Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4018 matches for "favorables".
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2011 Aug 27
Asking Favor For "Remove element with Particular Value In Vector"
Dear All.
I am Chuan. I am beginner for R.I facing some problem in remove element from
vector.I have a vector with size 238 element as follow(a part)
[1] 0 18 24 33 44..................................[238] 255
Let the vector label as "x",I want remove element "0" and "255".I try use
such function:
x[x>0 & x<255]
However, I am fail since same results
2013 Feb 21
Por favor, alguien que use MacOS, ¿podría hacerme un favor?: se trata de lanzar este código que indico a continuación:
quartz(title="Ventada de prueba", width=8.27, height=11.69, dpi=85)
Observación: me refiero a lanzarlo desde el Rgui (no desde RStudio).
Luego se trataría de guardar como pdf desde el menú, y enviarme ese pdf. Necesito comprobar que queda en
2017 Jan 17
Git Transition status?
> On Jan 17, 2017, at 3:01 PM, Robinson, Paul <paul.robinson at sony.com> wrote:
> - As Medhi says, according to surveys and discussions in forums like the LLVM Dev Meeting BoF, most people who care are in favor of mono-repo.
> From the online surveys, I think the split was roughly 50:50.
> I don’t know on what data you’re basis this on. I looked very closely
2006 Sep 18
Cochrans Q Test
I would like to conduct a Cochran`s Q Test in R, but have not found any
suitable function.
My first idea was: J <- as.table(matrix(c(6,16,2,4),ncol=2, dimnames =
list("C" = c("Favorable","Unfavorable"),"Drug A Favorable"=c("B
Favorable","B Unfavorable"))))
L <- as.table(matrix(c(2,4,6,6),ncol=2, dimnames =
2006 Jul 10
Polymorphic associations in reverse?
My app has an association that''s got me scratching my head.
I have Users, and Images. A User has many Images. (Yes, another
picture sharing app, but it''s for a small niche, and it doesn''t end
in -r!)
I would like to express a "Favorite" relationship between both Users
to Users, and Users to Images. This seems like the opposite of the
2012 Oct 26
Parsing very large xml datafiles with SAX (XML package): What data structure should I favor?
Hello again,
I have another question related to parsing a very large xml file with SAX:
what kind of data structure should I favor? Unlike using DOM function that
can return lists of relevant nodes and let me use various versions of
'apply', the SAX parsing returns me one thing at a time.
I first tried to simply append to simple solution of appending to lists as
I get the data. But I
2010 Sep 16
Asking Favor
Dear Prof:
My name is Chuan.I from Malaysia.I am a beginner for R.I need favor for Prof.
This is my data:
and I form it into matrix as below: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
2011 Mar 27
Asking Favor For the Script of Median Filter
Hello,everybody. My name is Chuan Zun Liang. I come from Malaysia. I am just
a beginner for R. Kindly to ask favor about median filter. The problem I
facing as below:
> x<-matrix(sample(1:30,25),5,5)
> x
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 7 8 30 29 13
[2,] 4 6 12 5 9
[3,] 25 3 22 14 24
[4,] 2 15 26 23 19
[5,] 28 18 10 11 20
2009 Mar 03
SPSS data import: problems & work arounds for GSS surveys
I'm using R 2.8.1 on Ubuntu 8.10. I'm writing partly to ask what's
wrong, partly to tell other users who search that there is a work
The General Social Survey is a long standing series of surveys
provided by NORC (National Opinion Research Center). I have
downloaded some years of the survey data in SPSS format (here's the
2013 Oct 04
Hola Carlos.
Muchas gracias.
No es exactamente lo que estoy buscando (sería genial ver que alguien tiene un paquete con la prueba de Nam-D'Agostino) pero puedo aprovechar algo de código.
Encontré alguna referencia al test de Gronnesby&Borgan en el paquete stcoxgof de Stata, pero estoy torpe para encontrar algo hecho en R (y me extraña que no haya nada)
Un saludo,
De: Carlos
2015 Jul 01
[LLVMdev] Deriving undefined behavior from nsw/inbounds/poison for scalar evolution
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bjarke Roune" <broune at google.com>
> To: "Hal Finkel" <hfinkel at anl.gov>
> Cc: llvmdev at cs.uiuc.edu, "Jingyue Wu" <jingyue at google.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 2:27:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [LLVMdev] Deriving undefined behavior from nsw/inbounds/poison for scalar evolution
2011 Apr 16
podrian ayudarme con esto:
Genere 1000 muestras aleatorias de tamaño n=10 de una población
normal con media
=2,5 y desviación 0,16. Con cada una de las muestras construya un
intervalo de
confianza al 95% para la media y para la varianza. Cuente que
porcentaje de los 1000
intervalos atrapan la verdadera media y la verdadera varianza poblacional
respectivamente. Comente los resultados
2007 Apr 22
Metaslab allocation control?
I was wondering if it''s planned to give some control over the metaslab allocation into the hands of the user. What I have in mind is an attribute on a ZFS filesystem that acts as modifier to the allocator. Scenarios for this would be directly controlling performance characteristics, e.g. having system and application files being allocated on the inner side of the platter while pushing
2023 Jun 29
favor de atender
A su direcci?n de correo electr?nico le mand? un email de invitaci?n pero no he recibido respuesta alguna (?Esta a?n vigente esta direcci?n?). Dentro del correo hay una invitaci?n para un evento a nivel nacional que liderar? un experto en el tema sobre la Protecci?n Contra Demandas Laborales. Se llevar? a cabo el 21 de Julio por zoom.
Es un curso dirigido a todo personal involucrado en el proceso
2004 Mar 04
15 minute favor?
Anyone have 15 minutes on a development installation of ocfs 1.0.9-12 to
do me a favor? Follow these 8 steps and see if you have the same
problem I'm having? It doesn't look to me like a hardware issue but if
someone else does NOT have the same problem then I can rule ocfs out.
1. install ocfs-2.4.9-e-enterprise-1.0.9-12 and 1.0.9-12 tools
2. create a new filesystem
node1# mkfs.ocfs -b
2006 Nov 02
a extension intentionally dropped in favor of * ?
I have several diaplans that used the exten 'a' to handle the '*' key.
They all stopped working some time in the last few releases of *
Was 'a' intentionally dropped as a standard extension in favor of using
'*' in the dialplan?
Exten => a,1,dosomething used to work, now you must use exten =>
-------------- next part
2014 Oct 21
Fwd: A CentOS list favor, please: an ethtool question
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <m.roth at 5-cent.us>
Date: Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 2:33 PM
Subject: A CentOS list favor, please: an ethtool question
To: Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>
Hi, Les,
May I ask you to forward this to the list? I know I got one email from
Karanbir after he modded me so that I couldn't post to the list... but
in the last week,
2012 Nov 19
[LLVMdev] Poll Results: Do you prefer Git or SVN for LLVM development?
Thank you everyone for your participation.
A few flaws in my poll:
1) Favoring Git: Subversion supporters are more likely to be split
between the last two options.
2) Favoring SVN: Timing of the poll went from Friday night to Monday
morning, which probably favored the open source community to 9-to-5ers
on private forks.
3) Favoring radicals: Too easy to cheat. Requiring a login or email
2010 Jan 28
Recoding Variables in R
VAR 980490
Some people have suggested placing new limits on foreign
imports in order to protect American jobs. Others say
that such limits would raise consumer prices and hurt
American exports.
Do you FAVOR or OPPOSE placing new limits on imports, or
haven't you thought much about this?
1. Favor
5. Oppose
8. DK
9. NA; RF
0. Haven't thought much about this
I am trying to
2013 Oct 04
Una duda....
Alguien sabe si hay algo hecho en R para comprobar si un modelo de supervivencia está bien calibrado?
(usando las pruebas de Nam-D'Agostino o de Gronnesby & Borgan).
Un Saludo,
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños
Dirección Xeral de Innovación e Xestión da Saúde Pública
Consellería de Sanidade
Xunta de Galicia