search for: factor3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "factor3".

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2013 Mar 06
Ggplot2: Moving legend, change fill and removal of space between plots when using grid.arrange() possible use of facet_grid? extensively searched the internet and have I missed something obvious, it was due to # tiredness and not to lazyness. # Some dummy data: mydata<- data.frame(factor1 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 80)), factor2 = factor(rep(c(1:5), each = 16)), factor3 = factor(rep(c(1:4), each = 4)), var1 = rnorm(120, mean = rep(c(0, 3, 5), each = 40), sd = rep(c(1, 2, 3), each = 20)), var2 = rnorm(120, mean = rep(c(6, 7, 8), each = 40), sd = rep(c(1, 2, 3), each = 20))) # Splitting data i...
2009 Dec 08
{Lattice} help.
Hi All, I have a 4-dimensional data. I'm using barchart() function from lattice package. The R code and data are below - code includes one for stack=TRUE and other for stack=FALSE. I would like to present the data in another form which would be plotting Factor3 levels (P, Q, R, S) as two stacked bars (side by side). Like, for each level of Factor1 there should be two bars: first bar showing stacked values of "P" and "Q" and the adjacent bar showing stacked values of "R" and "S". Is it possible using barchart() funct...
2013 Mar 07
ggpliot2: reordering of factors in facets facet.grid(). Reordering of factor on x-axis no problem.
...quot;, "A", "B" instead of alphabetical. My normal methods do not work. with kind regards Anna Zakrisson # Some dummy data: mydata<- data.frame(factor1 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 80)), factor2 = factor(rep(c(1:5), each = 16)), factor3 = factor(rep(c(1:4), each = 4)), var1 = rnorm(120, mean = rep(c(0, 3, 5), each = 40), sd = rep(c(1, 2, 3), each = 20)), var2 = rnorm(120, mean = rep(c(6, 7, 8), each = 40), sd = rep(c(1, 2, 3),...
2009 Aug 11
loadings function (PR#13886)
Full_Name: Mike Ulrich Version: 2.9 OS: Mac OSX Submission from: (NULL) ( The help documentation for loadings() lists more then one parameter. The function call only expects one parameter. The digits, cutoff, and sort parameters are not used in the function. ## S3 method for class 'loadings': print(x, digits = 3, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class
2009 Mar 31
Factor Analysis Output from R and SAS
...473451 #v6 0.4086076 0.4326113 0.4320310 0.4323259 0.9473451 1.0000000 factanal(m1, factors=3) # varimax is the default # Output from R #Call: #factanal(x = m1, factors = 3) #Uniquenesses: # v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 #0.005 0.101 0.005 0.224 0.084 0.005 #Loadings: # Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 #v1 0.944 0.182 0.267 #v2 0.905 0.235 0.159 #v3 0.236 0.210 0.946 #v4 0.180 0.242 0.828 #v5 0.242 0.881 0.286 #v6 0.193 0.959 0.196 # Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 #SS loadings 1.893 1.886 1.797 #Proportion Var 0.316 0.314 0.300 #Cumulative Var 0.31...
2009 Dec 03
(Grouped + Stacked) Barplot
Hi All, I have googled and tried finding if someone has ever tried producing (Grouped + Stacked) Barplot. I couldn't find one. My data needs to be reshaped, but once it is done it would be something like this: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Value A X P 10 A X Q 20 A Y P 20 A Y Q 5 A Z P 20 A Z Q 10 B X P 20 B X Q 10 B Y P 30 B Y Q 50 B Z P 10 B Z Q 20 There are three categorical variables (Factor1, Factor2, and Factor3 havin...
2010 Jan 12
How to get minimum value by group
...of minimum values from groups in another data set. The following almost does what I want. (Note, I'm using the word factor differently from it's meaning in R; bad choice of words) myframe = data.frame(factor1 = rep(1:2,each=8), factor2 = rep(c("a","b"),each=4, times=2), factor3 = rep(c("x","y"),each=2, times=4), y=1:16) attach(myframe) minimums = by(y, list(factor1, factor2,factor3), min) detach(myframe) The problem is that "minimums" is object of class "by", which looks like some kind of array with the number of dimension equal to...
2005 Apr 05
extracting Proportion Var and Cumulative Var values from factanal help in the followings: I'm doing factor analysis and I need to extract the loading values and the Proportion Var and Cumulative Var values one by one. Here is what I am doing: > fact <- factanal(na.omit(gnome_freq_r2),factors=5); > fact$loadings Loadings: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5 b1freqr2 0.246 0.486 0.145 b2freqr2 0.129 0.575 0.175 0.130 0.175 b3freqr2 0.605 0.253 0.166 0.138 0.134 b4freqr2 0.191 0.220 0.949 b5freqr2 0.286 0.265 0.113 0.891 0.190 b6freqr2 0.317 0.460 0.151...
2011 Apr 27
multiple comparisons on a between factor i hope to get some valuable insights from you. i run an ANOVA with four factors; factor4 is an between factor (two different groups measured), the others are withins (tested across /all/ subjects). accordingly, my model looks as follows: fm1 <-aov(dataSubjects~(factor1*factor2*factor3*factor4)+Error(subject/(factor1* factor2*factor3))+factor4,data=mydata) print(summary(fm1)) so far so good. i now would like to perform multiple comparisons, but separately for each level of factor4 (two). this is how I do it: i sort out (using subset) the levels im interested in co...
2006 Aug 11
- factanal scores correlated?
...1,1,1,6,4,5) v6 <- c(1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,4,3,1,1,1,2,1,6,5,4) m1 <- cbind(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) myfac <- factanal(m1, factors=3, scores="regression")# cor(myfac$scores) *********************************************** Tells me Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor1 1.000000000 0.001624383 0.002862785 Factor2 0.001624383 1.000000000 0.001956953 Factor3 0.002862785 0.001956953 1.000000000 which means that factor correlations are indeed quite low with regard to interpretation issues, but an analysis of a larger dataset yielded factor intercorrelations...
2003 Jan 20
make check for R-1.6.2 on IBM AIX
...Uniquenesses: height arm.span forearm lower.leg weight 0.127 0.005 0.193 0.157 0.090 bitro.diameter chest.girth chest.width 0.359 0.411 0.490 Loadings: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 height 0.886 0.267 -0.130 arm.span 0.937 0.195 0.280 forearm 0.874 0.188 lower.leg 0.877 0.230 -0.145 weight 0.242 0.916 -0.106 bitro.diameter 0.193 0.777 chest.girth 0.137 0.755 chest.width 0.261 0....
2002 Jul 08
factanal results interpretation - am I right here?
...= na.omit) Uniquenesses: yrelerr.PathRot relerr.Yaw relerr.PathRel.Orn Spat Orn FD 0.005 0.163 0.587 0.005 0.005 0.005 Loadings: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 yrelerr.PathRot 0.483 0.871 relerr.Yaw 0.910 relerr.PathRel.Orn -0.473 -0.233 0.368 Spat 0.983 0.167 Orn 0.168 0.982 FD 0.949 0.147 0.271 # for Modality==Vis: Uniquenesses: yrelerr.PathRot relerr.Y...
2008 Jun 10
Problem with by(... , median)
...w to R, I have been using SAS for a while. Not surprisingly, I find R much better in graphics, which is publication ready right away. Recently, I have been trying to calculate some basic statistics using R. I have a dataset of multiple rows per subject. For example: Subject Date Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 P1 0.5 1 1 3 P1 1 3 2 5 P1 2 3 5 NA ... P2 0.5 1 6 4 P2 1 2 NA 7 P2 2 3 1 2 ... I wanted to get the 'by subject' statistics of the factors. I used the following code: a=by(dat1, dat1$Subject, mean, na.rm=TRUE) - this is for a mean. However, when I try that with a 'median', I get...
2006 Feb 24
Extracting information from factanal()
Dear list members, I apologize for putting this (probably) very basic question on the mailing list. I have scanned through the R website (using search) but did not found an answer. (code included below) A factor matrix is simply extracted (which can then subsequently be exported using write.table) by FACT$loadings[1:6,]. I would also like to specifically extract and export
2004 Nov 30
I am having difficulty obtaining the scores from my principal component analysis. I have used this method before and have had no problems. The data set that I am using this time is similar to what I have used in the past. What do I need to do to my dataset in order for me to obtain these scores? R screen says the following message Error in factanal(covmat = pasa.cov, factors = 4) :
2009 Jan 09
recursive relevel
Dear list, I'm having second thoughts after solving a very trivial problem: I want to extend the relevel() function to reorder an arbitrary number of levels of a factor in one go. I could not find a trivial way of using the code obtained by getS3method("relevel","factor"). Instead, I thought of solving the problem in a recursive manner (possibly after reading
2003 Nov 09
How to create unique factor from two factors? + Boostrap Q
This might be easy but I'm very new to R and this question doesn't seem to have any nice keywords that bring up relevant search results when I search the CRAN search engine. Therefore, I'll plead (as I have in the recent past) Newbie status. I have a data frame with two factors (Factor 1 and 2) which together specify another unique level. I want to create a third factor in the
2008 Dec 26
lm() with same formula but different column/factor combinations in data frame
...uot;M") * (TEST1[[3]]=="1") ) * (TEST1[[4]]=="2X2"), ]) *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Desired Output format (or something simlar): Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Intercept M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 1) 20232 x x x x x x x x x x x x 2) B x x x x x x x x x x x x 3) E...
2010 Sep 07
repeated measurements ANOVA
Dear list, i am setting up a GLM for a repeated measurement ANOVA using the lm and ANOVA function. my design contains four factors with 5, 5, 2 and 2 (= 14) levels, respectively. the data are stored in a data.frame with six columns, one for the data themselves and the remainings for the factors where strings indicate the factor levels in each row. now i would like to restructure this
2010 Nov 14
sum in vector
hy guys i have one question :) i have two vectors markets and price market <- c(1, 5, 7, 9, 9, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1) price <- c(100, 20, 30, 10, 50, 23, 23, 33, 96, 6, 4, 38, 96) i would like sum prices: market 1: (100+4+96), market 2: (38),..., market 9: (10+50) ao i would like get this result: (200, 38, ..., 60) and i don't wanna use while, for loops... is there any other function