Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "ergm".
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2010 Sep 19
ergm crashes
Dear all, I am doing a social network analysis using ergm. I import a rectangular matrix of data and then I build a network using the following command: ng <-network(mat,directed=FALSE)
I then attach vertex names using commands like this: set.vertex.attribute(ng,"SchoolType",mSchType) where SchoolType can take six different/unique values.
2009 Aug 17
multiple values for a factor using nodematch in ergm()
Greetings, and many thanks for any insight you can offer.
I have a network object on which I'd like to simulate an ergm() using
{statnet}. Since the network object is large, I have not copied it here.
Each vertex has an attribute "language" which can take on integer values
greater than or equal to 1.
Is there a way to use the nodematch argument of ergm(), such that it
searches for any matches in the vert...
2012 May 09
ergm model, nodematch with diff=T
Dear all,
I am new to network analysis, but since I have good data I started to read
about it and learned how to use the ergm and related packages. I generally
get interesting results, but when I run a model including sociality and
selective mixing effects for different groups, the model runs (and
converges) but I get a warning as follows:
mod <- ergm(network ~ edges + gwesp(0, fixed=T) + nodefactor("code")...
2010 Sep 23
Dear colleagues,
I have another question, which, I think cannot be answered easily by the manual. What is the effect of including both nodefactor("Gender") and nodematch("Gender",diff=TRUE)) for the same variable in the model? Judging from the output (please see below), you cant have estimates for both for boys and girls forthe nodematch command, but I thought that the
2015 Nov 17
Exporting a method to a cluster object
...could help me with the following problem (self-contained code example
I have a list of matrices and would like to apply a summary function to
the matrices in the list. The matrices represent social networks,
therefore I need to apply some specialized summary functions provided by
the ergm package. These summary statistics are contained in a summary
method. I can write a function as a wrapper around this summary method
and use lapply to apply the function to the list of matrices. This gives
me the result I want:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
edges 94 94 94 94 94
2012 May 05
Cursos de R (?)
Estoy interesado en cursos de R, ya sean presenciales (en el área
Barcelona - Zaragoza - Casetellón) o en linea. Estoy trabajando en
análisis de redes sociales (ERGM).
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2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
are desirable but quite optional.(see list below)
'slam' 'fBasics' 'bitops' 'Rglpk' 'snowFT' 'rlecuyer' 'rsprng' 'nws'
'tweedie' 'gtools' 'gdata' 'caTools' 'Ecdat' 'ergm' 'latentnet' 'degreenet'
'shapes' 'snow' 'RColorBrewer' 'statmod' 'cubature' 'kinship' 'gam'
'tripack' 'akima' 'logspline' 'gplots' 'maxLik' 'miscTools' 'sem' 'rgd...
2016 Apr 30
Graphlet degree distribution agreement in
Hi all,
I have created my network using igraph package. It provides graphlet
function to calculate number of graphltes. I want to find graphlet degree
distribution agreement of a graph. How can i achieve that..??
The package ergm.graphlets is there in r but there isn't any examples
available for usage of this package.
My R script is:
g2 <- graph.formula(A:B - A:C, X:Z - X:Y - X:B, C:Z , C:X )
Please provide help.
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2010 Jul 27
Checking package licences including dependencies?
I only recently discovered options("available_packages_filters" =
list(add = TRUE, "license/FOSS")) [cf. help("available.packages",
package="utils") in R 2.10.0 or later] which goes nicely with my
options("checkPackageLicense" = TRUE) [new in R 2.11].
But now I want to purge my library of packages I would not have
installed had I known about
2012 Mar 11
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
...endall tests (wq package) or cusum function
(Pastec package).
Updated packages
bnlearn (2.9), catspec (0.96), cda (1.1.3), clue (0.3-44), coin
(1.0-21), crs (0.15-13), cvTools (0.3.0), Deducer (0.6-2),
directlabels (2.4), doRNG (1.2.1), dplR (1.5.3), DSL (0.1-1), eqtl
(1.1-7), ergm (3.0-1), ergm.userterms (3.0-1), fda.usc (0.9.6),
frailtypack (2.2-22), games (1.0-5), gdsfmt (0.9.6), geosphere
(1.2-27), GeoXp (1.5.6), GLDEX (, gMCP (0.7-8), GSM (1.3),
hive (0.1-14), HLMdiag (0.1.5), HumMeth27QCReport (1.2.13), ibr
(1.4.1), LaplacesDemon (12.03.05), lattice (0.20-5), la...
2010 Feb 03
Installation woes for rattle (and other packages)
...tion?, ?multicore?, ?igraph?, ?biglm?,
?scatterplot3d?, ?robustbase?, ?mix?, ?spdep?, ?maptools?, ?tkrplot?, ?rgl?, ?sgeostat?,
?mapproj?, ?tcltk2?, ?tree?, ?maps?, ?quantreg?, ?oz?, ?sp?, ?DBI?, ?VGAM?, ?MCMCpack?,
?coda?, ?gee?, ?systemfit?, ?anchors?, ?survey?, ?mlmRev?, ?MEMSS?, ?numDeriv?, ?ergm?,
?latentnet?, ?degreenet?, ?abind?, ?shapes?, ?multcomp?, ?fCalendar?, ?fSeries?, ?fts?,
?its?, ?tis?, ?tseries?, ?xts?, ?lmtest?, ?AER?, ?dynlm?, ?proto?, ?digest?, ?gpclib?,
?randomSurvivalForest?, ?vcd?, ?flexclust?, ?isa2?, ?leaps?, ?proxy?, ?gclus?, ?mvtnorm?,
?mlbench?, ?SparseM?, ?xtabl...
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
...t across all the simulations. waffect is used to
assess empirically the statistical power of Genome Wide Association
Updated packages
adaptivetau (1.0), adehabitat (1.8.10), adehabitatLT (0.3.5), aod
(1.3), asypow (2012.04-1), BayesDA (2012.04-1), bayesTFR (1.5-1),
Bergm (2.3), BoolNet (1.50), bqtl (1.0-27), cccrm (1.1), censReg
(0.5-10), cherry (0.2-6), coefplot (1.1.7), coloc (1.08), CompRandFld
(1.0.2), ConjointChecks (0.0.7), copula (0.99-1), crawl (1.3-4),
deseasonalize (1.03), digeR (1.3), DistributionUtils (0.5-1), effects
(2.1-1), elec.strat (0.1.1), ElemSt...
2010 Jul 18
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
..., ghyp (1.5.3), glmnet (1.4), gmm (1.3-2), gplots
(2.8.0), gputools (0.21), gRain (0.8.5), grImport (0.6-1), gss
(1.1-5), gsubfn (0.5-3), gtools (2.6.2), gWidgets (0.0-41),
gWidgetsRGtk2 (0.0-67), gWidgetsrJava (0.0-19), gWidgetstcltk
(0.0-38), gWidgetsWWW (0.0-19), hapassoc (1.2-4), hash (2.0.1), hergm
(1.2-5), hglm (1.1.1), highlight (0.2-1), Hmisc (3.8-2), hopach
(2.9.1), ibr (1.2.2), identity (0.2-1), ifultools (1.0-7), imprProbEst
(1.0.1), impute (1.22.0), imputeMDR (1.1), inline (0.3.5), inlinedocs
(1.1), intamapInteractive (1.0-9), intervals (0.13.2), introgress
(1.2.3), ipw (1.0-5), isa2 (...