2 2 4
3 3- 3+
4 3 3
5 3+ 3-
6 4 2
7 5 1
I want to find the difference between Observed and Forecast Classes.
How can I get this done?
I tried to following to convert the 1 through 5 classes, to 1 through 7
for both OBS and FCT column.
> Sample1$OBS2 <- Samp...
2012 May 15
Curva dosis-respuesta
....1197337185771, 11.7126676116462
)), .Names = c("y", "dose"), row.names = c(NA, -9L), class = "data.frame")
# curva
# install.packages(''drm'')
require(drm, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
with(d, plot(dose, y, las = 1))
fit <- drm(y ~ dose, fct = LL.4(), control = drmc(maxIt = 100000, relTol =
1e-4), data = d)
# Error in optim(startVec, opfct, hessian = TRUE, method = optMethod,
control = list(maxit = maxIt, :
# non-finite finite-difference value [4]
# Error in drmOpt(opfct, opdfct1, startVecSc, optMethod, constrained,
warnVal, :
# Co...
2008 Apr 19
mailtrain with dovecot antispam plugin
...to see what those txt files had. The
parms.txt file was fine apparently, with cat /tmp/sendmail-parms.txt i got
-f hm at hmonteiro.net notspam-hm at hmonteiro.net
Then i did the same to the message file, with cat /tmp/sendmail-msg.txt,
and i got the follwing
Return-Path: <hugo.monteiro at fct.unl.pt>Delivered-To: hm at hmonteiro.net
Received: (qmail 21616 invoked from network); 19 Apr 2008 16:21:17 -0000
Received: (simscan 1.4.1 ppid 21609 pid 21611 t 0.1451s)
(scanners: regex: 1.4.1 attach: 1.4.1 clamav: 0.92.1
/m:46/d:6803); 19 Apr 0108 16:21:17 -0000
Received: from femme-fatal.r...
2010 Oct 08
login_* options for 1.0.15
...ough to get things working
Firstly i thought about the max fd number per process, but after
checking it turned out it was already rather large, 8192 in our case. I
cannot observe any concerning I/O load either.
Besides upgrading, are there any suggestions?
Hugo Monteiro.
fct.unl.pt:~# cat .signature
Hugo Monteiro
Email : hugo.monteiro at fct.unl.pt
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307
Web : http://hmonteiro.net
Divis?o de Inform?tica
Faculdade de Ci?ncias e Tecnologia da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 Caparica Portugal
Telefone: +3...
2008 Jun 16
Lattice: Superpose bwplot on dotplot [Newbie Question]
Hello everyone
I have dataset containing a monetary value (ABS) and two factors (Fct,
Group). I am able to create useful using:
Question: What do I have to do to overlay the dotplot with the bwplot (same
data set)?
I've found a couple of posts that hinted at the possibility of doing that,
and checked the panel.superpose() he...
2005 May 10
Ericsson FCT f251m and polarity reversal
This is a little off-topic. I have an Ericsson FCT f251m, according to
the specs it supports call signalling through polarity reversals and
loop break, but it's currently disabled.
On my PSTN line, my TelCo does send polarity switchs to signal answer
and hangup (answeronpolarityswitch=yes and hanguponpolarityswitch=yes
in zapata.conf), and ast...
2014 Mar 17
Quiero comparar varias dosis letales 50% (LD50) usando análisis probit. He
seguido un ejemplo que viene en paquete DRC, pero no obtengo el resultado
esperado. Lo que quiero es saber si las LD50s, son diferentes y si la
diferencias son estadísticamente significativas.
Gracias de antemano.
José Arturo
e-mail. jafarfan@uady.mx <grejon@uady.mx>
e-mail alterno. jafarfan@gmail.com
2007 Mar 10
long character string problem
Hi All
I am having 2 very long character strings (550chars) and I want to put them as
expressions together with c(). The problem is that I also get these
double-quotes, as seen below in 'fct'. How can I remove these double-quotes? I
tried as.name() but it did not work (because of size?). These are creating
trouble with subsequent programs, which I tested with strings that for some
reason do not have these double quotes (see very bottom).
> cum1
2005 May 25
Weird function call problem
...ollowing code (data.n is a matrix of numeric values):
mlmfit <- lm(data.n ~ 1)
mlmfit0 <- lm(data.n ~ 0)
If I run it just like this from the console, it works just fine. If,
however, I call it from within a function, e.g. using
fct <- function(data.k) {
# same code with data.n replaced by data.k
It gives me
> fct(data.n)
lm(formula = data.k ~ 1)
Error in anova.mlmlist(object = mlmfit, mlmfit0, test = "Spherical") :
Object "mlmfit" not found
What cau...
2008 Jun 16
Lattice: Superpose bwplot and dotplot [newbie question]
Hello everyone
I have dataset containing a monetary value (ABS) and two factors (Fct,
Group). I am able to create useful using:
Question: What do I have to do to overlay the dotplot with the bwplot (same
data set)?
I've found a couple of posts that hinted at the possibility of doing that,
and checked the panel.superpose() hel...
2012 May 01
Optim (fct): Parameters=LowerBounds
...l much like a chainsaw that can as easily cut your arm off as saw
a log.
On 05/01/2012 06:00 AM, r-help-request at r-project.org wrote:
> Message: 54 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 08:30:24 -0700 (PDT) From: barb <mainzel89 at hotmail.com>
> To: r-help at r-project.org Subject: [R] Optim (fct): Parameters=LowerBounds!? Message-ID:
> <1335799824557-4598504.post at n4.nabble.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Hey, i
> am trying to do the MLE for Garch and have a problem with the optim function. Initally i
> tried optim with Method=BFGS. Reading trhough the forum i...
2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
...keep only non NA
priceStore_Grps <- priceStore %>%
group_by(StorePC, StoreX, StoreY) %>%
which results in .
> priceStore_Grps
# A tibble: 15 x 4
# Groups: StorePC, StoreX [?]
StorePC StoreX StoreY meanPrice
<fct> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 CR7 8LE 532714 168302 472.
2 E2 0RY 535652 182961 520.
3 E7 8NW 541428 184515 467.
4 KT2 5AU 517917 170243 522.
5 N17 6QA 533788 189994 523.
Which is fine, but I then want to give each group (e.g. CR7 8LE 5...
2020 Feb 07
[RFC PATCH v7 47/78] KVM: introspection: add a jobs list to every introspected vCPU
...inux/kvmi_host.h b/include/linux/kvmi_host.h
index ca2db8043a53..1d80d233fbd5 100644
--- a/include/linux/kvmi_host.h
+++ b/include/linux/kvmi_host.h
@@ -11,8 +11,18 @@ struct kvm_vcpu;
+struct kvmi_job {
+ struct list_head link;
+ void *ctx;
+ void (*fct)(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, void *ctx);
+ void (*free_fct)(void *ctx);
struct kvm_vcpu_introspection {
struct kvm_vcpu_arch_introspection arch;
+ struct list_head job_list;
+ spinlock_t job_lock;
struct kvm_introspection {
diff --git a/virt/kvm/introspection/kvmi.c b/virt/kvm/introspe...
2009 Mar 08
Using account alias as login
I use dovecot with a LDAP backend for user account and aliases. The aliases
are objects of the class couriermailalias.
Some users would like to use the alias address as POP/IMAP login instead of
the 'true' account.
Is this possible?.
I am using dovecot version 1.0,10, from ubuntu hardy packages.
Thanks for any answer,
2008 Apr 21
odd behaviour with antispam plugin
in my dspam database there has been some odd behaviour:
during training dspam had created an uid entry named by the local part
of the email. i.e.:
I use a virtual setup using dovecot, postfix and postfixadmin. On my
first try I set up a database for dspam itself and there this happened.
After I couldn't figure out how to solve this, I merged the database
into the postfixadmin
2008 Feb 04
backup strategy
what's the prefered way to backup users mail?
i use doevcot shipping with debian/etch an maildir.
2008 Feb 11
mailbox not acceced
I wonder how can I know if a mailbox is not beeing consulted. I mean I
have severals mailboxs but I know some account are not used. I like to
know how to determine wich mail accounts are not beeing used. Is there
any way in dovecot to know the las time a user loged in to dovecot?
2007 Nov 15
Is there any way to query a secure imap server for certificate details
Stewart Dean, Unix System Admin, Henderson Computer Resources
Center of Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504
sdean at bard.edu voice: 845-758-7475, fax: 845-758-7035
2007 Apr 02
testing LDAP connections
...is, is there any way to make dovecot re-open a new
connection if there is a timeout while trying to use a connection
already opened? I believe that this could be of great benefit for those
who don't have their servers on the same physical network.
Thanks in advance,
Hugo Monteiro.
ci.fct.unl.pt:~# cat .signature
Hugo Monteiro
Email : hugo.monteiro at fct.unl.pt
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307
Centro de Inform?tica
Faculdade de Ci?ncias e Tecnologia da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 Caparica Portugal
Telefone: +351 212948596 Fax: +351 21294854...