search for: exlcud

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "exlcud".

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2010 Aug 09
In Rsyncd not work options exclude, exlcude from and charset
Daemon was started and tested on two different OS. FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT: # rsync --version rsync version 3.0.7 protocol version 30 Copyright (C) 1996-2009 by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others. Web site: Capabilities: 64-bit files, 32-bit inums, 64-bit timestamps, 64-bit long ints, socketpairs, hardlinks, symlinks, IPv6, batchfiles, inplace, append,
2005 Sep 20
How to exclude a level from a factor
Hi, I could not use 'exlcude=' option in factor() to exclude a level from a existing factor. x is a factor: > x [1] a b c Levels: a b c > factor(x,exclude="c") [1] a b c Levels: a b c Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion However, "c" is not coded as NA. The following does not work eit...
2011 Jan 28
(no subject)
...have a data set with each column containing data like this: row column1 1 1.2 2 NA 3 NA 4 3 5 5 6 NA 7 1.5 8 NA 9 NA 10 NA 11 3 12 NA 13 3 14 NA 15 NA 16 NA 17 NA 18 3 19 1.2 20 NA >From this I would like to extract the sequence containing at least three rows of 3 in a row (exlcuding NAs). I would also like to have the row numbers showing the place of the last number unequal to 3 befor the first 3 in the sequence and the place of the next number after the last 3 in the sequence. So in this example I would get 11 to 18 as the sequence rows and row 7 to 19 as the rows showing...
2010 Mar 28
New tutorial and script for rsync resources page
The rsync tutorial is for new rsync users. Three small backup examples thoroughly explain rsync --link-dest, --recursive, and --exlcude-from options.? rsync2u is a job-driven script that uses rsync to backup files to a local USB device or harddrive.? Someone please post the above lines on the rsync resources page: http://samba.anu....
2015 Apr 13
How to discern when like dir names exist in 2 places
Kevin Korb <kmk at> writes: > -/ /var/apache2/* Thanks for the input, but unless I'm doing something else screwy, that does not appear to work here. I put your line verbatim into my exlcude file (near the top) /pkg/* /sadm/* /cache/* /opt/csw/cache/* -/ /var/apache2/* /tmp/* ------- ------- ---=--- ------- ------- My actual task here is an rsnapshot run that collects files Here /var/ and here /etc/ (a few other places as well as w...
2006 Nov 15
Correlations not in sync with r2 from regression
...t;) print(corpearson) corkendall<-cor(minutereturnsa,minutereturnsb,method="kendall",use="pair wise.complete.obs") print(corkendall) corspearman<-cor(minutereturnsa,minutereturnsb,method="spearman",use="pa irwise.complete.obs") print(corspearman) # EXLCUDE POSSIBLE Nas # DO A REGRESSION # PLOT FITTED VERSUS ACTUAL options(na.action=na.exclude) returnreg<-lm(minutereturnsb ~ minutereturnsa) regsumm<-summary(returnreg) print(regsumm) plot(minutereturnsa,minutereturnsb) lines(minutereturnsa,fitted(returnreg)) -----------------------------------...
2015 Oct 07
Samba 4 PDC and Windows Join
...ase you use Roaming Profiles. I'm trying this for weeks now without success. With the standard exclusions in [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ExcludeProfileDirs] almost nothing is saved. I can't run any Apps. And if you change the registry key and include (=not exlcude) AppData\Local\* I can't even open the start menu. I already mentioned this problem to MS and on this list. But nobody answers. I still can't believe, I'm the only one since I got the same problem with 6 machines on a clean Windows 10 installation, each. So at least I'm intere...
2015 Apr 13
How to discern when like dir names exist in 2 places
with these rsync rsync [...] /var/ /dir/ rsync [...] /etc/ /dir2/ And exclude file: excl /apache2/* That will exclude both /var/apache2/* and /etc/apache2/* How can I tell rsync I want /var/apache2 excluded, but not /etc/apache2? I mean short of using separate excl files for each run Using something like the start of an absolute name:
2015 Apr 13
How to discern when like dir names exist in 2 places
...s? On 04/13/2015 12:44 PM, Harry Putnam wrote: > Kevin Korb <kmk at> writes: > >> -/ /var/apache2/* > > Thanks for the input, but unless I'm doing something else screwy, > that does not appear to work here. > > I put your line verbatim into my exlcude file (near the top) > > /pkg/* /sadm/* /cache/* /opt/csw/cache/* -/ /var/apache2/* /tmp/* > ------- ------- ---=--- ------- ------- > > My actual task here is an rsnapshot run that collects files > > Here /var/ and here /etc/ (a few other plac...
2003 Jun 25
delete exclusion
Is it possible to use rsync to mirror a group of files, deleteing most files from the mirror when they disappear from the source, but not deleting a certain set of files that match a pattern if they disappear from the source? Thanks. Greg Brauer
2003 Jul 29
Help using --exclude
...yntax for the --exclude option. I hope someone can give me some insight. The command I'm using is: rsync --archive --cvs-exclude --exclude=.mozilla/**/Cache/ --exclude *.core --numeric-ids --relative --verbose /export/home/erin isengard::shadowfax An example of a file that I would like to exlcude is: /export/home/erin/.mozilla/default/4lizkxa3.slt/Cache/00FBBBF2d01 My hope was the exclude pattern .mozilla/**/Cache/ would prevent the Cache directory and all files within it from being copied. However, this is not the case and all files in the directory are being transfered. You're h...
2015 Oct 02
Samba 4 PDC and Windows Join
If I setup a samba 4 PDC (not AD) like I do with samba 3, I still have to change the follow registry key on Win 7/8/?/10 for join it to samba domain ? > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] > "DomainCompatibilityMode"=dword:00000001 > "DNSNameResolutionRequired"=dword:00000000 > >
2000 May 17
Openssh-2.1.0p1 test release
This to announce a test release of 2.1.0p1 before making it widely available. This release includes many fixes to problems reported over the last week. In particular: - spurious error and coredumps caused by the inbuilt entropy gathering - RSAref detection - Compilation fixes for Solaris and others It also contains (completely untested) support for compiling without RSA support. This may be
2009 Sep 09
dtrace overhead and proper measuring technique
I''m trying to time a function within Firefoxwith a pid$target probe [2]. e.g dtrace -Zqw -x dynvarsize=64m -x evaltime=preinit -p 13954 -s menu- construct.d -s sigcont.d elapsed: 12.7942481ms cpu : 7.7911194ms count : 40 times I''m also measuring Firefox startup time by running it arguments like this: ... file:///Users/joelr/work/mozilla/startup/startup.html#`python