Displaying 20 results from an estimated 32 matches for "esthet".
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2010 May 20
esthetics --- extending the lm command to fixed effects?
dear R wizards:
not important. more a curiosity or esthetics question.
is there a way to extend the standard lm command, so that it takes a new
argument that handles fixed effects? right now, I have (provided to me
from an expert---I would have never figured this one out):
diffid <- function(h,id) {
id <- as.factor(id)[, drop=TRUE]...
2006 Mar 22
pbinom( ) function (PR#8700)
Full_Name: Chanseok Park
Version: R 2.2.1
OS: RedHat EL4
Submission from: (NULL) (
pbinom(any negative value, size, prob) should be zero.
But I got the following results.
I mean, if a negative value is close to zero, then pbinom() calculate
pbinom(0, size, prob). dbinom() also behaves similarly.
> pbinom( -2.220446e-22, 3,.1)
[1] 0.729
> pbinom( -2.220446e-8, 3,.1)
2024 May 24
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
Dear RHelp-list,
?? Using dplyr and the group_by approach on a dataframe, I want to be
able to apply a specific action according to the group name. The code
bellow works, but I am not able to write it in a more esthetic way using
dplyr. Can somebody help me to find a better solution ?
Thank you
Best regards
df_test <- data.frame( x1=1:9, x2=1:9, gr=rep(paste0("gr",1:3),each=3))
df_test? <-? df_test %>% dplyr::group_by(gr) %>%
? group_modify(.f=function(.x,.y){
??? print(paste...
2018 May 31
mysterious rounding digits output
...62 NA NA NA
goal 0.237 0.474 NA NA NA
digits specifies the number of significant digits ("It is a suggestion
only"), so when at least one number is padded with a leading zero it
affects the formatting of the other numbers in that column. I suspect
that this is an esthetic consideration to line up the decimal points.
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Joshua N Pritikin <jpritikin at pobox.com> wrote:
> R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) -- "Joy in Playing"
> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> options(digits=3)
> itemInfo...
2018 Jul 20
Should there be a confint.mlm ?
It seems that confint.default returns an empty data.frame for objects of
class mlm. For example:
nobs <- 20
# some fake data
datf <-
fitm <- lm(cbind(y1,y2) ~ x1 + x2,data=datf)
# returns:
2.5 % 97.5 %
I have seen proposed workarounds on stackoverflow and elsewhere, but
2018 Jun 07
git public web frontends
...like the default skin, which is that used by the Fossil and SQLite project sites, it currently ships with a dozen others, one of which you may like better. And if you don?t like any of those, anyone with web front-end skills can make a new one. Here?s a non-default skin that I made, to match the esthetics of the hardware related to the repository:
There must be advantages to GitHub?s web UI relative to Fossil, but none come immediately to my mind. I?ve asked GitHub fans to name some, and so far I?ve only gotten vague answers that amount to familiarity rather...
2018 Jun 06
git public web frontends
Set up a CentOS 7.5 VM linode for git now that github has been bought.
I'm not anti-microsoft but I'm worried they will make changes that I
don't like (e.g. requiring ms account, changing billing, etc.) so I
figured better take control now.
Currently moving my private repos and have them set up in my home
directory there, but my public repos - I want to set them up with a
2018 May 31
mysterious rounding digits output
...l 0.237 0.474 NA NA NA
> digits specifies the number of significant digits ("It is a suggestion
> only"), so when at least one number is padded with a leading zero it
> affects the formatting of the other numbers in that column. I suspect
> that this is an esthetic consideration to line up the decimal points.
> Jim
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Joshua N Pritikin <jpritikin at pobox.com> wrote:
> > R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) -- "Joy in Playing"
> > Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> >
2018 May 31
mysterious rounding digits output
R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) -- "Joy in Playing"
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
itemInfo <- structure(list("aaa" = c(1.39633732316667, 1.32598263816667, 1.11658324066667, 1.23651072616667, 1.05368679983333, 1.03100737383333, 0.9630728395, 0.7483865045, 0.620086646166667, 0.5411017985, 0.496397607833333, 0.459528044666667, 0.427877047833333,
2024 May 24
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
...12:35?PM Laurent Rhelp <laurentRHelp at free.fr> wrote:
> Dear RHelp-list,
> Using dplyr and the group_by approach on a dataframe, I want to be
> able to apply a specific action according to the group name. The code
> bellow works, but I am not able to write it in a more esthetic way using
> dplyr. Can somebody help me to find a better solution ?
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Laurent
> df_test <- data.frame( x1=1:9, x2=1:9, gr=rep(paste0("gr",1:3),each=3))
> df_test <- df_test %>% dplyr::group_by(gr) %>%
2018 May 31
mysterious rounding digits output
>> digits specifies the number of significant digits ("It is a suggestion
>> only"), so when at least one number is padded with a leading zero it
>> affects the formatting of the other numbers in that column. I suspect
>> that this is an esthetic consideration to line up the decimal points.
>> Jim
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Joshua N Pritikin <jpritikin at pobox.com> wrote:
>> > R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) -- "Joy in Playing"
2018 Jul 20
Should there be a confint.mlm ?
...n the stats package.
I agree.
It may be nicer to tweak confint.lm() instead though.
I'm looking into doing that.
> A proposed implementation would be:
> ```
> # I need this to run the code, but stats does not:
> format.perc <- stats:::format.perc
or better (mainly for esthetical reasons), use
environment(confint.mlm) <- asNamespace("stats")
after defining confint.mlm [below]
> # compute confidence intervals for mlm object.
> confint.mlm <- function (object, level = 0.95, ...) {
> cf <- coef(object)
> ncfs <- as.numeric(cf)
2007 Oct 26
(was Re: nat does not work with hvm)
...ce belongs. This way I cannot
associate special forwarding rules for certain VMs which survive
reboots as the tun device has not the same ID as the VM.
I created a workaround in qemu-ifup which first removes any firewall
rules associated with the tap device and then creates the new rules.
This is esthetically unpleasing. :-)
Are there plans to improve this situation, or is it already solved in
the HEAD branch?
Xen-devel mailing list
2003 Jul 03
Problem with digit 0 X-lite
Hello guys,
Have you guys experienced problem with digit 0 from x-lite.
I cannot access asterisk services with number containing
digit 0. For example i have voicemail with mailbox number
6100, if i login from x-lite login always fail because
asterisk only read number 61.
2003 Jun 18
== Everyone is busy at this time problem
...-- Called g1:0115601992
-- Modem[i4l]/ttyI1 is busy
-- Hungup 'Modem[i4l]/ttyI1'
someone could help?
thanks a lot,
Angelo Sampietro
IT Manager
ARC Interactive
"After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved,
Science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form.
The greatest scientists are always artists as well."
Albert Einstein
2017 Feb 09
Serious attack vector on pkcheck ignored by Red Hat
>> invent reasons to fix all the other programs on the system because the
>> library is vulnerable.
> I would say the modus operandi should be to eliminate all known attack
> vectors, including such a powerful one as the described "heap spraying?.
That sounds like an esthetic argument, not a logical argument. ?Heap spraying? sounds scary, so let?s fix it!
What I want to know is, what can you *do* with a sprayed heap caused by an unprivileged executable?
Realize that as soon as a second executable starts, it doesn?t see the sprayed heap. The kernel zeroes all reass...
2024 May 25
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
...12:35?PM Laurent Rhelp <laurentRHelp at free.fr> wrote:
> Dear RHelp-list,
> Using dplyr and the group_by approach on a dataframe, I want to be
> able to apply a specific action according to the group name. The code
> bellow works, but I am not able to write it in a more esthetic way using
> dplyr. Can somebody help me to find a better solution ?
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Laurent
> df_test <- data.frame( x1=1:9, x2=1:9, gr=rep(paste0("gr",1:3),each=3))
> df_test <- df_test %>% dplyr::group_by(gr) %>%
2003 Sep 18
Place a graphic into an R-plot
I have a graphic image in a file (say a *.jpeg or *.png file) and want to
put it into a plot. I have segmented the plot area by means of the layout
function and successfully plotted my data in the appropriate segments. I
cannot find how to put my graphic image onto the same plot. Searching the
archives has shed little light on my challenge.
Many thanks in anticipation.
> version
2010 Mar 22
using lmer weights argument to represent heteroskedasticity
res <- vector(0, mode="list")
## lme, ignoring heteroskedasticity
res[["lme.nohet"]] <- sumLME( lme(fixed = y ~ x, data = d, random = ~1
| groupid) )
## lme, heteroskedastic model with variance weights estimated
res[["lme.esthet"]] <- sumLME( lme(fixed = y ~ x, data = d, random =
~1 | groupid, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|verrorf)) )
## lme, heteroskedastic model with true fixed weights
v <- c(v0.5 = 0.5, v1 = 1, v2 = 2, v4 = 4)
sdrats <- sqrt(v / v[1])[-1]
res[["lme.fixedhet"]] <- sumLME( lme(f...
2012 Feb 28
Unexpected behaviour for RowSideColors in function heatmap
I have come across some unexpected behaviour of the function heatmap in the stats package. This looks like a bug to me, but I might have misunderstood something.
When calling the function in symmetric mode, the ColSideColors are plotted correctly, but RowSideColors appear in reverse order. This code (modified from the example on the help page) demonstrates the problem:
cU <-