search for: fbml

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "fbml".

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2008 Mar 18
respond_to formats, fbml and fbjs
In my controllers I have a respond_to block for both fbml and fbjs. I created the fbjs mime type in environment.rb: Mime::Type.register "application/javascript", :fbjs However, even if I specify fbjs in a parameter name format during AJAX post requests, it is being overwritten by Rails or Facebooker as FBML. I confirmed this by placing logger....
2008 May 15
facebooker, respond_to and firefox 3 beta5/pre
Hi there, I have a controller that responds to fbml and html, with html at the top. In all browsers, this works as expected - When I''m hitting the controller from my normal app, I get html. When I hit it inside facebook, I get fbml. However, with Firefox 3 hitting the normal app, I''m getting fbml for some odd reason. Am...
2008 Jul 28
Profile updates using profile_main
...g the Facebooker Publisher to send our updates. What I had been using prior to updating to the newest Facebooker and works fine with the old FB site is this: def profile_update(facebook_user, user, install_url) send_as :profile from facebook_user recipients facebook_user fbml = render(:partial=>"/facebook/profile_fbml",:locals => { :user => user, :fb_user => facebook_user, :install_url => install_url }) profile(fbml) end My understanding is the new FB site requires that you use profile_main to get your app box posted as before, so...
2008 Jan 31
presenting validation errors via fbml?
Hi Facebookers, Is there a helper or suggested approach for presenting validation errors on an fbml form? Something to translate rails error markup to fbml:error markup? thanks Joel
2008 Oct 17
Error when posting facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser
posting ''facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser'' with {:title=>"<fb:fbml> <fb:name ifcantsee=\"A Hidden User\" linked=\"true\" uid=\"579947937\" /> wrote a <a href=\"\">caption</a></fb:fbml>", "image_1_link"=>"http://apps.facebook....
2008 Mar 12
fbml and dreamhost and nothing more) and then all I get is a HTTP 500 error...once I delete the plugin everything goes back to being fine... The only solution I found to a similar problem is to just move to another hosting company... 2. while the application works fine on facebook using iframes once I switch to FBML I get a HTTP 422 error... when I look at the application not through facebook it looks absolutely fine (of course the FBML tags are not rendered but everything else is completely normal). the problem stays the same even when there are no fbmls tags at all ! I stumbled across a post which claimed th...
2007 Oct 30
Rfacebook: iFrame vs FBML Question
I''d like for URLs like to map to Is this at all possible if my site is running as an iFrame? Or is this possible only with FBML? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group, sen...
2008 Jan 14
Setting profile FBML for a Facebook Page
Had a user add our app to a Facebook Page, Facebook Pages act like users but are more for businesses and Bands. It looks like the current Facebooker API doesn''t currently support setting the Profile FBML for a Page. The current code for setting the proflie is this: def profile_fbml=(markup)''facebook.profile.setFBML'', :uid => @id, :markup => markup) end The UID is actually hard coded to be the authenticated User. This is more restrictive than th...
2008 Jan 25
ajax with facebooker?
So if I am using fbml,canvas & facebooker, can I do ajax calls? if so how? From reading it seems they support some sort of mock ajax, but I don''t really understand, can somone explain to me? If I cant do ajax, can I still do javascript? Can I use 3rd party libs like prototype & scriptaculous? t...
2008 Aug 20
Facebook javascript (FBJS) library
...ent from the dom $(''test1'').remove(); Get a hash of calculated element dimensions width/height as integers $(''test1'').getDimensions() Update remote Update: function(target_element, response_type, action_path, callbacks, post_parameters) (FBML/RAW) Ajax.Update(''test1'', ''FBML'', ''http://...'',{ success: function(){} }) Load Remote Load: function(response_type, action_path, callbacks, post_parameters) (FBML/RAW/JSON) Ajax.Load(''JSON'',''http:/...
2008 Apr 08
Session Expired for Profile Publishing
Ok. I''m not having any success with publishing profile FBML. Example code: class WelcomeController < ApplicationController layout "facebook" ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user def index @user = facebook_session.user ... @user.profile_fbml = render_to_string( :template => ''welcome/profile''...
2007 Nov 02
Some proposed changes
I''ve got some changes queued up that I want to run by everyone before I commit. First, I''ve added a filter that sets the :format variable to "fbml" when you are in the canvas view. That means with edge rails you can use index.fbml.erb for facebook and index.html.erb for non facebook requests and the right thing will happen. This is important for doing things with OpenSocial (which is IFrame based.) I also modified init.rb to inc...
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
...imple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag) and I''m getting the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of users/new.fbml.erb: 1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get Started.</h1> 2: <% form_for :user, user_path, :method => :post do |form| %> 3: <fb:editor-custom label="You are a"> 4: <label><%= radio_button_tag ''user_type'', ''student...
2008 Aug 19
RSpec raising routing errors where Rails doesn''t?
Hopefully someone here can help me figure out why the ERB: <% form_for(@fund, :url => {:host => PRIVATE_HOST}, :html => {:class => ''fund'', :multipart => true}) do |f| %> raises an error in my specs: No route matches {:action=>"index"} but works fine in my app and generates the following, desired HTML: <form
2008 Mar 06
patches on the rubyforge tracker
Hi I just made some changes / additions for myself in facebooker and posted the patches on rubyforge, e.g.: func=detail&aid=18639&group_id=4187&atid=16130 (adds support for fb:dialog FBML tag) Is this the right way to do it? --simon --
2008 Jan 10
A best practices question
Hey everyone. I''ve got a best practices question. How are you guys rendering newsfeeds? We have a couple of apps where we send newsfeed items from a backend process. As such, we aren''t in the context of a controller and can''t use the rails template rendering. We''ve tried about 3 different ways to make that bearable, but aren''t having much
2008 Jan 24
getting started with facebooker
Hi, I started with rfacebook but given the recent events figure its best to move over to facebooker. I have: 1.) Installed the facebooker plugin 2.) setup my facebook app (fbml/canvas) 3.) created a method on controller & view to handle initial request 4.) added "ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user" to top off application.rb I am able to get to my landing page and show the facebook id of the users that comes in, but... If I try to show the...
2008 Apr 03
routes.rb definitions not working???
Hello Eveyone, I am new here, and am have no idea how to setup routes in the routes.rb file while using fbml. The regular map.resources :gifts map.resources :wishlists map.resources :invitations map.resources :comments does not work. This tutorial says to create a map.root, such as the one mentioned "map.root ''works...
2008 Mar 31
Problems with *_path() and *_url() helpers when using Publisher
...k about this issue, yet I haven''t seen any resolution on the mailing list yet. Here is an example stub method that I am using the partial in: def simple_notification(event_data, partial_name) send_as :notification from event_data[:user] recipients event_data[:target_uids] fbml render(:partial => "event/notification/" + partial_name, :event => event_data[:event]) end Note, _path() and _url() helpers work flawlessly from the simple_notification method''s context, but fails miserably inside the partial. I assume this issue also exists with asset h...
2008 Jan 25
form formatting
If I want to use fbml elements and rails tags, is there a way to do within a fb:editor? if I do: <% facebook_form_for(:task, at task,:url => create_task_path) do |f| %> Assign Task To: <%= fb_friend_selector %> <%=f.text_field :ttype, :label=> "Title"%> <%=text_f...