Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "f1b".
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2004 Nov 24
what does order() stand for in an lme formula?
lm(formula = y1 ~ x1 + f1 - 1, data = dat1)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-7.1774 -2.9020 -0.1616 2.3576 10.0103
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
x1 -0.06173 0.09318 -0.663 0.512
f1A 35.25704 1.43540 24.563 <2e-16 ***
f1B 54.98193 1.25519 43.804 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1
Residual standard error: 3.851 on 39 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9928, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9923
F-statistic: 1799 on 3 and 39 DF, p-value: <...
2015 Dec 19
[PATCH] nvc0: add hardware ETC2 and ASTC support where possible
...ETC2_RGB, t),
+ C4B(ETC2_RGB8A1, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA1, t),
+ C4B(ETC2_SRGB8A1, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA1, t),
+ C4B(ETC2_RGBA8, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA, t),
+ C4B(ETC2_SRGBA8, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA, t),
+ F1B(ETC2_R11_UNORM, NONE, C0, xx, xx, xx, UNORM, ETC2_R11, t),
+ F1B(ETC2_R11_SNORM, NONE, C0, xx, xx, xx, SNORM, ETC2_R11, t),
+ F2B(ETC2_RG11_UNORM, NONE, C0, C1, xx, xx, UNORM, ETC2_RG11, t),
+ F2B(ETC2_RG11_SNORM, NONE, C0, C1, xx, xx, SNORM, ETC2_RG11, t),
+ C4B(ASTC_4x4,...
2008 Mar 02
new to latex to pdf
...ny pointers.
I'm running R 2.6.0 on Windows XP and have Miktex 2.7 installed.
I've reproduced the code below, taken from Frank Harrell's latexsummary
introduction. My question relates to getting a pdf version of the table
from the following code. The pdfs of the graphics (f1a and f1b)
generated by setpdf are fine. However, after a number of attempts using
different methods, I don't seem to be able to get a pdf of the table
from the s1 object (I see the right table in my previewer just fine).
I've tried texi2dvi (texfilename, pdf=T) but get only a series of errors...
2005 Oct 23
question about technieque do with large computation
The green book tells:"The basic technique is classic :keep it simple ."A long ,complicated expression or function is less fravorable than" a relatively small computations that combines calls to a few other functions to perform its tasks."
But I don't get the point totally.Can anyone give me an example to make me understand this rules totally?
Is it mean that f1 is
2015 Feb 13
doveadm deduplicate commands
On 13.2.2015 16:59, Kevin Laurie wrote:
> Dear Jiri,
> I tried the following to try to get the inbox deduplicated. My inbox is
> quite large and urgently need to remove the duplicated messages.
> Is there an easy way to do this?
> Sorry for being so presistant but I need help.
> The command I tried:-
> doveadm deduplicate -u user at domain.net mailbox inbox
2015 Dec 19
[PATCH] nvc0: add hardware ETC2 and ASTC support where possible
...C4B(ETC2_RGB8A1, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA1, t),
> + C4B(ETC2_SRGB8A1, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA1, t),
> + C4B(ETC2_RGBA8, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA, t),
> + C4B(ETC2_SRGBA8, NONE, C0, C1, C2, C3, UNORM, ETC2_RGBA, t),
> + F1B(ETC2_R11_UNORM, NONE, C0, xx, xx, xx, UNORM, ETC2_R11, t),
> + F1B(ETC2_R11_SNORM, NONE, C0, xx, xx, xx, SNORM, ETC2_R11, t),
> + F2B(ETC2_RG11_UNORM, NONE, C0, C1, xx, xx, UNORM, ETC2_RG11, t),
> + F2B(ETC2_RG11_SNORM, NONE, C0, C1, xx, xx, SNORM, ETC2_RG11, t),
> +
2008 May 10
Compact Indicator Matrices
An indicator matrix is a binary matrix with orthogonal columns whose
rows sum to 1. A row of this matrix could be [0 1 0 0]. My problem is
to group the similar rows (profiles) so that to create a compact form
of the matrix.
Is there an R function that deals with this problem or do I have to
write it from scratch?
Angelos Markos
Dr. Applied Informatics,
University of Macedonia, Greece
2009 Jun 20
how to apply the dummy coding rule in a dataframe with complete factor levels to another dataframe with incomplete factor levels?
Dear R helpers:
Sorry to bother for a basic question about model.matrix.
Basically, I want to apply the dummy coding rule in a dataframe with
complete factor levels to another dataframe with incomplete factor levels.
I used model.matrix, but could not get what I want.
The following is an example.
#Suppose I have two dataframe A and B
2002 Sep 15
...you''re not listed on some search engines! I think we can offer
you a service which can help you increase traffic and the number of visitors
to your website.<BR>
I would like to introduce you to <A HREF="http://p1j2m3a4.pdhost.com/pdsvr/www/r?1000002154.520.2.f1B$$X7EXO2KBP">TrafficMagnet.com</A>. We offer a unique technology
that will submit your website to over 300,000 search engines and directories
every month.<BR>
2005 Jul 19
When I callculate a linear model, then I can compute via confint the
confidencial intervals. the interval level can be chosen. as result, I get
the parameter of the model according to the interval level.
On the other hand, I can compute the prediction-values for my model as well
with predict(object, type=c("response") etc.). Here I have also the
possibility to chose a level for the
2016 Feb 15
[PATCH 09/23] nv50-: separate vertex formats from surface format descriptions
...4B(p, n, r, g, ZERO, ONE_INT, t, s, u)
> +
> +#define V_F1A(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
> + V_C4A(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_FLOAT, t, s, u, 0)
> +#define V_I1A(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
> + V_C4A(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_INT, t, s, u, 0)
> +#define V_F1B(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
> + V_C4B(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_FLOAT, t, s, u)
> +#define V_I1B(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
> + V_C4B(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_INT, t, s, u)
> +
> +#define V_A1B(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
> + V_C4B(p, n, ZERO, Z...
2016 Feb 15
[PATCH 09/23] nv50-: separate vertex formats from surface format descriptions
...a, t, s, u) \
+ V_C4B(p, n, r, g, ZERO, ONE_INT, t, s, u)
+#define V_F1A(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
+ V_C4A(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_FLOAT, t, s, u, 0)
+#define V_I1A(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
+ V_C4A(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_INT, t, s, u, 0)
+#define V_F1B(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
+ V_C4B(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_FLOAT, t, s, u)
+#define V_I1B(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
+ V_C4B(p, n, r, ZERO, ZERO, ONE_INT, t, s, u)
+#define V_A1B(p, n, r, g, b, a, t, s, u) \
+ V_C4B(p, n, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, a, t, s, u)
2016 Feb 15
[PATCH 01/23] nv50: import updated g80_defs.xml.h from rnndb
From: Ben Skeggs <bskeggs at redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <bskeggs at redhat.com>
src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nv50/g80_defs.xml.h | 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 279 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nv50/g80_defs.xml.h
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nv50/g80_defs.xml.h